Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 230 [230] How glorious

Chapter 230 [230] How glorious

Dabao is so favored that the other cubs are very envious, especially Xiaosi Xiaowu and Xiaoliu. These three are waving their little hands and claws, wishing they could replace each other.

On the other hand, the second child and the third child, one doesn't fight or grab, looks like he is too lazy to move; the other looks withdrawn, looks like he doesn't fit in with the group.

"Let's all go play." Seeing this, Bai Xingkui let the little ones play by themselves, only Xiao Si and Xiao Qi were hugged, with baby-like sadness on their faces.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu immediately ran out happily, aiming at the sixth and seventh princesses.The second child took two steps gracefully, then lay still on the spot, but her eyes kept wandering around everyone, as if she was watching the excitement.

Only a small black one of Sanbao jumped up with a cold face, and jumped behind a potted plant. No one would let anyone see it, and it felt more and more lonely.

"I'll eat it for you." Just when Sanbao was about to fall asleep with her eyes closed, a tender voice suddenly appeared in her ear.

Sanbao opened his dark eyes and looked straight at the other party. It was a little fat man who looked about three or four years old. He was holding a piece of mung bean cake in his hand, and he had already handed it to Sanbao's mouth.

Sanbao didn't bother to talk to him, and turned his head in another direction, only pointing the back of his head at him.

But the little fat man persevered, silently changed his position, and continued: "Eat, it's delicious."

Sanbao didn't like contact with outsiders very much, and he didn't seem to have a good temper. He slapped the pastry on the ground with his claws, and then turned his head again.

The little fat man foolishly glanced at the cakes on the ground, and obvious sadness flashed in his eyes, why doesn't cats like to eat cakes?

Papa papa was the sound of leaving footsteps, Sanbao didn't need to look to know that it was the little fat man who ran away.

"Humph." Sanbao snorted, then continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before the sound of pattering footsteps approached again, and the little fat man ran over with a big chicken leg in his hand.

"You eat." The little fat man lifted the chicken leg to Sanbao's mouth, and Sanbao moved his nose, and suddenly had the illusion that although she was full, she could still eat.

Three treasures finally gave the little fat man a look, but when the little fat man was happy, the chicken leg in his hand was knocked off by a black claw again!

"Hmph!" A chicken leg wanted to buy this baby, dreaming.

Sanbao yelled fiercely at the little fat man, the little fat man shrank his shoulders, and the little flesh on his face trembled accordingly.

Seeing this, Sanbao proudly licked his paws.Are you afraid?Do you know how powerful this baby is?

"Your Majesty, so you are here." At this moment, an old woman approached, "Hey, isn't this the little black tiger raised by His Majesty?"

Although Zhao Fengji has not ascended the throne yet, many old ministers and palace servants have already changed their minds.

"Nurse Zhou, play with the cat." The little fat man raised his head softly and said, looking at Sanbao, there was still light in his eyes.

"Oh, Your Royal Highness, this is not a kitten, but a little tiger. You have to be careful." Nanny Zhou was obviously a little afraid of these little tigers, she took the little fat man's hand and backed away.

Sanbao looked at this scene coldly, narrowed his eyes, and ignored people.

The little fat man was unwilling to do so, struggling and said: "Nurse let me go, play with Mao Mao, Mao Mao is patient."

Sanbao snorted disdainfully, too lazy to talk to such a naive little fat man!

But at this moment, Sambo was suddenly picked up by someone. The familiar feeling made him give up the idea of ​​struggling in an instant.

"Who allowed you to waste food?" Bai Xingkuan shook his arm unhappily, and Sanbao instantly changed from a tsundere villain to a abused little pitiful.

"Woohoo!" Gao Leng Sanbao couldn't be aloof at all in front of his mother.

"Punish you not to eat meat tomorrow." Knowing the value of food, you will take the initiative to cherish food.

Sanbao replied feebly. At this time, even if she resisted, it would be useless, so she might as well obediently respond.

But this time, the one who was unwilling became the little fat man. The little fat man broke away from grabbing his nanny, ran to Bai Xingkuang, stretched out his little fleshy hands to drag Sanbao, and protested hard: " Give me meat, cats and cats, give me meat!"

Bai Xingkuan lowered his head and said seriously: "She wasted food and must be punished."

But the little fat man's eyes were red instantly, and he said stubbornly: "No punishment, cats are good, cats are not punished!"

Bai Xingkui was about to be amused by this silly little fat man, "Whose little fat man are you from? If you don't let cats be punished, then you won't be allowed to eat meat tomorrow, right?"

Although the little fat man is a real little fat man, he may not like others to call him a little fat man, "I am not a little fat man, my mother said I am baby fat!"

"Your nanny is dishonest, you actually lied to children." Bai Xingkui said with a face of disapproval.

Nanny Zhou at the side was about to cry, so she quickly interjected: "Well, my lord, you are joking."

Nanny Zhou obviously paused on the question of titles, calling her a concubine was against the rules, and calling her a young lady felt disrespectful, so she could only think of a noble title.

Bai Xingkuan didn't respond, but continued to ask the little fat man: "Little fat man, should I punish you, or the Three Treasures?"

"Is her name Three Treasure? Don't punish Three Treasure, I won't eat meat, let Three Treasure eat meat." The little fat man has a smart mind despite his young age, and he understood everything Bai Xingkuan said.

Zhao Fengji also came over from the side at this time, saw this scene, and said: "Chengjun, it has nothing to do with you whether our three treasures eat meat or not, men and women are different, you can play by yourself."

What the hell?The rest of the people present looked at Zhao Fengji in bewilderment, is this human?
Chengjun's full name is Li Chengjun, he is the prince's son of Nanning, but the Nanning king and his wife have both passed away, so he was taken into the palace by the empress dowager to raise him. The empress dowager is the aunt of the same clan of the princess of Nanning. Also closer.

Bai Xingkuo patted Zhao Fengji on the back, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Zhao Fengji hugged his third child, looked at Li Chengjun's little fat man vigilantly, and explained very seriously: "How can this be nonsense, isn't our third child a girl?"

Bai Xingkui rolled his big eyes, and hugged Sanbao back, "According to what you said, you don't want to hug Sanbao anymore!"

Sanbao is a little female, what's the matter with a little contact with males, isn't it natural for females to pursue males?And it's not that their little female is chasing a male, it's obviously the little male who has taken a fancy to their little female!

Hmph, how proud, what a glorious thing!

(End of this chapter)

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