Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 284 [284] You obviously have

Zhao Fengji looked at Bai Xingkuang, Bai Xingkuang looked at Taozi, Zhao Fengji smelled the fragrance of peaches, and said helplessly: "How greedy are you?"

"Stop talking, it's all tears, hurry up and eat!" Bai Xingkuang didn't want to bear it for a moment, so he peeled a peach, and bit into it.

It was even more delicious than expected, Bai Xingkuan thought it should be the most delicious peach he had ever eaten!
"It's delicious, eat it quickly." Bai Xingkuan groaned again, seeing that Zhao Fengji didn't move, he urged him.

Seeing her greedy look, Zhao Fengji was not willing to eat his own, but asked, "How many peaches did you get?"

"There are only ten of them. You have to buy peaches with spirit stones. I don't even know what spirit stones are, so I can't afford them at all. Sigh!" Speaking of sadness, Bai Xingkuan let out a big sigh.

Feeling aggrieved and sad when you want to buy something but can’t.

"Spiritual stone?" Zhao Fengji naturally didn't know about it, and Bai Xingkuang began to talk about all kinds of things that happened after she traveled to the past, "Bigu Dan is really amazing, I really don't feel hungry after eating it ...Those people look like veterans, and they all carry good things... Alas, I am pitiful, I have nothing, and in the end I can only take out two boxes of gold and silver jewelry..."

Zhao Fengji listened to Bai Xingkuan's emotional narration, the expression on his face changed from surprise to helplessness, this man was really rude just to eat in one bite.

"Look, I bought these in exchange for them. I've tried them all. The spicy strips are my favorite. You should try them!" Speaking of delicious food, Bai Xingkuang was about to bring out a bunch of snacks , brightly colored, looks very special.

Zhao Fengji took the time to ask, "Apart from these gold and silver, have you asked them what else they need?"

"I asked." The five of them spent five days together, and they really talked a lot, and she had learned a lot.

"Does our eldest Zhao have any?" Zhao Fengji didn't want to exchange something, but because he didn't want to see his daughter-in-law feel sad, and the way she wanted to eat but couldn't eat it was really distressing!

"The one named Harry said that they need a lot of food and vegetables, because the planting industry on their planet is very backward, and the crops grown are very scarce."

But although there is a lot of food in her space, there are no grains and vegetables, because she can't cook either.

"The mermaid with a particularly troublesome name also said that they like delicious food on land because their country is in the ocean." After finishing speaking, Bai Xingkui expressed his shock, "They actually live in the sea , is somewhat similar to the murlocs in our orc world, but the murlocs also live on islands, they just like to hunt in the ocean."

"There is also a spiritual master named Miqiu. She only needs spiritual objects, such as spiritual plants, spiritual pills, spiritual weapons, etc. She said a lot, but I have never seen any of them." Bai Xingkuan said regretfully, "Oh, It's not like I haven't seen it before, the gourd in the Erbao contract may be a kind of spiritual weapon."

Speaking of spiritual weapons, Bai Xingkuan said in an envious tone: "She has a lot of good things, things that can fly, wear, and be used by adults. They are all very powerful, but I can't even afford to change them."

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, he took another bite of the peach, "This peach is a spiritual peach. Miqiu's world is a bit like the place where I work, and they all have spiritual energy."

Bai Xingkuan was eating peaches, seeing that he had almost finished his own, but Zhao Fengji still didn't eat, so he urged: "Hurry up, eat it, it tastes really good."

Zhao Fengji was still not willing, lowered his head and took a bite of the peach in Bai Xingkuang's hand, and said with a smile: "It's delicious."

"You obviously have it, but you still want to eat mine." Bai Xingkuan muttered softly, but he didn't hide his hands at all. Instead, he changed the subject and asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Zhao Fengji squinted his eyes and nodded, "I'm afraid you won't be able to eat well these few days, so I have someone prepare a table of food, do you want to eat it?"

"Yes!" Not hungry is not hungry, but gluttons are really gluttons!

When Bai Xingkuang was eating, several cubs were brought over. The fat big treasure had already turned back into a beast shape, and together with her younger sisters, they gathered around Bai Xingkuang's feet, roaring .

Auntie is finally back!
Bai Xingkuang took out two peaches and asked someone to cut them open with a small knife. They were divided into six pieces, one big and one small, with a total of seven pieces, and Qibao was barely able to lick a mouthful.

The cubs groaned, and the piece of peach they got went into their stomachs, but just after eating, the cubs were in a bit of a bad state.

Sibao, the weakest, snapped on the spot, and the whole cub lay on the ground. After two weak cries, it suddenly changed back into a human form.

Then, without waiting for everyone's reaction, the Four Treasures, who had transformed back into human form, suddenly changed back into beast form.

The rest of the cubs also had some problems. Da Bao wobbled as if he had drunk too much; Er Bao also shook his head, feeling a little dizzy; The yellow flowers are flying wildly; while Wubao and Liubao are walking two steps and then stopping, seeing the uncoordinated appearance of their limbs, they are almost on crutches.

"Ahhh!" Only Qibao was held in the arms of Weijing, still licking the peach meat happily, eating it all over his face.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fengji was taken aback, "Could it be poisoning?"

Bai Xingxuan waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, Lingtao contains spiritual energy, they are too young, their bodies need to get used to it for a while."

Although spirit peaches are the lowest level of spiritual things, they are foods that contain spiritual energy after all. Apart from beautifying the skin and nourishing the muscles, they are also beneficial to the human body.

"When I go to find A-Niang, I'll give A-Niang another half. She's too old to take one." Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, and then said, "The remaining half can be given to Sixth Sister and Seventh Sister."

No amount of it is possible, she feels distressed.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

After absorbing it for a long time, the little ones gradually returned to normal, and then ran up one by one like having fun, turning themselves into small coal balls, and were caught by Weijing, Nanny Sun and others , washed several times from head to toe.

After Bai Xingku had eaten, she was pressed by Zhao Fengji to rest, but she repeatedly refused, "I don't rest, I'm not tired at all, you don't know, there's no work there, every day is boring died."

Zhao Fengji didn't quite believe it, but looking at Bai Xingkuan's appearance, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Then what do you want to do?"


【Ding!There are [-] sets of cartoon pajamas, [-] star coins for a set.Is your life lacklustre?If you want to make your life colorful, then come and buy a set of cartoon pajamas, and let the innocence fill your dissatisfied wardrobe! 】

【Ding!Among the [-] million super-nutritious sea duck eggs, there is one ten-star coin.The super nutritious sea duck eggs contain a variety of nutrients necessary for the human body, don't miss it when you pass by! 】


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