Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 285 [285] The behavior of villains

Bai Xingkuan didn't like buying clothes very much, it was some kind of pajamas, so he only bought two hundred sets.But sea duck eggs, she bought [-] without hesitation!

That night, on the dinner table, there was an extra plate of plump sea duck eggs.

Bai Xingkuan held steamed buns in one hand and sea duck eggs in the other, one steamed bun with an egg, and another steamed bun with another egg. After eating more than a dozen of them, he smacked his lips and stopped, feeling a little unsatisfied.

Zhao Fengji only ate one steamed bun and one egg. Although the egg tasted very good, he really didn't have Bai Xingkuan's fighting power.

"Are you choking? Eat slowly." Zhao Fengji poured a cup of tea for Bai Xingkuan, and Bai Xingkuan drank it in one gulp.

"It's delicious."

After the meal, Zhao Fengji mentioned something, "Tomorrow I will summon those envoys, do you want to go to court with me?"

"Me? What am I going to do?" Bai Xingkuang asked suspiciously, but then he seemed to think of something, and said suddenly, "Ah, do you want me to beat someone up for you?"

"Where you need to do it, there are people who can help." His wife's status is really interesting.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Since it wasn't military help, she felt that there was nothing she could do. Those ministers were all polite when they spoke. If she didn't understand, let alone help .

"I don't let you do anything, I just want you to watch the fun." Besides, it was also to avoid suspicion, he was also afraid that Bai Xingkuan would think too much about the princess.

"Oh, that's fine, I'll go and have a look." Bai Xingkuo didn't think too much about it, so he agreed casually.

In the early morning of the next day, the emperor and empress sat together on the dragon chair, and the courtiers were astonished and knelt down to salute.

Zhao Fengji asked all the courtiers to die, without explaining anything, but directly ordered the envoys of the Three Kingdoms to have an audience.

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms got the news a day earlier, and waited outside the hall early, and walked in immediately after hearing the order.

Although these people have been left alone for a long time, they still maintain their identities. They did not kneel and bow, but bowed slightly, respectful and pretending arrogance.

Bai Xingkuan looked a little like laughing, these people are not very good at acting, they obviously look scared, but they still pretend to be very disdainful, and I don't know why.

Compared to Bai Xingxuan's casualness, Zhao Fengji looked much more serious. He glanced at the eight envoys coldly, with a hint of arrogance in his indifference.

"You Three Kingdoms first sent people to my Dazhao secretly to do villainous things; now you have sent envoys to my Dazhao to disrespect the etiquette and act recklessly." Zhao Fengji sarcastically and accused him as soon as he opened his mouth, "It really makes my Dazhao Open your eyes."

Some ministers who were relatively shallow in the city suddenly laughed lightly when they heard Zhao Fengji's words.But in this overly silent hall, the laughter seemed extremely abrupt.

The faces of the eight envoys were even more changed by the laughter. Of course, the main reason for this was Zhao Fengji's words, which were too embarrassing.

"His Majesty the Emperor Zhao misunderstood. Our Nanxi Kingdom, Jiashu Kingdom and Kerrus Kingdom are allies. We came here this time to learn from Da Zhao." Liu Zhaoyu, Prime Minister of Nanxi Kingdom, spoke representatively, " As for the misunderstandings in the past, they were all the private actions of some rebellious officials and thieves, and they definitely have nothing to do with our Three Kingdoms Alliance."

Some things can be done, but they can't be admitted anyway. They are envoys who came here to investigate the situation, not here to take the blame and come to their door to die.

Zhao Fengji sneered, his [-] troops had already lined up in the northwest, did these people even say that they wanted to learn from Da Zhao, how to attack their own country?

"Since you are here to study, I will teach you a word first." After Zhao Fengji finished speaking, he looked at Liu Zhaoyu, waiting for him to answer.

Liu Zhaoyu knew that this would not be a good word, but he couldn't help but continue: "Please speak, Your Majesty."

"There is a saying that the one who teases first is cheap, whoever stretches out his claws first must have the consciousness of being chopped off!" Zhao Fengji really didn't want to waste time with these people, and they were about to start a fight, saying anything was meaningless .

"You should go back as soon as possible and tell your emperor that Da Zhao's [-] soldiers and horses have been prepared, and those ignorant people who covet Da Zhao will pay the price at any time!"

After the wedding, Zhao Fengji is like a lion that has woken up, ready to face the enemy, ready to strike at any time!

Liu Zhaoyu probably didn't expect that the emperor of Zhao State would have such a temper, and he would tear up his face without saying a word in the scene.

In fact, Zhao Fengji didn't have such a temper before, but since meeting Bai Xingkuan, his temper has changed.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Zhao, what you said is irresponsible. Don't you think about the people of Zhao? When the war starts, people will suffer from the war. Why are you so impulsive?" Liu Zhaoyu didn't want to Go to war with Da Zhao, at least not now.

On the day of the wedding, although the envoys of the three countries were not allowed to go out and no one went to watch the ceremony, the envoys of the three countries knew everything that happened at the wedding ceremony through their own channels.

Those so-called procedures were naturally out of the scope of the envoys' attention, but those strange things that came out of nowhere were kept in the hearts of the envoys.

The fire that can illuminate the entire night sky, the ball that can fly into the sky, the new queen who is extremely skilled in martial arts, and the shop under the queen's name that sells many treasures. Although it is only a few days, the envoys have so much in their hearts There are countless doubts.

Coupled with the key investigation object of their trip, the tiger king who does not know whether it exists, everything in Da Zhao has become so abnormal, it seems that there are many things they don't know, which makes people Have to be afraid!

Although the overall strength of the Three Kingdoms Alliance is stronger than that of Da Zhao, but after a real fight, the Three Kingdoms may be allies or enemies at the same time.

Liu Zhaoyu's character is cautious. He was not a main fighter, and he didn't fully trust the other two countries. Now that he has investigated the news, he doesn't want to start a war with Da Zhao.

It's just that Zhao Fengji has made up his mind, so how can he persuade him with just a few words.

"Don't want to lose your life, don't want to suffer from war? That's fine, as long as you three countries pay [-] million taels of indemnity, I will forgive you for your previous villainous behavior!" Zhao Fengji didn't want to fight either, so why didn't he know how to fight? pain!

But the wolf ambitions of the Three Kingdoms, there will be a battle between them, if they are not defeated, there will be no peace in the southwestern frontier of Dazhao!

"Eight million taels? How is this possible!"


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