Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 228 [228] Threatening the Queen's Wife

Bai Xingkuang also likes males to accompany her very much, but she is a non-sticky female and can understand the efforts of males to survive.

"It's good to have time to come out and play, but there's no need to deliberately accompany me. We all have our own things to do. Although I always want to help you, I won't interfere with your affairs." Bai Xingkuan didn't think so What a delicate thought, but she is an open-minded person, and she doesn't only think about herself.

Who doesn't need company?Who doesn't want to be with their lover?But people are so busy every day that they don't even have time to sleep. If they go out to play for a day, they need to go back and stay up all night for three or five nights, so why bother.

Zhao Fengji's touch in this life may have been used on Bai Xingkuang, every time he felt that Bai Xingkuang was good enough, Bai Xingkuang could make him feel better.

"Although I'm a bit busy during this time, I will train more civil servants and military generals in the future, and let them work hard for Zhao." Anyway, he wants to accompany his wife and children, so he can't spend day and night on official business !

"It's fine if you're happy, let's go, I'll take you back!"

"it is good!"

The big white tiger happily returned to the foot of the mountain with her male on its back and her cubs in its mouth.

August [-]th is the forty-second birthday of the Empress Dowager.Because of the little emperor's affairs, the Empress Dowager canceled the birthday banquet that she had been preparing for a long time ago, and only held a small family banquet in her bedroom to celebrate.

At the banquet, the empress dowager said to Zhao Fengji with a straight face: "You are going to be the emperor now, isn't this palace going to be relegated to the empress dowager?"

Zhao Fengji personally poured a glass of wine for the Empress Dowager, and said with a smile: "This is the Hundred Flowers Brew that Xingkui got. It tastes very good. You should drink more."

Bai Xing didn't get involved in the mother and son's affairs, and didn't need to be persuaded to drink, so he drank a glass by himself and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

"Hoot!" On the small table prepared separately, several little ones yelled curiously, as if they wanted to taste it too.

When the Empress Dowager heard this small voice, her heart was softened, and she said quickly: "Get some food for the children, you can see that they are all in a hurry."

Before that, Zhao Fengji had another secret meeting with the Empress Dowager, and they talked about Bai Xingkuang and the cubs in more detail.Among them, the problem of the transformation of the seven children was pointed out, and the empress dowager was so stunned that she was almost fooled.

Fortunately, the empress dowager is an open-minded person, and she knew Zhao Fengji's temperament since she was a child, and the little emperor's matter was deeply heartbreaking, so she easily accepted the special characteristics of Bai Xingkuang and the little cubs. .

Moreover, after a few short contacts, the Empress Dowager was also captured by the cuteness of the cubs, and she was always paying attention to them.

And ever since Ye You turned into a human form that day, Xiao Si has never changed back to the animal form. At this time, she is being held in the arms of Sun Nanny, and Xiao Qi who is on the side is looking at each other with a look of begging for food. pitiful.

"Little master, let's not cry, let's drink milk." Nanny Sun took the bottle and stuffed it into Xiao Si's mouth, and Xiao Si's eyes showed disgust, but she still bit it pitifully.

As for Xiao Qi at the side, his performance was even more playful. While drinking milk hard, he looked at the food on the table eagerly, drooling without any delay, and made many people laugh.

"Brother Huang, why do you have another doll?" Princess Seven, as her own sister, finally found an opportunity during the banquet and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Fengji looked at the little sister and asked, "What do you think?"

Seventh Princess bulged her delicate face, a little unhappy, but also a little scared and said: "Brother Huang, sister-in-law is very good, don't act like this."

Zhao Fengji was speechless to take the blame, he knew that the blame would fall on himself in the end.

"You like the emperor's wife?" However, Zhao Fengji was a little surprised at this point, after all, these two people did not have much contact with each other on weekdays.

"Sister-in-law Huang... is very interesting." She is very powerful, very rich, and very enviable!
Although the seventh princess is a princess, she has lived a life of prosperity and wealth since she was a child, but she has never obtained the freedom she yearns for.And when she first met Bai Xingkuan, the future sister-in-law, she saw something in her that she yearned for very much.

Sister-in-law lives so comfortably!
"Then you think Brother Huang is not good? Brother Huang will do those unruly things?" Zhao Fengji asked with a serious tone on purpose with a straight face.

Seventh Princess wanted to shake her head to explain, but on second thought, she really meant that!

"Did Brother Huang not do it?" This obviously means that he doesn't believe Zhao Fengji very much.After all, although Zhao Fengji and the Seventh Princess Zhao Luanning are direct siblings, they don't spend much time in contact with each other on weekdays, and they don't understand each other very well.

"Of course not." It's okay for outsiders to misunderstand, after all, some things are difficult to explain, but for his own sister, Zhao Fengji still doesn't want her to misunderstand.

"Then what's the matter with these two children?" The seventh princess was also really puzzled. Even in the palace, she heard a lot of gossip, and most of them were about her imperial brother being promiscuous.

"They are all my own children and your sister-in-law's." Alas, Bai Xingkui is so talented, he was really worried when he explained it, "And there are not only one or two, six nieces and one nephew, are you happy?"

What are you happy about?Are you happy to be taken for a fool?

The Seventh Princess had a weird face, and she didn't look happy, "Brother Huang, it's already this time, do you still want to joke with me?"

"Whoever told you a joke, if you don't believe it, ask your sister-in-law." Tired of explaining, lie down.

The seventh princess looked suspicious, and guessed weakly: "Brother Huang, you can't threaten the emperor's wife and make the emperor's wife not tell the truth to others, right?"

"Oh, your brain is really smart, don't use it in the future."

"...Hmph, Brother Huang, you are probably becoming angry from embarrassment!"

Seventh Princess left angrily, but she didn't go to look for Bai Xingkuang, after all, she was not very familiar with her, and the little girl was also very shy.She went directly to the Empress Dowager and muttered a lot of things, so that the Empress Dowager was also speechless.

"Just listen to what your brother says, and ask your sister-in-law if you don't believe me. Your sister-in-law is so powerful, who can bully her?" The Empress Dowager's feelings for Bai Xingkuang are also very complicated. .

If you say you like it, it's really not to that extent, but if you say you don't like it, it's definitely not.

"Is the emperor's wife stronger than the emperor's brother?" Princess Seven asked in surprise. She knew that the emperor's wife would be very powerful in the future, but was she really so powerful?

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