Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 247 Red Date Cake Is Not Real Red Date Cake

Chapter 247 Red Date Cake Is Not Real Red Date Cake

Su Wangjing reached out and touched the red date cake carefully again, and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the red date cake's body surface.

Then only in the body.

Jujube cake is Su Chengxi's horse, and the Su family attaches great importance to it. He also knows that Su Huaishan will not do anything to hurt the life of jujube cake.

Just when he was thinking about where Su Huaishan would hide his things, he suddenly heard a very low, very low horse cry from the corner of the stable.

He turned his head and looked over, and saw a little pony that was very similar to jujube cake lying in the corner, as if sick. Su Wangjing walked over and reached out to touch the little pony, and he felt the little pony trembling all over. , he realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and call the horse doctor, this horse is injured."

The horse doctor came quickly, checked carefully, and then said solemnly: "Master Hou, this horse's abdomen was cut, the wound is deep, and the internal organs are injured. If you can survive tonight If you don't, you should have no worries about your life, if you can't survive..."

Doctor Ma sighed, the meaning was self-evident.

Su Wangjing nodded, and said solemnly, "Do you have any problems with this horse?"

"I haven't found it yet."

The horse doctor checked the little pony carefully, and finally cupped his hands respectfully: "Your subordinate has already stopped the bleeding of the horse, if he survives tonight, he will prescribe some medicinal herbs and add it to the hay tomorrow. It will get better slowly."

If you can't survive, then you can only pluck the hair and eat horse meat.

Food and grass in the frontier are in short supply. If the horse dies, they can only pluck their hair and eat meat to provide extra meals for the soldiers, except for the war horses with great military exploits.

The foal in this stable was not yet a year old and had never been on a battlefield. Even if it was born in the general's mansion, if it died, it would not escape the fate of being slaughtered and eaten for meat.

"You show me the other horses."

Su Wangjing said with a stern expression: "I don't know who is so bold that he dares to attack the horse in the general's mansion. If it weren't for the presence of Benhou today, I don't know how many daring things the thief could do. War horses are indispensable on the battlefield Part of it is a loyal partner who fights side by side with my Yunsheng fighters, and there is no room for loss. You must check carefully, and no matter what problems you have, you must treat them in time."

"Okay, my subordinates understand."

After the horse doctor checked all the horses in the stable, he shook his head seriously and said, "Master Hou, I didn't find any problems. These horses are very healthy, but they haven't been let out for a run for a while. , the mood is a little low, if Master Hou doesn't let them go for a run after dawn, it will be much better."

"Okay, Ben Hou knows."

After the horse doctor left, Su Wangjing made sure that the thing was not on the jujube cake, and returned to the yard with some puzzlement.

When he looked up, he saw that Jing Jian was still there, holding a maroon wood carving of a horse in his hand.

Su Wangjing frowned, staring at Jing Jian, Jing Jian said in a low voice: "The junior just remembered that the Queen Mother once told the junior that when she was young, General Zhen Guo carved a jujube cake for her. That woodcarving junior has seen it before, and it is almost the same as this one. Just now when I saw it suddenly, I suddenly remembered, maybe this is the jujube cake that the general was talking about?"

Su Wangjing's face turned serious, and he didn't have time to blame Jing Jian for taking it for himself. He hurriedly stepped forward, took the wood carving from Jing Jian's hand, and lightly pressed his finger on a very small button on the wood carving's abdomen. The mouth opened slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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