Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 248 The Boy Surnamed Sang Is Related to General Hu Xiao

Chapter 248 The Boy Surnamed Sang Is Related to General Hu Xiao

The pupils of both Su Wangjing and Jing Jian shrank, and they saw that after the horse's mouth opened wide, a thin thread appeared. Su Wangjing hooked the thread and pulled something three fingers wide from the horse's mouth. Mouth pulled out.

"Is it a Tiger Talisman?"

Su Wangjing was stunned for a moment, froze in shock, and then said with a cold face: "Huai Shan is not such a careless person. He has kept the tiger amulet properly for so many years. If there is no accident, he will never put things in such a place." easy access."

The Tiger Talisman can adjust the [-] Eastern Frontier Army.

It is impossible for Su Huaishan to put the Tiger Talisman in the general's mansion casually, he must have noticed something before the accident happened, and he made such a bad move out of desperation.

Su Wangjing's face became solemn for a moment. He raised his eyes to look at Jing Jian, and after pondering for a moment, he frowned and said, "Jing Jian, now the enemy is in the light and you are in the dark. For the time being, you should not reveal your whereabouts. You have to deal with Huaishan falling off the cliff." Check it out for Benhou Haosheng. Not only is that kid surnamed Sang very suspicious, but there are also people around Huai Shan who are not clean. You must find out all of them for Benhou this time and clean them up!"

Jing Jian nodded and replied, "This junior has exactly the intention."

After pondering for a while, he said: "Master Hou, the general is not here now. Even if you are in danger, you have been away from the battlefield for too long and don't know much about the people in the army. You have to be careful. The younger generation will not leave Dong'an in a short time. City, no matter what you order, just look for the junior."

Su Wangjing nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, I understand."

Then, he looked at Jing Jian hesitantly, his eyes darkened and became very complicated, and said in a low voice: "Jing Jian, a few days ago, this Marquis heard some rumors about you and the Queen Mother in the capital city. Hou knows that it must be a rumor deliberately spread by people with ulterior motives, in order to slander and slander the Queen Mother. Now these rumors are spreading more and more outrageous, the Queen Mother will take measures to protect herself, and you will be more worried when the time comes."

As a superior person, there is no need to explain things to others, but Su Wangjing really likes Jing Jian, and he is also a person who loves talents, so he doesn't want any rift between Su Chengxi and Jing Jian.

Jing Jian nodded and said with a smile: "To be honest, the junior has already sent someone to deal with this matter a few days ago. The junior is just a bodyguard next to the Empress Dowager, but it is too much to be used by others to slander the Empress Dowager." Not only the queen mother, but also the juniors cannot tolerate it."

"As long as you can think like that."

Su Wangjing nodded, and said in a low voice: "It's getting late, and I'm tired from traveling and traveling, so I'll take a rest first, and you can find a place to stay!"

"it is good."

Jing Jian didn't live in the General's Mansion. After all, the General's Mansion was full of people and it was not convenient for him to do things. He left quickly and joined Zeng Ming.

Zeng Ming hasn't found the Tiger Talisman in the past few days, but he has also found a lot of news in Dong'an City.

"Master, that kid surnamed Sang has a close relationship with Huxiao General Zhu Zhiwen. Yesterday, my subordinates saw people from Sangzi enter Zhu Zhiwen's house and only came out in the middle of the night."

"Did you hear what they said?" Jing Jian raised his eyebrows and asked.

Zeng Ming's expression became very strange in an instant, he coughed lightly and said, "The man from Sangzi is a handsome young man."

Jing Jian didn't realize it, and frowned and asked, "What does it have to do with appearance?"

Zeng Ming was speechless for a moment, then said with a blushing face, "It is said that General Hu Xiao might have broken his sleeve."

Jing Jian: "..."

Jing Jian: "Are you serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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