Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 274 Su Chengxi, Are You Still Sleepy?

When Xiao Jianmin heard this, he immediately frowned, and asked displeasedly: "What do you mean by taking advantage of this king's power to make money? This king has nothing to do with him. At first, he just thought that he could be promoted a little bit." It's just a moment, don't make it look like this king knows him very well!"

Mu Yi snorted and said slowly: "But he has been accumulating money in Moyang City all these years, it is indeed in your name! Not only him, the Wang family and Luo Baicheng murdered the late emperor, it was also in the name of you The banner? I’m afraid that all civil and military officials and the queen mother think that the death of the late emperor was planned by you secretly.”

Xiao Jianmin's eyes darkened, and he sneered coldly: "I don't know how the first emperor died, but if someone wants to put shit on my head, it's not so easy. The queen mother and Wen Wu So what if the officials think it was the king who did it? Present the evidence and speak again."

His brows became tighter and tighter, and he said with deep eyes: "These days, how is the matter that the king asked you to investigate?"

Mu Yi's casual smile faded a bit, and the expression on his face became serious. He shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Those people are too cunning, they calculated everything extremely accurately, and they didn't show any lies. After searching for a long time, there is no progress at all."

Xiao Jianmin said coldly: "As long as you have done something, it will leave traces. I don't blame you for not finding this king for a while, but if you haven't found it all the time, will this king have to doubt whether you are real or not?" So incompetent."

Mu Yi pursed his lips, and said softly: "This subordinate knows."

Although the prince is usually kind to him, it doesn't matter if he jokes occasionally.

But it doesn't mean that as a subordinate, he can really be unscrupulous and do nothing in front of the master.

When Xiao Jianmin returned to the capital city, he immediately went to meet Su Chengxi.

Su Chengxi raised his eyebrows when he saw Xiao Jianmin, and asked in a low voice, "King Zhennan got nothing from this trip?"

Xiao Jianmin frowned, and said in a low voice: "Didn't this king find more than [-] taels of silver and gadgets worth [-] taels of silver? The total value is [-] taels of silver. Is it nothing?"

"Wang Guangjin embezzled and accepted bribes of [-] taels of silver, and you found [-] taels of silver, and you still told the Ai family that you didn't get nothing?"

Su Chengxi snorted and said with a smile: "King Zhennan, did Aijia overestimate your ability?"

Why can't Xiao Jianmin see Su Chengxi's yin and yang aura?

She knew better than anyone else what the whereabouts of the money was.

But he chose to make things difficult for him.

Xiao Jianmin said in a calm voice: "It is true that this king is not capable enough, and I am not careful in handling things. I also ask the Queen Mother to punish me."

He didn't urgently track down the whereabouts of those silver coins, so he didn't want to argue with her.

If you really want to recover those money, it is not impossible.

But he knew in his heart where the money would end up, and he didn't want to start a dispute with her.

This woman didn't understand his painstaking efforts at all.

He was even angry with him.

Sure enough, he was as heartless as he was when he was a child.

Su Chengxi didn't expect Xiao Jianmin to admit his mistake so simply, that she couldn't fix it all at once.

She blinked, and tentatively said: "The king of Zhennan didn't get the money back, can you make up for it yourself?"

The corner of Xiao Jianmin's mouth twitched fiercely, and he couldn't help but sneered coldly: "Su Chengxi, are you still asleep, are you daydreaming?"

He didn't even bother to argue with her anymore, but this woman was fine, she opened her mouth like a lion, she was really unsatisfied.

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