Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 261 [261] 99 Double Ninth Festival

Chapter 261 [261] Nine Nine Chongyang

"Yang Jue, look at our three treasures again, hehehe, the three treasures are not black at all." In the carriage, Bai Xingkui was very happy holding a little doll with a drooping head. The room is too cold, it doesn't look like a human cub, but more like an emotionless puppet.

Just last night, Sanbao suddenly transformed from a black little black tiger to a very white doll.

This made Bai Xingxuan, who had always been worried about the appearance of the three treasures, instantly go crazy with joy. Her little doll finally didn't have to worry about not being able to find a male because it was too dark!

"Yes, the three treasures are really beautiful." Zhao Fengji held Qibao in his arms. There were only three-part portraits of Qibao and Three Treasures, and because of their very different temperaments, even the three-part portraits would not exist unless one looked carefully.

Sanbao seemed to understand the compliment, and looked at his father with beautiful eyes, with a hint of a smile in the thick black, but from his face, he couldn't tell.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fengji couldn't help laughing, the three treasures of their family are also talented, even their smiles are different from ordinary people.

"Sambo, don't be unhappy, you are so smart, you will be able to change freely soon."

"Ah." Sanbao replied lazily, not sure if he believed it or not.

Sanbao is the second kitten who can transform after Sibao. She also encountered the same problem as Sibao. After transforming into a human doll, she not only can't eat meat, but also can't walk freely. It's an annoyance. Character.

"Roar!" Sibao is the one who can best understand Sanbao's mood. She lay on Bai Xingxuan's lap, gently patted Sanbao's short legs with her small claws, and when Sanbao looked over, she patted Sanbao with her small head. Touching the little hands of the Three Treasures, it was like comforting the Three Treasures.

Sanbao squinted his eyes, still indifferent to answering.

The carriage soon arrived at the foot of Dieluo Peak, and a group of people got out of the carriage one after another. As soon as Bai Xingkuang stood firm, he saw a little fat man running over.

"Mother, where are the three treasures?" The little fat man searched around, but couldn't find the three treasures he was thinking about, so he could only ask Bai Xingkuan pitifully.

Bai Xingkuan looked at the indifferent Sambo in his arms, thought for a while, lifted the child in his arms forward and asked, "Do you think she looks like Sambo?"

Li Chengjun was obviously stunned, his face was full of suspicion, and he looked at Bai Xingxuan as if he was accusing, you are such an adult, why do you still lie to children?
Bai Xingkuan was speechless, and said seriously: "Look carefully!"

Li Chengjun is an obedient child, he really looked at it carefully, and then he met a pair of deep black eyes, which were exactly the same as the eyes of Sanbao in his memory!
"Wow! It seems!" Li Chengjun seemed to have discovered something strange, his eyes were exaggeratedly rounded, and the chubby hands were tightly clenched into fists.

San Bao looked at the little fat man in front of him with disgust in his eyes, and lazily turned his head away, not wanting to look at this stupid fat man again, he looks like him everywhere.

"Wow! Turning your head looks like that!" Li Chengjun, who was despised and out of experience, exclaimed again, and there was a feeling of joy in this exclamation, which made people very speechless.

Bai Xingkuang felt that this little fat man was actually quite cute, and asked, "Do you want to play with your sister?"

"Yes, can you?" Little sister?Does he have a little sister too?

"Of course." Bai Xingkuan said and handed the Three Treasures over, but the little fat man is too small, how can he hold a doll.

Grandma Sun on the side hurriedly took a step forward and took over the struggling Three Treasures, "Mother, let the old slave hold the little master."

Bai Xingkui blinked innocently, and said to the little fat man, "You're too young, you need to eat a lot to be able to hug Three Treasures."


Zhao Fengji held Bai Xingkuan's hand from behind, pointed to the cubs that were jumping on the ground, and asked, "What should they do, should they be put in baskets?"

"Stop pretending, they are already so big, let them run away by themselves."

"Okay, let's go!"

There were too many people in their group, some were old and some were young, and the speed of climbing the mountain was extremely slow, but even Bai Xingkuang strolled leisurely and in a very happy mood.

"Is this our second date?" The last time I went to a private mountain outside the city, it felt great.

Zhao Fengji thought for a while, and made a gesture of three, "It should be the third time, the first time was to go shopping, have you forgotten?" They also went to the theater that time, and it was also the first time for him to be with his sweetheart. Getting along like that, the wonderful feeling will never be forgotten in this life.

"Ah, yes." Bai Xingkuang also suddenly remembered, and smiled foolishly. In fact, they are often together, but the opportunities to go out like this are a bit too rare.

"You're so busy every day." Bai Xingkuan sighed, Xiongxiong was far more busy than she imagined, and she couldn't help, so she could only watch, "Is there no one who can help you?"

"It won't be too long. After this time is over, I'll come out to play with you, okay?" He has been very busy recently, but he has no plan to keep busy.He is already considering the distribution of government affairs that can be distributed, but he still needs to think carefully about the selection of candidates.

"You have to keep your word."

"of course."

Dieluo Peak on September [-] was very lively, with people up and down. The Empress Dowager said bitterly that she couldn't do it before she climbed one-third of the mountain due to lack of exercise.

"Ma'am, why is your physical strength so weak at such a young age?" Bai Xingkuan said as he handed out a box of fast food milk, and continued to tease: "Look at that little fat man, he didn't even say he was tired."

The little fat man Li Chengjun was very speechless, he secretly sucked his little belly, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not fat, I'm not a little fat paper!"

Bai Xingkuang moved his ears, ignored the stubborn and cowardly child, and continued to say to the Empress Dowager, "Drink some milk to replenish your strength."

The empress dowager was even more annoyed than the little fat man, and she glared at Bai Xingkuan angrily, "I already have grandchildren, what's wrong with my lack of physical strength!"

"Having grandchildren doesn't mean you are old. You look in the mirror, you are so young but your physical strength is so poor. You should exercise more on a daily basis." When exercising, let's call Aniang together."

When the Empress Dowager heard this, she didn't know whether she should be happy or continue to be angry, she pursed her lips, she couldn't control it, she still smiled and said: "Go, go, don't come to tease me, you have good physical strength, you Go up by yourself, Ben Gong is sitting here."


(End of this chapter)

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