Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 248 [248] The front line of melon eating

Chapter 248 [248] The front line of melon eating

Ling Lanbo's name is Fu Shanping, and his legitimate son's name is Fu Zeyin.

Fu Zeyin said he was a dandy, but it wasn't considered slandering him. He usually ate, drank, prostituted and gambled all kinds of things, and he was quite irritable. He liked to fight with others when he disagreed with him.

Of course, these are not the most important issues. The problem is that compared with the concubine, this son-in-law seems mediocre, has no ambition at all, and naturally has no career.

As for Ling Lanbo's concubine Fu Mingxian, he has learned etiquette and studious since he was a child. Although he is not the kind of handsome and talented young man, he also gives people a sense of reliability that is diligent and down-to-earth.

Especially when these two are compared together, the advantages and disadvantages are so obvious that people have to distinguish between good and bad.

Ling Lanbo blushed, and said with restrained anger in his voice, "Miss Bai's words are a little too much."

In fact, if he hadn't been afraid of Bai Xingkuang's identity, he would have wanted to close the door and let the dogs go now!
Bai Xingkuo curled his lips, "Since you have no idea of ​​asking me to help, I won't waste any more time and leave."

She still has more than [-] families to leave behind, three in the morning and three in the afternoon, and it will take four days to go, so busy!

Ling Lanbo frowned, his face changed again and again, obviously he didn't want to admit it just like that, but he didn't quite trust Bai Xingkuan's sincerity, this person obviously had an expression of watching a show, and he didn't mean to help him at all!
But, besides the one in front of him, he didn't know who else he could turn to for help. After all, behind this one was the empress dowager and the emperor.

"Miss Bai, stay a while, I'll send someone to find the kid!"

Because Fu Mingxian was still in the Ministry of Industry, so he came back later, Bai Xingkuo was bored with the wait, and asked bluntly: "Come to some food and drink, you are still in the uncle's house, and you don't know how to treat guests. "

What can Ling Lanbo say? He can only be served and served, one plate after another, and then another plate after another is taken away, but what comes up is full of pastries and fruits, and what goes down is An empty plate.

"If you eat like this, will you be stuffed to death?" Fu Zeyin couldn't bear it anymore.

Bai Xingkui took a look at Fu Zeyin, "You are not exhausted from eating, drinking and having fun every day. How can I die from eating this little food?"

Fu Zeyin opened his eyes, why did this man speak so harshly!
"Hmph, you don't have to worry about the young master's affairs!"

"Fu Zeyin, this is the future empress, how dare you be rude, the family law will serve you!" Ling Lanbo was afraid that Fu Zeyin would anger Bai Xingkui, so he hurriedly yelled at him.

Fu Zeyin's eyes had improved a bit just now, but he became irritable again in an instant. He looked at Ling Lanbo coldly, like a wolf cub who has not been tamed, fierce and resentful.

Ling Lanbo trembled when he saw him, and said angrily, "Presumptuous, do you really want to be punished?"

Fu Zeyin showed a malicious smile, but only said three words, "Try it."

"You! Nie Zi!" Ling Lanbo naturally wanted to try, but Bai Xingkuang watched with relish, how could he try, "I'll teach you a lesson after Miss Bai leaves!"

Bai Xingkuan thought it was a bit funny, and said in a leisurely tone: "Why wait for me to leave, you can pretend that I don't exist now, and I will definitely not stop you from disciplining your son."

Ling Lanbo's face turned red from choking, but he still had to hold back his temper and said, "Let Miss Bai and Princess Seven see a joke!"

The Seventh Princess has a low sense of presence, but when watching a play, those big smart eyes are also very speechless.

The seventh princess does not speak, her main task is to watch the play.

On the other hand, Bai Xingkuan swallowed the red bean cake in his hand, looked at Fu Zeyin, and said, "Your father wants to give the title to your younger brother, what do you think?"

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, Fu Zeyin's expression changed significantly, so he quietly added, "Speaking of which, it is your father's title, and he can give it to whoever he wants. You children, you have opinions." It's no use either."

Fu Zeyin blushed, "Then you still ask!"

"I'm curious." Bai Xingkui was not angry, "Although your opinion is useless, it's still okay to tell me to relieve my boredom."

Fu Zeyin thought, if it wasn't for the emperor's cover, he would do it right now!

"You don't want to fight with me, do you? I can knock you down with just one finger." Bai Xingkuo looked at Fu Zeyin's angry eyes, and stretched out a little finger.

Fu Zeyin stopped breathing for a moment, but he forgot that this future empress has another identity - the new King Wu!

"You, are you here to ridicule me?" Fu Zeyin couldn't say it, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't even compare his status, so he could only feel wronged.

Bai Xingxuan shook his head, and explained earnestly: "How could that be? I'm just curious. What kind of fool is he who would make himself into such a situation? He is obviously a legitimate son, but let his father say that he is a dandy, and what should have been given to him His things are given to others."

Fu Zeyin's face turned green and red, and he said abruptly, "What do you know!"

"I don't know, that's why I'm curious!" Bai Xingkuan shrugged, looking indifferent, Fu Zeyin was so angry that he almost fainted.

At this time, Ling Lanbo seemed a little anxious, and quickly stood up and interjected: "Miss Bai, what you said is that Zeyin is my son-in-law. No matter what, I will not treat him badly."

"Hehe." Bai Xingkuan sneered, expressing her disdain unabashedly.

At this point in the conversation, Bai Xingkuang was able to confirm one thing, that there were no secrets in Ling Lanbo's mansion, each of them was either bitter and bitter, or mysterious.

Bai Xingkuan thought, should she dig out this secret?

It's true to be a little curious, but after all, it's someone else's business, and if they don't want to talk about it, she doesn't ask.

"Uncle Ling Lan, actually, I don't really want to help you. Look at your uncle's house, you don't know any secrets, and you want to hide it from me, and you want my help. There is no such good thing, right? "Bai Xingkuan is a famous person, as the saying goes, wise people don't speak secretly, so she can say whatever she thinks.

Ling Lanbo had never talked to anyone like this before, it seemed that all the disguise had been torn apart, and he had to fight with real swords and guns.

"What secrets can our uncle's residence have? You are joking." Ling Lanbo gritted his teeth in embarrassment.

And at this time, Uncle Ling Lan's concubine Fu Mingxian came back. He was still wearing an official uniform and walked in in a hurry.

"See empress, see the seventh princess, father, elder brother." Fu Mingxian came in and saluted, and none of the four main people present was left behind.


(End of this chapter)

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