Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 249 [249] Bachelor Liu

Chapter 249 [249] Bachelor Liu

"Mingxian, you're back." Ling Lanbo finally smiled and looked at Fu Mingxian lovingly.

And the gap between him and the front is obviously speechless.

"Okay, I figured it out, it's settled like this, take your leave, don't send it off." After only one glance at Fu Mingxian, Bai Xingkui lost interest and got up to leave.

Ling Lanbo was quite astonished. He opened his mouth to keep someone, but then he thought of Bai Xingkuan's words not long ago, the secret of Ling Lanbo's mansion...

Ling Lanbo closed his mouth dejectedly, forget it, let him think of other ways.

After getting into the carriage, the Seventh Princess couldn't hold back any longer. She changed her face from showing her toothless smile, and asked gossipingly, "Sister-in-law Huang, what's going on?"

Why can't she see it clearly, she didn't understand it after eating melons!
"I don't know, but the father and son obviously know the inside story, so we don't have to worry about it." As the saying goes, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, so it has nothing to do with others. As for the reasons and grievances Yes, of course it has nothing to do with her.

"That's right, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." Seventh Princess, who was a small person, said that she had experienced a lot, and instantly made Bai Xingkuan laugh.

"Sister-in-law, don't laugh at me, does sister-in-law know what Ling Lanbo will choose?" Seventh Princess smiled shyly.

"Who knows, anyway, just follow the rules." Bai Xingkui didn't have the ability to guess people's hearts.

The Seventh Princess had a weird expression on her face, and asked with some uncertainty: "So the emperor's sister-in-law also likes to follow the rules?"

Bai Xingkuan smiled, "No, there are two kinds of people who can not follow the rules, do you know which two kinds of people they are?"

"Which two kinds?" Seventh Princess was completely taken away by Bai Xingkuang.

"One is me. I have the ability and ability to break the rules. As long as I don't want to abide by them, then no rules can restrain me." Bai Xing pointed to himself.

Any rule is made by people, so it will only protect the interests of some people, and the part that is not protected will naturally have some people who are not convinced, some protest, and some people want to break this rule!

And those who break the rules, some are desperate victims, some are brave men who are not afraid of power, some are those in power who ignore etiquette, and some are losers, and even the dead!
"And the second type is the loser who needs to be mentally prepared. He wants to break the rules, but he doesn't have enough ability, so he can only bear the consequences of failure head-on."

There are many people who want to break the rules, but in the end there are only two kinds of people, one wins and the other loses.

The seventh princess thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Sister-in-law Huang is teasing me, isn't this the difference between success and failure?"

"Yes, otherwise, do you still want me to tell you about all kinds of people?" Bai Xingkui rolled his eyes with intelligence.

Seventh Princess showed a silent but bright smile, sister-in-law is so interesting, more interesting than everyone she knows!
The third stop was also the last stop planned for the morning, because there was a little delay in Ling Lanbo's mansion, and when they arrived at the mansion of Grand Scholar Liu Xueming, it was still two quarters of an hour before noon.

"We're here at this time, will they arrange lunch?" Bai Xingkuan looked up at the sky outside the scholar's mansion, and said with a bit of resentment.

Zhao Momo looked a little embarrassed, and suggested: "The servant is negligent, empress, why don't we go to the scholar's mansion after lunch?"

"The scholar's house won't arrange for us to have dinner?" Bai Xingkuan is not the kind of person who likes to be invited to dinner. Of course, she is not trying to take advantage of it, but there are so many people who want to invite her recently. She thinks that She should be very welcome.

Zhao Nanny thought about her words, and explained: "Scholar Liu is relatively frugal, and his family is not rich enough."

"...Does this mean that I am afraid that I will make him poor?" Bai Xingkui asked in shock, "How is this possible? I looked at those Hou Ye and Guan Ye, all of them are very rich!"

Thinking back to the auction she held in the palace back then, it opened her eyes and completely improved her knowledge.

"Well, Master Liu is very clean and honest. He never accepts bribes. It is precisely because of this that he wants to break up with his worthless son, because he can't pay his son's debt at all." Being sent to assist Bai Xingxuan, she naturally understood these situations very well.

Bai Xingkuan thought of the information written on the third page.

University scholar Liu Mingxue asked to divorce his only son Liu Qing. Liu Qing was fond of gambling and owed three thousand five hundred taels to Qing Yayun Gambling House. Liu Mingxue was unable to repay it. The broken hands and feet have nothing to do with the Liu family.

But Mrs. Liu and Liu Qing's family did not agree to divorce, and many ministers impeached Liu Dashi, thinking that he was ruthless and should not do so.

Bai Xingkuan's comment at the time was that the Liu family kept kissing, it was none of the business of others, and the dog took that mouse.

"Tsk, so money is really important. If I hadn't suddenly become smart and earned so much money, I wouldn't be able to give the dowry that Yang Jue asked for." Bai Xingkui suddenly Feel the same.

You can't afford to eat without money, so what else are you talking about!
The Seventh Princess and Mother Zhao looked at Bai Xingxuan in disbelief and shock, their expressions were as if the sun was coming out from the west and the sky was about to collapse.

"Look at what I'm doing, let's go quickly, go early and finish early, so we can eat early."

Bai Xingkuan jumped out of the carriage, without any help, he went directly to knock on the door of the University Scholars' Mansion, only after a while, an old man came to open the door.

"May I ask who you are, and what's the purpose of coming to the scholar's mansion?" The old man was a little hunched over, dressed very plainly, showing his old appearance, and was no longer suitable to be a servant.

"I'm Bai Xingkuang, I'm here to talk to Liu Mingxue about his divorce from his son." Bai Xingkuang cut to the chase, "Is Liu Mingxue at home?"

The old man seemed to have never heard of Bai Xingkuang's name, "Yes, I am, the master has just returned home, the little old man is going to inform you right now, please wait a moment."

"Okay, let's go."

The old man gave a detailed report, and when Liu Mingxue heard that it was Bai Xingkuan who was coming, he immediately stood up!
"Are you sure she said her name is Bai Xingkuang? A girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old?" Liu Mingxue asked in surprise.

"Yes, master, this girl is about eighteen or nineteen years old." The old man nodded repeatedly, "The girl is very good-looking, and there is a little girl and an old nanny by her side, she looks like a lady from a wealthy family."

"Quick, please!" Liu Mingxue didn't dare to delay, "No, I will invite you in person!"


 Big cat: My cat is a big cat in the street today!

(End of this chapter)

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