Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 229 [229] Give it a try

Chapter 229 [229] Give it a try
After the Empress Dowager thought for a moment, she stared deeply at the Seventh Princess for a moment.The Seventh Princess is already twelve years old this year, and she is a girl who is not too young. Some families have even begun to consider marriage for such an old girl.

"If you want to know, you can always visit your sister-in-law to play." Royal princesses are the most precious, but they are also the most difficult. Many princesses never even left the palace before they got married.They seem to be imprisoned in the palace, becoming caged birds in a world.

"Is it possible?" Seventh Princess asked in surprise, obviously very willing.

"Of course." The Empress Dowager was able to make this suggestion because she hoped that the Seventh Princess could live a life of freedom.

But the seventh princess hesitated a little. She looked at Bai Xingkuan who was eating a lion's head not far away with eyes of anticipation and fear, and asked weakly, "Will the emperor's sister-in-law be willing to play with me?"

Adults don't like to play with little girls very much, and her grown-up emperor brothers and sisters are all like this.

And those who are willing to play with her, she is unwilling to play with others.

"Would you like it or not, you will know if you try it yourself."

The old emperor had eight children in total. Among them, the first prince was put under house arrest by Zhao Fengji because he sent people to assassinate Zhao Fengji; the second prince was the former emperor, and his only heir was not His own son; the third prince, who was granted the title of King Jin, is an unreliable and stubborn master. He also brought the princess and his son to the birthday banquet today.

And then there are four princesses, six princesses and seven princesses, of which only the fourth princess has been married, and came with her husband-in-law and only two-year-old daughter.

The Fifth Prince was Zhao Fengji, he brought Bai Xingkui and seven cubs, and he was already the center of the banquet.

And the last one is the eighth prince Zhao Yongming. Although he is only eight years old, he has already been canonized as the Prince of Yongle. He is a fair and clean young man.At this time, he was also at the banquet, looking curiously at the direction of the cubs.

"Sister-in-law." After the seventh princess hesitated for a while, she mustered up her courage and went to look for Bai Xingkuan a little bit shyly.

Bai Xingkuan looked at the little girl in front of him. During the auction that day, this little princess spent a lot of money.

"Seventh Sister, do you have anything to do with me?" Bai Xingkuan said, and took out a piece of chocolate from the system space, "I'll eat it for you, it's very sweet."

Chocolate is also one of her favorite sweets, second only to honey.

"Thank you." The Seventh Princess is a gentle lady with a very gentle temperament, and she is very polite, "This is a gift from me to the emperor's wife. I hope the emperor's wife likes it."

Bai Xingkuan took it over politely, it was a purse embroidered with a little white tiger, the little white tiger was very cute, very similar in appearance to Dabao, so naturally it resembled Bai Xingkuan's childhood appearance.

"Hahaha, who embroidered this, it looks too much like me... a big treasure." Bai Xingkuang was very happy, she had received such a beautiful gift before.

The seventh princess said embarrassedly: "I embroidered it myself, and my embroidery skills are only average. Please don't dislike it."

"Wow, do you know how to embroider tigers? You're so good!" Bai Xingkuan's praise was like a child's, a little exaggerated, but also very sincere.

Princess Seven's little face was flushed with pink embarrassment, "Thank you sister-in-law for your compliment, I, I'm not that good."

It's not that no one has praised her before, but that kind of praise and the praise from Bai Xingkuan gave her a completely different feeling.

"How could it be, you are really great, don't be modest." Bai Xingkuang has never held a needle, and the clothes of the little boys are all made by the embroiderers in the palace. She is really happy about this .

In order to prove how powerful Seventh Princess is, Bai Xingkuang picked up Dabao, "Look, they are exactly the same."

Dabao's limbs were drooping, and his face looked hopeless.

The Seventh Princess's eyes started to shine, and more than half of the people present would look at the cubs from time to time. Everyone's expressions seemed to express the same meaning: I really want to touch them!
"Do you want to hug her?" Bai Xingkuan asked understandingly.

"Is it possible?" Seventh Princess was really pleasantly surprised this time.

Bai Xingkuang did not directly agree, but said: "Then you have to ask her yourself."

"Ah, can she understand what I'm saying?" Seventh Princess asked with some confusion.

"Just ask and you'll find out." These words made Seventh Princess feel inexplicably familiar, as if she had heard them just now.

"Hi, can I hug you?" Seventh Princess asked shyly, bending over slightly.

Dabao raised his head slightly, looked at the pretty young lady, and then at his own mother, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Bai Xingxuan said: "If you agree or not, you can decide for yourself."

"Hmm." Dabao made a little noise, as if he understood Bai Xingkuan's words, he stretched out a cute little paw towards the Seventh Princess.

Seventh Princess jumped up happily on the spot, "Wow, she can really understand me!"

Seventh Princess hugged Dabao carefully, and her whole body was full of happiness.

Bai Xingkuan looked funny, and said: "She is a great treasure, can you take good care of him?"

"I can!" Such a big baby, she can take care of ten more!

"What does Dabao like to eat? Can I feed Dabao?" The happy little princess blushed slightly under the envious eyes.

"She likes meat." Bai Xingkui picked up Erbao while saying that, and held a lion's head in the other hand, and fed it to Erbao, "Look, Dabao likes everything Erbao can eat."

There was a hint of helplessness in Er Bao's eyes, but he still ate the big lion head cooperatively.

Seventh Princess also excitedly grabbed a lion's head, put it next to Dabao's mouth to please Dabao, and said, "Dabao, eat it."

Dabao ate it happily, and the experience of being fed this time seemed to open a door for her.The next moment, Dabao stretched out a small claw and roared.

The Seventh Princess looked in the direction of the little claw, saw that it was a piece of lamb leg, and immediately picked it up and fed it to Dabao, "Does Dabao like to eat this leg of lamb? Dabao is so smart!"

The sixth princess endured and endured, until she couldn't bear it anymore, she also put a piece of mutton leg in front of Dabao, "Eat it, Dabao, this princess can also give you delicious food!"

Dabao looked at the two roasted lamb legs in front of him, his eyes were very bright, and suddenly he had the illusion that he had reached the peak of Husheng!
"Roar!" Dabao rushed over happily, took a bite from the left, and took a bite from the right, all the delicious food was hers!


 There are some things that you just have to try to know if you can do it~
(End of this chapter)

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