Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 276 People Who Didn’t Know Thought Ai’s Family Abused King Zhennan

Xiao Jianmin stared at Su Chengxi for a while, and then said softly: "Sangzi is in the eastern border, and he is also a general of our Yunsheng Dynasty. He naturally obeys the emperor's orders. What the queen mother wants to do is to let the emperor make an order. What are you talking about?"

"What King Zhennan said makes sense."

Su Chengxi pondered for a moment, then slowly looked away, waved his hands and said: "King Zhennan can leave as soon as he wants! Ai's family will be busy later, so we won't entertain King Zhennan."

Xiao Jianmin twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a speechless face: "Since I stepped into the palace, have you had someone pour me a cup of tea or even a piece of pastry? Have you ever entertained me? gone?"

Su Chengxi raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and turned her head to tell Ru Lan: "Why are you so ignorant, why don't you show tea to King Zhennan?"

"Yes, the Empress Dowager."

Ru Lan hurriedly nodded and backed away.

Seeing Su Chengxi's fake appearance, Xiao Jianmin suppressed a mocking voice from his throat, then turned around and sat down, as if to see how Su Chengxi wanted to entertain him.

The corner of Su Chengxi's mouth twitched, and he ordered a little maid to go to the imperial dining room to get pastries.

Afterwards, she looked at Xiao Jianmin and asked, "The King of Zhennan hasn't eaten yet?"

"This king has been in the palace since he came to Beijing, and it is true that he has not eaten."

Xiao Jianmin tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair with his fingers, not to make the hint too obvious.

After a few seconds of silence, Su Chengxi said softly: "At that time, King Zhennan should eat more cakes to pad his stomach, so as not to be hungry before leaving the palace. People who don't know think that Aijia abused Zhennan. king."

"The empress dowager is worrying too much. Even if this king is hungry, he won't tell the truth."

Xiao Jianmin, the old god, was sitting on the ground. After Rulan poured him tea, he took a sip of the hot tea from the teacup, then raised his eyes to look at Su Chengxi, and said indifferently, "I heard that you are here. During the time when this king left the capital city, the emperor has conferred the title of Grand Tutor on Mr. Mo and held a scientific examination, the top three have come out?"

Su Chengxi nodded and replied: "Yes, it is true. King Zhennan has been away from the capital for too long, and it is a pity that he has not been able to see many things with his own eyes. In two days, King Changyang will enter the capital. I heard that King Zhennan I met King Changyang when I was young, so I wonder if King Zhennan will go to greet him in person?"

"Uncle Changyang Wang is an elder, as this king is a junior, how can I not welcome you?"

When Xiao Jianmin mentioned King Changyang, he suddenly thought of Su Chengyuan who was still in Kuizhou, and asked in a low voice: "I heard that there are many refugees and bandits in Kuizhou a few days ago. I don't know how to deal with it now." Speaking of which, brother Cheng Yuan may have been away from the capital city for many years, should he be transferred back to the capital city?"

"This matter, the Ai family has its own research, so don't bother Zhennan Wang to worry about it."

Su Chengxi smiled lightly and said: "So far, the matter of Kuizhou has been dealt with almost, and news will come from my brother soon."

Xiao Jianmin Youyou sighed and said: "The empress dowager is still so secretive towards this king, is she worried about what this king will do?"

"King Zhennan is too worried." Su Chengxi said lightly.

The pastry was served quickly, hot with white smoke, and the aroma was attractive.

Xiao Jianmin picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite gently, the sweet taste permeated his mouth instantly, he smiled and said with emotion: "This pastry is really delicious, soft and sweet, with a lingering fragrance. I have never eaten such a delicious pastry.”

Su Chengxi blinked, and then said: "If the King of Zhennan likes it, he can take more out of the palace to eat, or take the royal chef who made pastries out of the palace, and let him make it for you every day."

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