Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 222 [222] The origin of the name

After hearing Bai Xingkuan's words, Wei Jing immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, it's the old slave who was negligent, and even forgot such an important matter."

The main reason is that the atmosphere in the palace is so good. Everyone is very happy that their prince is going to become the emperor, so why would they mourn for the little emperor? Naturally, they forgot about the funeral in the palace.

Zhao Fengji returned in a hurry, but in the end the full moon banquet was not held. Disappointed, he also learned his lesson, and asked Weijing to bring a notebook and write down all the important dates.

"The hundred-day banquet must be held. When the time comes, I will let everyone know how cute my children are!"

After hearing this, Weijing reminded: "My lord, you will be the emperor at that time."

The day of the prince's wedding and enthronement is set on the tenth day of October, while the hundred days of the little masters are at the end of October. At that time, the prince and the princess will become emperors and queens.

"Then have a big banquet for all the ministers to celebrate!" Anyway, we have to make up for the full moon banquet of the little ones!

Bai Xingkuan was listening, and his expression changed obviously!How much money will it cost to feast the ministers?
"Is there a gift for the banquet?" Bai Xingkui asked weakly. It's not that she's stingy, it's really not easy to make money, she absolutely can't invite people to dinner for nothing!
The corners of Zhao Fengji's mouth twitched, but he replied in a very serious tone: "Yes, those who don't give gifts are not allowed to enter the door!"

Now that Zhao Fengji is back, he doesn't want to go back to the palace anymore, looking at the little cubs playing around, he has an old father's smile on his face.

"Let the kitchen cook a few more dishes at noon, let's hold a small banquet at home, and treat it as a full moon banquet for the little ones." Zhao Fengji picked up the little old seven who couldn't run, and teased: "Isn't it, We Qibao also want to hold a banquet, right?"

Bai Xingkuang is very satisfied with this arrangement, how good it is to eat at home, "You always call Qibao Qibao, is this their nickname?"

Zhao Fengji's body froze. Although he had been thinking hard, he just couldn't come up with something satisfactory!

"What do you think of the names Luanzhensheng, Luanjuejue, Luanyingying, Luanyuyu, Luanbibi, Luanxixi, and Xiaocongcong?" Among the many names, he was quite satisfied. Group.

Bai Xingkuan's mind was spinning fast, making him a little dizzy, "Which words are used in these names, why do they sound weird, and there is a different one, is it for Xiaoqi?"

Zhao Fengji explained them one by one, and wrote down all the names, which made Bai Xingkuan very dizzy.

Bai Xingkuang asked in distress: "As their mother, will I often write their names?"

Zhao Fengji smiled, Weijing and Yingyang twitched their mouths at the same time, their highness Wangfei!

Bai Xingkuan didn't wait for an answer, and continued to ask: "Since the nickname is so complicated, will it be more difficult to remember the big name? And there seems to be a font size or something. Oh my god, the children are working so hard."

This name must be memorized for ten days and a half months!

Zhao Fengji quickly explained, "No, this is the big name. If you have a nickname, it's Dabao, Second Treasure, Three Treasure, Four Treasure, Five Treasure, Six Treasure, and Seven Treasure. It's convenient for you to call it."

"Then this nickname is pretty good." Bai Xingkuang was very satisfied with the nickname, it was the nickname, "I'll just call them nicknames from now on, anything is fine with the nickname."

Zhao Fengji felt sorry for the little cubs for a moment, then nodded in agreement and said: "A nickname is kind, so let's call it a nickname."

At the same time, Zhao Fengji also asked curiously: "Your name is also very special, was it given by your father-in-law?"

When Bai Xingkuan heard this question, his expression was startled, and he said very proudly: "No, my name was given by the patriarch, and it is very meaningful!"

"What's the meaning?" Zhao Fengji became even more curious.

Bai Xingkuang began to talk about the origin of his name: "I heard from the big guys that when I was born, the stars suddenly changed, and Wanxing fell with the force of surrender, so the patriarch named me Xingkuang, which is the name of Wanxing's surrender. meaning."

Zhao Fengji and everyone were shocked. If this was true, Bai Xingkui would be too amazing!

At this time, Zhao Fengji suddenly thought of Immortal Hu, wondering if the old man saw anything.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Bai Xingkuan felt very relieved. After thinking about it, he asked curiously: "Which corner did you find those names for the little brats? I haven't even seen many words. Pass!"

Naturally, Zhao Fengji couldn't dislike her concubine's lack of culture, so she could only explain patiently: "The names of Luanzhen, Luanjue, Luanying, Luanyu, Luanbi, Luanxi, and Xiaocong all contain the word jade. , and the implication is very good.”

"The word Luan has two meanings. One is the bird and the phoenix, which is the most precious woman. The other is the harmony between the phoenix and the singing, implying that our husband and wife love each other, and they are also the continuation of our love." Here, Zhao Fengji was a little embarrassed.

"Sage of the same saint, I want to use it for the boss, I hope she can have the mind and ability of a saint, protect younger siblings, and protect Da Zhao; Jue means double jade, I want to use it for the second child, which is suitable for her; Ying means gem, although it is not precious jade, but its value is better than precious jade, it is very suitable for the complexion of the third child; Yu means treasure, I want to use it for the fourth child, she is our treasure; Bi is white and flawless , I gave it to the fifth child; the seal is a jade seal, which is also a kind of jade, and it is extremely noble, so it can be left to the sixth child."

Although there are only six names, each has its own meaning, and it is also Zhao Fengji's heart for the children.

"Where's Xiao Cong?" Bai Xingkuan listened with great interest, but he didn't dislike it very much, instead he found it very interesting.

"Among the two characters Xiao Cong, Xiao comes from the roar of the tiger roaring in the mountains and forests. Although he doesn't have the shape of a beast, he comes from your white tiger blood. You have to keep in mind." Zhao Fengji is very caring, " And Cong is also a very precious jade, I thought that my younger brother should have the same name as my older sisters, and this is a complete family."

In the past, even if Zhao Fengji took the trouble to choose a name, he would not have considered these things.But at the end of the dream, the unforgettable pain of parting obviously made Zhao Fengji cherish family affection even more.

And Bai Xingkuan looked at Zhao Fengji's eyes at this moment, with a trace of admiration in his eyes, which made Zhao Fengji very uncomfortable, and asked suspiciously: "Why do you look at me like this?"

"You are amazing, and you think very well, so the name has been decided!" Apart from admiration, Bai Xingkui also felt a touch of emotion in her heart, which was a little strange to her.

It turned out that the male not only came up with a few names, but also thought about so much, as if he had integrated her into these names, which made her very happy.


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