Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 273 Taking advantage of others' danger is the behavior of a villain

"How can you be so shameless?"

Xiao Jianmin looked at Mu Yi with a shocked face, and said sadly: "Taking advantage of others' danger is the behavior of a villain, and you actually encouraged me to be a villain?"

Mu Yi had a numb expression on his face, and then said in a low voice: "My lord, this subordinate did not encourage you, but encouraged you to pursue the love in your heart bravely. In order to get the one you love, sometimes necessary means can still be used. use."

Xiao Jianmin stared at Mu Yi's face for a while, pursed his lips, and sighed faintly: "It's a pity, King Xiang wanted Goddess to be ruthless, even if the emperor died, the person Xixi loved in his heart was still him. It would have been better if this king hadn't stayed in Dongjiang all the time, so that brother Huang wouldn't be able to take advantage of it."

Mu Yi looked at Xiao Jianmin who had a regretful face, frowned, and said in a low voice: "My lord, you are not someone who gives up easily, although the subordinates feel that there is indeed something wrong between you and the queen mother's uncle, but you If you really love it, it’s okay to be tough. A man, even if the empress dowager loves the first emperor, as long as you become her man, after a long time, if you have a son, her heart will always turn to you one day of."


In an instant, Xiao Jianmin's eyes lit up.

But then thinking of his father and aunt, his face darkened instantly, he shook his head, and sighed: "A twisted melon is not sweet, even if you have a son, it may not be able to hold a woman's heart."

His aunt was married to Su Huaijiang back then, not to mention Su Chengxi, who had a seven-year-old son. His aunt was robbed by his father, and his wish to marry him as a queen has never wavered.

Later, even though he was forced to give birth to his imperial brother, he still treated his father with cold eyes and ignored him.

The most outrageous thing is that after hearing the news of Su Huaijiang's death, my aunt foolishly took her own life.

Thinking of that past, Xiao Jianmin couldn't help but sigh and said: "This king loves Chong Xixi, and I don't want to embarrass her too much. Everyone in the world thinks that this king brought troops back to the court to deter her and his eldest nephew, and wanted to seize this cloud. There are thousands of miles of land in the Sheng Dynasty, but if this king doesn't do this, those old foxes in the court don't know what kind of bullying their mother and child are. Xixi really doesn't understand this king's painstaking efforts. I don't appreciate this king. That's all, I still wronged the king everywhere."

After a moment of silence, Mu Yi calmly said a fair word: "My lord, you are not so innocent."


Xiao Jianmin blinked, stared at Mu Yi for a while, frowned and asked, "Which side are you on? Who are you speaking for?"

Mu Yi said indifferently: "This subordinate is just speaking to be fair."

Xiao Jianmin: "..."

It doesn't have to be so fair.

Xiao Jianmin, who found nothing in Moyang City, was very depressed. He finally wrote a memorial and handed it over to Jingdu City. Although it is not worth much, it is also a small gadget that can be stored.

It is said that the cunning rabbit has three caves.

This guy Wang Guangjin wants to stuff money wherever he can.

He has never seen the appearance of money in eight lifetimes.

Xiao Jianmin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's really stupid. I tried my best to hide so much silver, but I didn't spend a single ingot until my death. It's really stupid."

Mu Yi said with emotion: "Yes! Over the years, he has used your power to do a lot of things to earn money, even committing the crime of beheading, but he didn't dare to spend the money he got, and even threw it away for it. Life is really stupid."

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