Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 221 [221] One step too late

Nearly [-] seed packages are still a bit heavy, especially the paper package, which looks very exquisite, and does not match the seeds used by the farmer at all.

Weijing picked up one first, looked at the kid on it, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with some surprise: "Which master's handwriting is this, it can be written so delicately and neatly."

Bai Xingkuang didn't know who it was, so he could only vaguely say: "I don't know, I got it by chance."

Weijing seemed a little regretful, but after reading the content on it, he showed a shocked expression, "This, is this true?"

"What is real?" Bai Xingkui was about to leave when he heard Weijing's question again.

Weijing looked at the paper bag again, and said in disbelief: "The big dry asparagus, an angiosperm, looks like a dragon's beard, and has the effect of strengthening yang. The cultivation method..."

"Cough, princess, you, why do you want to plant such a grass?" He was too embarrassed to say something about strengthening yang!And does it really work?The princess will not be deceived, will she?
Bai Xingxuan was also a little confused, she never thought that there would be such a seed, "What, I don't know, how about this, take a closer look, if you see any weird seeds, please help me stay."

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, he added, "These seeds are quite precious, so don't lose them."

Since it is a product sold by the system, the introduction should not be faked. It is very likely that these ten thousand seeds will produce a variety of rare plants.

Leaving Weijing and the others to work hard, Bai Xingkuan went to watch the kids play, but not long after sitting down, he saw Zhao Fengji who hurried back.

"What are you going to do in such a hurry?" Bai Xingkuan looked at Zhao Fengji who was in a bit of a panic. This person was sweating from the journey, which is really rare.

"When were they born?" Zhao Fengji suddenly asked Qi Xiaozhi after dismissing all the attendants.

Bai Xingxuan was stunned, the question was too sudden, she didn't remember it too much, she needed to think about it, "I don't remember, it was last month."

Zhao Fengji was about to be laughed out of anger, Bai Xingkuang is really a good lady, "Think about it, is there a full moon?"

When he was reviewing the memorial, he suddenly thought of this question. I don't know how long since their little boy was born, so he won't miss the full moon banquet, right?Then he rushed back in a hurry.

There is no such thing as a calendar in the beastman world, and Bai Xingkuan is not one to keep dates, and they don't even have so-called birthdays, so she naturally ignored this!
"Is this important?" Bai Xingkuan looked confused.

At this time, Zhao Fengji suddenly thought of a very serious question.In the dream, it seems that Bai Xingkui took the child to the Three Kingdoms in the Southwest when he was in a coma...

In other words, when Bai Xingkuang was supposed to be in confinement, he brought his child to the battlefield!

Zhao Fengji felt dizzy and closed his eyes. If he could choose, he hoped that everything in the dream was fake!
Moreover, even if one ignores the ones in the dream, in reality alone, he was unconscious not long ago, and Bai Xingkuan has been taking care of him, and Bai Xingkuang has just given birth.

"Yingyang, go and call Weijing."


Eunuch Wei Jing trotted over very excitedly, holding a lot of seed bags in his hand, "My lord, great joy, great joy!"

How could Zhao Fengji care about the so-called great joy at this time, and asked with a serious tone with a hint of anxiety: "When did the princess show up with the children?"

Wei Jing was also taken aback, but despite his being an old man, he has an excellent memory, so he immediately replied: "July [-]st!"

Zhao Fengji counted the days, and today happens to be August [-]st, but...

"Xingxuan, did you show up at the palace with your child after giving birth that day?" Bai Xingxuan said when she gave him the thatched cottage that she gave birth to seven cubs in the thatched cottage.

"No, it only appeared after one night." Bai Xingkuang still remembered this.

Zhao Fengji was speechless, one day after the full moon, he was still one step too late!
In fact, at this time, the outside world had already heard rumors that His Majesty the Emperor who was about to ascend the throne already had a child, but they didn't know where the child came from and who the mother was.

Of course, some people are saying that His Majesty will not only have one child in the future, but the younger son who showed up here should have other children.

And many people were inquiring about things related to this child, and everyone in the palace also received a lot of inquiries, but to everyone in the palace, they really didn't know how to explain this rumor.

Let's say that the prince of their family has no child, but the child really exists, and the prince treats him very well. He called himself father several times, which is obviously the appearance of his own father and son.

But if it is true, where is the mother of the child?This is obviously the child brought back by the future princess, and it was brought back suddenly. Could it be that this is really the illegitimate child of the prince outside?

Just thinking about it this way, the princess's attitude towards the child is too good, it doesn't look like she is treating an illegitimate child!
And the people in the palace who couldn't figure out the cause and effect could only shut their mouths silently and let the prince do whatever he said, anyway, they just served as little masters.

It's just that it was the other little masters who made them tangled up. The prince and princess didn't know what to think, but they even put a few little tigers in front of the little master, and came one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, which made people very speechless!
Closer to home, Zhao Fengji was both disappointed and annoyed when he knew that the full moon had passed for a day.

"Xingxuan, don't you even know about the full moon?" Zhao Fengji didn't complain about Bai Xingxuan, he just felt that the little boy was very pitiful, and his father and mother were unreliable!

Bai Xingkui blinked innocently, "I don't know."

"Hey!" Zhao Fengji looked at Weijing, "July [-]th is the birthdays of the little masters, you have to remember it well."

"Yes!" Wei Jing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what his lord meant, that he missed the full moon banquet.

Zhao Fengji thought for a while, then asked uncertainly: "Can the full moon banquet be re-organized?"

Weijing nodded immediately, "Okay, I'm going to make preparations now, do you think it's going to invite guests, or hold a small banquet in the mansion?"

Zhao Fengji looked at Bai Xingkuang, "Xingkuang, what do you mean?"

Bai Xingkuan said that she was not interested, but she thought that there was a funeral going on in the palace, wouldn't it be great for them to hold a banquet here?
"There are still funerals in the palace, even A Niang's birthday banquet has been cancelled, shall we hold a small banquet?" There are so many things going on recently, she thinks there is no need to be so troublesome, "Otherwise, our family will have a meal as a celebration Bar?"

Banquet, isn't it just eating, drinking, and inviting others to do something.


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