Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 277 Changyang King Enters Beijing

Xiao Jianmin looked at the indifferent Su Chengxi, his eyes darkened, and he squinted and said in a low voice: "If the king likes more things in this palace, will the queen mother give it to the king so generously?"

Su Chengxi's eyes moved slightly, and he said with a fake smile: "That also depends on what King Zhennan likes, whether the Ai family can afford it."

"What this king wants is naturally what you have, Empress Dowager."

Xiao Jianmin ate another piece of pastry, and said with emotion: "There are not many good things in the world, and there are only a few things that the king wants. It happens that the queen mother can give it to me, but you are so stingy, and you don't want to give it to me at all. Wang, it is really sad."

Su Chengxi felt that Xiao Jianmin was just messing around and didn't bother to talk to him.

His eyes fell on the pastry, and he said softly: "If you don't eat or sleep, you should eat the pastry raw!"

Xiao Jianmin smiled slightly, picked up the pastry and slowly stuffed it into his mouth.

Three days later.

The king of Changyang went to Beijing.

His physical condition is not very good, he has just entered the capital city, and before he has time to meet the queen mother and emperor, he has already passed out.

After Su Chengxi heard the news, he hurriedly sent an imperial physician to treat the King of Changyang.

The king of Changyang returned to the capital city this time and only brought the concubine, the eldest son and some servants who served him, and the rest of the concubines, concubines and concubines stayed in Changyang.The Changyang Prince's Mansion has been cleaned by old slaves for many years. If it is not rich and glorious in the past, it is still considered elegant.

They moved into Changyang Palace that night.

Xiao Yuhuan and Su Chengxi were having dinner in Fengwu Palace. When they heard that the imperial physician told Changyang King that time was short, they frowned and asked in a low voice, "Mother, King Changyang's health is failing. Why do you have to go back to the capital city? The imperial physician just now Having said that, if King Changyang is good at recuperating, he might be able to take care of him for another year or two, but this time the exhaustion of traveling and traveling will exhaust his energy, at most half a year will not work."

Su Chengxi raised her hand and touched Xiao Yuhuan's little head, and explained earnestly: "Because Changyang Prefecture is in a remote place and is not rich, when he opposed your grandpa's ascension to the throne, your grandpa naturally wouldn't let him have a good time. Now that he has come back in exchange for helping your uncle, he is naturally unwilling to let the lineage of the Changyang Palace stay in Changyang Prefecture."

Xiao Yuhuan nodded with a half-understanding, then smiled and said: "Your servant understands, this time the prince of Changyang came to Beijing with him, just to ask for a future, right?"

Su Chengxi pondered for a moment: "You can say that!"

She thought for a while and said softly: "You and the queen mother will go out of the palace to visit King Changyang later!"

Xiao Yuhuan nodded obediently: "Good mother."

After finishing the meal, Su Chengxi sent people to find some decent medicinal materials, and then took Xiao Yuhuan out of the palace to Changyang Prince's Mansion.

The sedan chairs of the emperor and the queen mother stopped at the gate of the Changyang palace, and everyone in the Changyang palace came out to greet them except the sick king.

Although Princess Changyang is over half a hundred years old, she is quiet and virtuous. Standing beside her is a young man with a slender figure and handsome appearance.

As soon as the two of them saw Su Chengxi leading Xiao Yuhuan's little hand out of the sedan chair, they came up to salute and said: "See the emperor, see the empress dowager."

"Princess Changyang and the crown prince don't need to be too polite."

Su Chengxi smiled slightly, leaned over to support Princess Changyang, and said with soft eyes: "This is the first time Aijia has seen Aunt Changyang Wang. Aijia has heard that Aunt Changyang Wang is very knowledgeable since she was a child, and she is proficient in everything. , was a rare talented woman in the capital, and now I see that Aunt Wang is really elegant and quiet."

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