Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 283 [283] How much do you have

In the following time, Bai Xingkuan watched from the side.

Miqiu exchanged a piece of grass for a robot, Harry exchanged a speeding car for a [-]-pound snack pack, and the mermaid Laswell exchanged scales for a spirit weapon and a [-]-pound snack pack.

Bai Xingkuan looked at the big gift bag that Liu Langyue took out, couldn't hold back, stepped forward and said, "I'll take you to my thatched hut space to have a look, if there is something you like, let's trade it, how about it? "

"Okay." Liu Langyue smiled and rolled her eyes. This young lady looked sassy, ​​but she was a foodie, hehe!

Bai Xingkuan led the people into her thatched hut. Her thatched hut was a little messy. The space that was originally small was filled with piles, and it was difficult to walk two steps.

"This pile is for food, this pile is for clothing, this pile is for use, and this pile is gold and silver." Bai Xingkuan roughly introduced, but in fact many things are mixed together, "Look , is there anything you want!"

Those who can own the system are those who are not short of money, but the snacks brought by Liu Langyue are not worth much in themselves. After looking around, he really selected several items.

"My snacks are worthless. You can trade with gold and silver jewelry, or you can exchange these pastries and food, but if you use gold and silver, you may suffer a bit." Liu Langyue said bluntly, and he did not take advantage of others. mean.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether they take advantage of the system hosts to make transactions, after all, every world is different.For the same thing, some worlds are treasures, while others are grass. Whether the transaction can be successful depends on the needs of both parties.

"What do you want?" Bai Xingkuang didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage. She was always generous with food, especially gourmet food.

The small bag of spicy strips she ate just now can be said to be numb, spicy and exciting, whether it is eaten with steamed buns or porridge, it is very suitable.

Liu Langyue thought for a while, pointed to a set of gold jewelry and said, "I want this set of jewelry, plus that box of pastries, and I'll give you a big gift bag of twenty catties of snacks, how about it?"

Bai Xingkui glanced at the jewelry. It was sent by Weijing's father-in-law before they got married. He said that it was Yang Jue's order, and he sent many sets for her to wear casually. It's just that she didn't like it, so she didn't wear any of them. Pass.

"No problem." Bai Xingkuan nodded and agreed, "But I still want to change some more, do you have anything else you want?"

This task of beating a worker is not fixed. I don't know when I want to meet this next time.So Bai Xingkuan wanted to stock up on more food, otherwise there wouldn't be enough to eat, since there were still males and a bunch of cubs in her family.

Liu Langyue was a little surprised, "A gift bag of twenty catties is already a lot, enough for you to last for half a year."

Bai Xingkuo curled his lips, "Just your bag of food, if I'm willing, I can eat it all in one day."

Liu Langyue didn't believe it, "You can't eat a pig!"

"Hmph! Can a pig compare to me? I can eat a lot more than a pig!" Bai Xingkuan said proudly.

Liu Langyue was speechless, this young lady looked very shrewd, but she seemed to have some serious illness when she spoke!

"Then how many bags do you want to change?"

Bai Xingkuan rolled his eyes, looking like a profiteer, "How much do you have?"

When Liu Langyue heard it, it was the rhythm of Baoyuan, "You want them all?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of family members, so I have to take it home for everyone to taste." She also has a family, so it's not easy to eat alone.

"I still have twenty-five [-]-jin gift bags and thirty [-]-jin gift bags, which add up to [-] jin. Can you eat it?" Liu Langyue knew that her snacks were worthless , so every time I come to work, there are a lot of belts, and I try to change as many things as possible.

Bai Xingkuan looked around, and quickly took out two small boxes, then felt that it was not enough, and took out two more small boxes, "This is a box of gold and a box of silver, plus a set of gold jewelry and A set of jade jewelry, in exchange for your eight hundred catties of snacks, okay?"

"Hahaha, okay, change it!" Anyway, this time he has made deals with several other migrant workers, and he will take the rest back if he doesn't change it. It's better to exchange these gold and silver jewelry. Eight hundred catties of snacks, even eighty thousand catties of snacks, is enough to buy.

As for Bai Xingkuan, she is not short of money, although she knows that it would be too wasteful to exchange these gold and silver jewelry for food, but I am happy that money is hard to buy. If you miss this village, it may be difficult to find this place again.

Both parties are very satisfied with this transaction. Even after exchanging their respective goods, the [-] catties of snacks took up a lot of space, filling up the rest of the small house, and it was so crowded that Bai Xingbin couldn't stand up. Out of the thatched cottage.

After the five completed the transaction, the first patrol began.This Taoyuan is located in a remote place, there is not even a person around, five people patrol in one direction, and it takes half an hour to go back and forth.

"This Taoyuan is really big." Bai Xingkuan returned to the center, where two people had already returned, eating with something.

Bai Xingkuang touched her stomach. Although she wanted to eat, she didn't feel hungry. That thing called Bigu Pill was really amazing.

"Didn't you take the Bigu Pill?" Bai Xingkuang asked curiously.

The two shook their heads one after another, "The steward gave me one, but I didn't eat it. I brought food here."

"Me too."

Bai Xingkuan nodded, she knew she wouldn't eat any more, but she still took out some snacks, sat on the stone bench beside her and ate them.

These are all sold by Liu Langyue. What she eats now is something called egg rolls, which are crispy and have a milky fragrance. She thinks the kids will like them.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, except for driving a few small animals away, the guard work was leisurely and boring.After the son and the housekeeper returned, they received their respective rewards and returned to their original world.

The place where he left is the place where he returns, Zhao Fengji waited here more than half an hour earlier, and the first time Bai Xingkuan returned, he was hugged by Zhao Fengji.

"Xingxuan!" You are finally back!
It's been three days, three full days, and he hasn't been able to eat or sleep well in the past three days, and he doesn't even think the cubs are cute anymore!

"Oh, what a coincidence, I fell into your arms!" Bai Xingkuan smiled, and took out two big peaches as if offering treasures, "One for you, one for me, let's try it quickly, I'm hungry for three God!"

It's not easy for her these three days. Looking at those peaches every day, she can't eat them, and her endurance has been greatly improved by the exercise!

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