Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 262 【262】Don't worry, mother

Chapter 262 【262】Don't worry, mother

Where did Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkui leave the Empress Dowager behind, they found a place where they could rest, and they sat down with the Empress Dowager to watch the scenery together.

The palace maids prepared very well, and quickly set up a small stove, took out all kinds of pastries to eat, set a table full, and respectfully sent them to the Empress Dowager and the others.

A few cubs were also brought there, the oldest of which was the [-]-year-old Seventh Princess, but she didn't feel that she was a child, but a big sister who was responsible for taking care of the children.

On the other hand, the sixth princess, who had reached the age of eighteen, sat quietly aside, she looked like a big girl at first glance.

The Empress Dowager glanced at the sixth princess, and couldn't help but think of the incident a few days ago, and said, "Emperor, please tell me about the little grandson from Linge's hometown."

Hearing the words of Lin Ge's youngest and grandson, the sixth princess's gaze moved over, obviously very concerned.

Zhao Fengji knew what his mother's queen meant, so he also said bluntly: "Although Lin Zihao didn't marry a wife, most of the maids around him had affairs with him, and one of them was even pregnant, but it was covered up very well. I don't know."

"How is this possible!" The sixth princess stood up in disbelief, with a wounded and unwilling expression on her face.

Zhao Fengji naturally knew that Lin Ge wanted to marry the sixth princess for his grandson not long ago, and even knew that Lin Zihao had secretly contacted the sixth princess, and the sixth princess had even secretly agreed.

But in his opinion, this is obviously not a good relationship, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, what I said is the truth."

Zhao Fengji didn't have deep feelings for this sixth younger sister, and he spoke a little coldly, but this didn't mean that he would just watch his royal sister marry someone who was not human.

"Those maids are just waiting for the main wives to enter the house, and they will be carried into concubines one by one." Zhao Fengji looked at the sixth princess, and said bluntly: "If you don't care, there is nothing wrong with it. You are a princess, no one will I can't get past you."

The sixth princess stood there blankly. After hearing this, she reflexively said: "Impossible, how could I not care!"

She is not a fool, how could she agree to her husband taking a concubine!
Zhao Fengji saw that the Sixth Princess had such a reaction, so he didn't say anything more, but exchanged a look of knowing each other with the Empress Dowager.

Seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant, Bai Xing said with a smile: "The scenery here is nice, let's take a photo."

"Okay, okay!" The seventh princess agreed first, she knew about the existence of the camera two days ago, but she was greatly surprised, and the emperor's wife treated her very well, even gave her one, she was cautious put it in the basket.

"Let me take a picture." Seventh Princess recommended herself.

Bai Xingkuan shook his head with a smile, "Let's take a group photo first, let... Bai Qing take a photo for us."

Eunuch Wei Jing was getting old and really not suitable for mountain climbing, so he sent Bai Qing to follow Zhao Fengji.

Bai Qing immediately took a step forward, and he should be respectful. He already had the camera in his hand, and he carefully protected it along the way.

"What is taking a photo?" Prince Yongle, who was only eight years old, looked confused. Seeing that everyone was moving, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Eighth brother, come to me, let's stand together." The seventh princess waved to the eighth brother, and the eighth prince walked over, looking curiously at the thing in Bai Qing's hand, it was something he had never seen before .

After everyone stood still, Bai Qing said a little nervously: "Your nobles, please smile, the servant is going to take a picture."

In the photo, the Empress Dowager is sitting at the main seat, Zhao Fengji holding the Seven Treasures and Bai Xingkuan holding the Three Treasures are standing beside her, the Sixth Princess, the Seventh Princess and the Eighth Prince are standing in a row, Li Chengjun's little bun secretly stretched out his hand, Holding Sanbao's little hand, the other five little tigers squatted in the front row.

After a short rest, everyone continued to climb the mountain. When the Empress Dowager was exhausted and wanted to give up again, Bai Xingkui handed the three treasures to Zhao Fengji, and a princess hugged her directly, and started to climb up with the Empress Dowager in her arms.

The Empress Dowager was stunned, "What are you going to do?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, as long as I'm here, there's no mountain you can't climb!" Bai Xingkui said very proudly.

The Empress Dowager rolled her big eyes and muttered to herself: Yes, as long as you are here, there is nothing you can't do!
Seeing this scene from the side, Zhao Fengji couldn't hold back, the corners of his mouth became more and more curved, and finally let out a low laugh.

A Niang must be happy to meet such a Bai Xingxuan.

The group walked for more than an hour, and finally reached the top of the mountain before lunch. There is a maple forest on the top of Dieluo Peak, which is full of red at this time, which is really beautiful.

"Aniang, we've reached the top of the mountain." Bai Xingkuan put down the Empress Dowager, and looked at the maple forest with delight, "The scenery here is really good."

"Do you want to take pictures here?" Zhao Fengji followed Bai Xingkuan all the time, seeing that she liked this place, he shook the camera in his hand.

During this journey, he has already taken a lot of photos, many of which are only Bai Xingkuang alone, running or jumping or laughing or making trouble, more beautiful than the scenery here, more vibrant than this mountain peak.


Everyone got together again and took a group photo in this maple forest, and developed many photos, each of them has a copy.

Bai Xingkuan is not particular about his identity. After taking photos of his family, he saw that the accompanying servants and guards were all very curious, so he asked Bai Qing to take the camera and take photos for the others, making sure that everyone had at least one photo. .

It is said that many people wanted to pay a lot of money to buy these photos, but very few people sold them, and most of them became family heirlooms.

When Bai Qing was taking pictures for everyone, he would inadvertently look at Bai Xingxuan. Only when he saw her smiling brightly would his heart settle down.

He is lucky to have such a master in his life!

The lunch was very sumptuous, the Empress Dowager and Bai Xingkuan both prepared a portion, and there were two imperial chefs among the accompanying people, and the meals presented were all hot.

And the ones that Bai Xingkuan prepared were also rare foods that no one had ever seen before. Bai Xingkuan was very generous this time, sharing all the food he had stored in the past few months with everyone.

"Wow, what is this, it smells so good!"

"Hey, why is this smelly?"

"This rice dumpling is delicious, and it tastes like fresh fish."

"I like to eat this crooked noodle, it tastes amazing, it is the best noodle I have ever eaten!"

"The roast duck is delicious, fragrant and crispy, crispy and tender, it's amazing!"


(End of this chapter)

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