Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 249 The Marquis of Zhongyi Seems to Have Got the Things Left by General Zhen Guo

Zeng Ming nodded and said: "Everyone in the army knows this well, but it's too insidious for Sangzi to control Zhu Zhiwen in this way."

Jing Jian turned his head to look at Zeng Ming, and said softly, "Check out who else in the army has been bribed by Sangzi."

"Yes, master."

Zeng Ming quickly stepped back.

Jing Jian just turned around and walked into a small courtyard, lit the candle, slowly took out the letter from Su Wangjing from his bosom, opened it carefully, and saw three pieces of paper inside.

He gently pulled the letter paper out of the envelope, slowly unfolded the letter paper, and saw that the top one was written by his son.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and after reading the letter, the corner of his mouth curled up in a helpless arc, and a deep smile spread in his eyes.

His son said that he had already learned light kung fu during his absence in the capital city, and he had almost learned the sword skills he taught, and now he was learning other things from Zhao Yi.

In the end, he strongly condemned his irresponsible behavior of leaving without saying goodbye, and said that he will be held accountable after he returns.

He could completely imagine his son feeling angry, thinking about him, and writing this letter to him very awkwardly.

He smiled helplessly, and then pulled out the letter paper in the middle. Seeing that the letter paper was written in English, he froze for a moment, then put his hand on his forehead and laughed in a low voice.

That woman really is.

There are more and more things that he perceives, does it mean that there will be more and more things that he thinks of? In his head, he is imagining the appearance of that person writing to him.

He must be holding his head, frowning, smiling all over his face for a while, sighing melancholy for a while, and writing these words with his mouth curled.

In the letter, she told how she missed him, expressed her concern for him, and hoped that he would return home soon, and talked about some things that happened around her recently.Grumble at him and finally say it's best when he's around.

Jing Jian felt distressed when he saw it, and couldn't help but use a little force with his fingers to wrinkle the letter paper. He suddenly realized that he hurriedly smoothed the letter paper carefully, stared at the letter paper for a while, and then sighed softly.

Why did he miss her.

He misses her every day.

It's just that he can't go back now.

They could only miss each other across most of the Yunsheng Dynasty.

But fortunately, their hearts are together, even if it is hard to miss him, as long as he thinks that the one he loves is also thinking about him, and looking forward to his return, he will be full of energy!

On the last piece of letter paper, she carefully explained the current intricate situation in the court, and also said some of her own methods of handling things recently, seeking his opinion.

After Jing Jian pondered for a while, he spread out the rice paper on the table and pressed it down with a paperweight. He didn't need to read it again, he could carefully respond to the letters Su Chengxi wrote to him one by one, and finally Write a list to Su Chengxi.

After finishing writing, he checked it carefully, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he used another piece of rice paper to write down Su Huaishan's current physical condition and some arrangements for Su Wangjing after he arrived in Dong'an City.

Finally, he also wrote a reply to his son.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Jing Jian packed up and rested.

"General, Hou Zhongyi seems to have obtained a valuable item left by General Zhen Guo before he disappeared."

A figure appeared in front of Sangzi's desk. He looked up, his eyes were very calm, and asked in a low voice, "Oh? Did you find anything?"

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