Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 282 [282] It's embarrassing

Bai Xingkuang was a little bit shocked, and asked angrily: "Since your peaches are so precious, and you still hired people like us, aren't you afraid that we will steal them?"

"You are beating workers, and you are restricted by the beating worker's token. If you steal food, you will be found out immediately, and your credit value will be deducted. And if your reputation is damaged, you will not only need to double our losses, but no one will Dare to hire you."

Bai Xingxuan sighed, although he never thought about stealing food, he still felt depressed, "Then do you have food and lodging here? You can't leave us for three days, you can't let us go hungry?"

The housekeeper took out a small bottle and handed it to Bai Xingkuan, "This is a bigu pill. After taking it, ordinary people can not eat for seven days."

"...Heh!" Bai Xingkuan was speechless, did she want to be hungry?She wants to eat delicious food!

Forget it, I haven’t eaten it anyway, so it’s good to taste it.

Bai Xingkuan was not afraid of being poisoned, so he took the pill and ate it, and then there was nothing else, this Bigu pill didn't even have any taste, bad review.

Bai Xingkuan soon joined four other colleagues, three men and one woman, dressed in very different styles, they didn't look like people of the same breed.

Bai Xingkuan thought, maybe they might not all be human, like the one in foam, with red eyeballs, a monster that came out of nowhere.

"The job of the five of you is to guard the peaches in the peach orchard. My son and I will be back in three days." After the housekeeper explained, he left in a hurry.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Xingkuang and the others were a little disappointed when they didn't see that young master of Taoyuan.

"Hello, where are you all from?" It was the first time for the five migrant workers to meet each other, and one of the teenagers greeted everyone with a smile.

"I'm from the planet Alvin, you can call me Harry." Said the tallest and strongest blond man in silver clothes of an unknown material.

"My name is Miqiu, and I'm from the Jiling Continent. I'm a magician. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Lasswell, mermaid." Bubble youth was very cold.

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, and introduced himself: "My name is Bai Xingkuang, and I come from..."

Bai Xing paused for a moment, then suddenly thought of his own experience, and couldn't help thinking of the system's self-introduction when it was bound to the system.

"You are all bound to the system, too?" Bai Xingkuang asked curiously.The butler also said that playing worker tokens would restrict their actions, which proved that all five of them should have a system.

"Yes." The other four nodded in unison.

Bai Xingkuan became even more curious, "Then why are you binding the system?"

"I went to another world because of the turbulence of time and space. In order to help me survive, the system chose me to bind."

Others also nodded, and the reasons were similar.

"Then the place of origin you mentioned, is it before time travel or after time travel?" The reason why Bai Xingkuang didn't say it just now was because she didn't know which one to talk about.

Everyone laughed, some said it was before time travel, some said it was after time travel, it probably depends on the sense of belonging in these places in their hearts.

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, and said with a hint of flaunting: "Before I crossed over, I was a female of the White Tiger tribe in the orc world, and then I traveled to the Great Zhao Kingdom. My male is the emperor of the Great Zhao Kingdom. Do you know the emperor?"

Some nodded, some shook their heads, talking and laughing, everyone got to know each other, and then Bai Xingkuan met, and the other four started to take things out very skillfully.

"The trade items I brought this time are special products of our mermaid clan, sea pearls that can avoid water, and mermaid scales that can make people transform into fish tails."

"What I brought is a high-tech product. This is the latest smart housekeeping robot on our planet, which can do all the housework for you. There is also the latest smart flying car, which can prevent and control [-]-level powerful attacks."

"We have a lot of good things in Jiongling Continent. I brought spiritual plants and spiritual weapons over here. You can choose what you need. I'll exchange them for you at a cheaper price."

"I brought a lot of delicious food, all kinds of delicious snacks, and some very unique handmade products. Come and choose."

Seeing this scene, Bai Xingkuang asked in a daze, "What are you guys doing?"

The four of them looked at Bai Xingxuan in unison, their eyes were a little strange, as if they were saying, why did you ask such a question?
Miqiu blinked, and said in a surprised tone: "It's not your first time to work, is it?"

"It's really the first time." Bai Xingkui asked back, "Is there something wrong?"

Mi Qiu laughed, "Let me just say, if you are a veteran, how can you not know what we are doing."

"Then who are you guys?" In fact, Bai Xingkuang had already guessed something, these people were obviously taking advantage of the opportunity of part-time jobs to exchange information.

"As you can see, we are exchanging resources." Miqiu replied, "But what we are exchanging are the special products of this world, not those things that are bought in the system mall."

Those things are rare items for others, but for system owners like them, they cannot be used as trading items, and they are not even willing to ask for star coins.

Bai Xingkuan thought about it, and thought about it very hard, and slowly made a bitter face, "I don't seem to have anything special there."

She doesn't have any spiritual treasures or high-tech products at all.There are some snacks and snacks, but they are not as good as the group buying by the system, and these people probably don't like them either.

"When you are trading, can I watch from the sidelines?" Bai Xingkuan asked humbly!

The four of them have no opinion, and it's not like they haven't encountered such a situation before.

Miqiu comforted: "Don't be discouraged, each plane has special products, but you haven't discovered it yet."

The boy who spoke first, named Liu Langyue, also echoed: "Yes, yes, I thought that there were no special products in my world, but later I found that everyone likes my snacks, so I used them to make them." It's a deal."

After Liu Langyue finished speaking, she gave Bai Xingku a bag of snacks, "Try this spicy bar, it's super delicious!"

Bai Xingxuan hesitated for a moment, feeling that she shouldn't let down the food, but she didn't ask for it in vain. After thinking about it, she took out a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the thatched cottage, "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by the imperial chef, and I like it very much. You guys try it."

well!This is the ration that Yang Jue prepared for her. If it wasn't for the embarrassing scene, she would really be reluctant to take it out!
Liu Langyue was very cheerful, "Thank you, then I won't be polite, I haven't tasted the food made by the imperial chef yet!"

The other three also took a piece each, savoring it carefully.


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