Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 250 [250] This is a family matter

Chapter 250 [250] This is a family matter

"See King Bai Wu, see the Seventh Princess!" Liu Mingxue came out and saw not only Bai Xingkuang, but also the Seventh Princess. Dang even speeded up, and finally even greeted Zhao Nanny in a low voice, "Zhao Nanny here too."

A person who is not greedy or corrupt in two sleeves is not necessarily the kind of upright character who is stubborn and can't be a man. From this greeting, Liu Mingxue is a man who knows how to be a man.

When Bai Xingkuan saw Liu Mingxue like this, his original thoughts suddenly changed.She originally thought that this was a stubborn old man who didn't want her ineffective son, but now it seems that this man should be a clear-minded, principled but unusually free-spirited person.

Of course, there is no lack of tact and sophistication, and even some indifference and selfishness, but in this life, no matter what you do, it is actually for yourself.

Doing good deeds is for your own happiness; doing evil deeds is also for your own happiness.

If someone does something, it is obviously very painful, but he still does it, it can only prove that if he does not do it, he will become more painful.

"My lord Liu, I have no objection to the matter of breaking off your relationship with your son. I respect your own decision. Neither the empress dowager nor the emperor has any objection to this. This is your family matter, and only you are qualified to handle it. Don't pay attention to what other people say."

What Bai Xingxuan agreed to was not the divorce, but Liu Mingxue's choice on whether to divorce.

"Thank you, and on behalf of the old minister, thank you, Your Majesty, and the Empress Dowager!" Liu Mingxue bowed to the end, with an extremely sincere attitude.

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, took a step forward, and said in a low voice, "You're good. If you want to borrow money, you can come to me. I won't count your interest."

Liu Mingxue was stunned, more surprised than when he heard that the empress dowager and the emperor agreed to his divorce.

"Thank you, Your Excellency King Wu, I don't have such a need for the time being!" Liu Mingxue lowered his voice.

"You're welcome, let's go."

Bai Xingkuan didn't even enter the door, got into the carriage and left. Liu Mingxue watched the carriage go away before slowly walking back to the mansion.

"Little princess, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you!" Bai Xingkui felt a lot more at ease after finishing his business, lazily lying in the carriage, like a little ruffian who strikes up a conversation with his sweetheart.

The Seventh Princess laughed, very cutely, "What the emperor's wife likes to eat must be delicious, I listen to the emperor's wife."

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, "Then go eat the fish pot, add some tofu to the fish pot, it will definitely taste delicious."

"it is good!"

The most famous fish pot in the DC area is called Xian Mei Yi Yu Guo Ju. It is a gorgeous three-storey building. room, there are two left.

"This VIP room on the third floor only accepts distinguished guests. How many of you are here?" The store clerk bit the word "visited guests" very hard, and looked at the few people quickly, with a respectful attitude. After all, whether it is Bai Xingkuan was still the Seventh Princess, her looks and temperament were not like ordinary people's clothes.

"This is the Seventh Princess of the dynasty, is it enough to be a distinguished guest?" Bai Xingkui pointed to the Seventh Princess, and the Seventh Princess took out a jade token, which was her status symbol.

Although the store clerk didn't know the jade plaque, but looking at the fineness of the jade plaque and the seventh princess's royal status, he couldn't doubt it, so he knelt on the ground in an instant, "See the seventh princess for the small ones, see the seven princesses for the small ones. I don’t know Mount Tai, but I still hope that the Seventh Princess will forgive me.”

"It's okay, take us to the private room."

"Yes!" The store clerk hurriedly led the way, acting cautiously. It's not that he has never received members of the royal family, but this is the first time he has seen this princess, so naturally he has to be careful.

There are still two private rooms left, and Bai Xingkuan wants it all. She shares one with Seventh Princess and Mother Zhao, and let the rest of the dragon guards occupy one.

Everyone sat down, and the important task of ordering food was naturally handed over to Bai Xingkuang. Bai Xingkuang glanced at the menu, but didn't choose carefully, and said bluntly, "Except for drinks, every dish and staple food will be served."


Bai Xingkuan ignored the surprised shop assistant, and continued: "The arrangement in the next room is the same, and I'll give them a few more pots of good tea, and here we want a pot of honey tea and a pot of fruity tea, do you understand?"

"Understood, I'm going to arrange it, little one!" The store clerk glanced at Seventh Princess, seeing that Seventh Princess had no objection, he immediately went downstairs to make arrangements.

After the shop assistant finished arranging the dishes, he hurriedly went to the shopkeeper again and reported the arrival of Seventh Princess and her party.

The shopkeeper sounded calm at first, but when he heard the final order, he stood up abruptly, "Tell me what that woman looks like again?"

"It looks so good!" The shop assistant thought for a while, and the thoughts in his head were colorful, but he was helpless because he was uneducated!

"Idiot!" The shopkeeper hurriedly went to the back kitchen, and went to the private room on the third floor with tea in his arms. "Guests, honey tea is here."

The shopkeeper wanted to pour tea for several people himself, but was stopped by Zhao Momo, "I'll do it."

Zhao mama was very skilled in pouring tea, she gave it to Bai Xingkuan first, and then to the seventh princess.

The shopkeeper saw this scene in his eyes, and secretly sighed that it was so.

"I would venture to ask, is your honored lady the future empress, our Lord Bai Xingkuan?" the shopkeeper calmed down and asked in a very respectful tone.

Bai Xingkuan smiled and said, "The prefix of your name is long enough."

The shopkeeper immediately replied with a smile: "This is because your identity is too precious, and every identity is extraordinary, which makes me very admired."

Bai Xingkuan just laughed, "You really can talk, I hope the food here is as good as you say."

"Of course, of course, although it can't compare with the imperial chefs in the palace, the fish pot in our shop is definitely one of the best in the entire imperial city!" Leaving the room with a smile.

The shop waiter has been watching at the door, and suddenly has a feeling, why the shopkeeper is the shopkeeper, and he is just a buddy, he still has a lot to learn!
It must have been urged by the shopkeeper, but Bai Xingkuan served the dishes very quickly. The first dish was a pot of fish soup, which was thick and delicious.

"It smells so good." Bai Xingxuan wrinkled his nose, the smell is very attractive, "Eat it quickly, you are welcome."

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, she was the most rude person. She filled a bowl of fish soup and drank a big gulp happily.

"It's delicious!" Immediately, Bai Xingkuan raised his head and dried up the bowl of fish soup.

Seventh Princess watched it interestingly, and followed Bai Xingkuan's example, taking a big sip.

"Well, it's so hot!"



 Does anyone like to watch a tough and naughty heroine?And the kind that is a little bit bad~
(End of this chapter)

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