Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 287 [287] I will worry

The others couldn't hear the envoys who were swearing at each other, but Bai Xingkuan listened to the whole process with a cold face, especially when those people called Zhao Fengji a tyrant, she turned completely cold.

"I'm going to kill them!"

The envoys retreated, but the morning court was not over yet, Bai Xingkuang stood up just like that, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Zhao Fengji looked up at Bai Xingxuan, looking at the anger in her eyes, he could probably guess why she had such a reaction.

"Did they say something?" His wife had good ears and eyes, and the envoys all left in anger, maybe they would take advantage of it.

"They say you're a tyrant!" Bai Xingkui felt wronged for Zhao Fengji, "You've worked so hard for the common people of Great Zhao!"

Don't think that she doesn't understand these things, she just can't help and is in a hurry.

Zhao Fengji's heart felt sour, and he couldn't help holding Bai Xingkuang's hand, "They all have their own home, don't dirty your hands because of them."

There was an obvious chill in Zhao Fengji's tone, and it was obvious that he did not intend to let those people go.

"What do you want to do? I'll help you do it, I'm sure I can do it better than the others!" Bai Xingxuan whispered next to Zhao Fengji's ear, his tone was eager to try, with a look of anticipation.

"No, I've already made arrangements." Zhao Fengji also lowered his voice, only Weijing at the side could vaguely hear the conversation between the two.

Zhao Fengji's arrangement was rational and cruel. He asked Jiang Biyan to lead the army to escort the envoys of the Three Kingdoms all the way out of Dazhao. After confirming that the envoys were picked up by the troops of various countries, he let people do it!

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms divided into three teams after they left Dazhao, and each headed towards their respective imperial cities. Zhao Fengji also sent three teams to intercept them at the same time. .

The old fox Liu Zhaoyu and the disgusting princess Hai Nala are both on Zhao Fengji's death list.But the former is for Da Zhao, and the latter is because she shouldn't provoke Bai Xingkuang!
But this is a later story, shortly after the envoys left, Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkuan talked about Yujia's personal conquest.

"I thought about it again and again, and felt that I had to go to this battle by myself." Zhao Fengji said helplessly, he didn't want to go either, but Da Zhao didn't have a suitable general, even if he had already tried his best to train him, it was too late.

"I'll go with you." Bai Xingkuan said without hesitation.

She didn't want to stop Zhao Fengji, nor did she think about stopping him, but following him was her bottom line!
Ever since Zhao Fengji returned from a serious injury, she swore that she would never let Xiongxiong face danger alone again!
"Okay!" Zhao Fengji agreed without hesitation, because he thought so, "You are Da Zhao's secret weapon, so naturally we want to go together!"

When Bai Xingkuan heard this, he immediately smiled, his smile was bright and sunny, like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

"You have eyesight!"

It was decided that the royal driver would go on a personal expedition, and the related matters had to be prepared. The court calculated the days and finally set the time for the expedition at the end of October.

And it was at this time that the worker module released another recruitment task.

【Ding!The [-]th Food Competition of Xigeng Kingdom recruits [-] food tasters. The working time is tomorrow's Si and noon, a total of four hours. The job requirements must be to try all the participating food and complete the scoring work.The salary is three altars of Sun and Moon aging wine, or one hundred and eight strange snacks made by Wei Wei Zhai, and the settlement will be made after the work is completed.Does the host sign up? 】

"Sign up!" Hearing the content of the job, Bai Xingkuang signed up without hesitation. What job is better than eating?there is none left!
At noon, Bai Xingkui excitedly told Zhao Fengji about the new job she had received. She said it in an unbelievable tone, and finally concluded: "This task of working as a worker is really good, and it suits me very well. mind."

Zhao Fengji was a little worried when he heard it, "Taste taster? Do you need to try a lot of food? Will there be any problems with eating?" Otherwise, why spend money to invite people to try food?

"...No way?" Bai Xingxuan paused, would there be any problems with eating?

Zhao Fengji frowned, obviously worried, "If the food is too much and too mixed, will there be a problem of restraint?"

Bai Xingkuan couldn't answer this question, because she didn't know either.

Then I heard Zhao Fengji continue to ask: "If someone intentionally poisons, will the food contest find out?"

"Why do you want to poison?" It's just a competition, do you want to kill strangers by poisoning?

"What if?"

Bai Xingkuan was speechless, in case anything happened, don't eat in the future!
"I will pay attention, don't always worry about me so much, you look like this, I won't dare to take the task in the future!" The worried look of the male makes her not in a good mood, how can she be so weak!

Zhao Fengji took a deep breath, he was just worried, and seemed to be a little out of control.The places Bai Xingkuang went to were all places he couldn't go to, and if something happened, he couldn't do anything at all, which made him unable not to worry!

"Then don't accept it!" Zhao Fengji said bluntly, "Those missions are not necessary, and the rewards given are nothing special. You really don't need to take this risk!"

The last time Bai Xingkuan was away for three days, he had been worried for three whole days. He would even be distracted when he was reviewing the memorials. He really didn't want to experience the feeling of anxiety and fear anymore.

Bai Xingkuan frowned, and gently hugged Zhao Fengji, "Don't be like this, I'm just going out to work, there's no danger at all, and I'll be back on time."

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, seeing that Zhao Fengji still had a dignified and worried expression, he felt a little sour in his heart. Is this person so worried about himself?

"You have to trust me, I'm very powerful." Bai Xingkuan didn't say she wouldn't go, she felt that as long as she spoke well, the male would definitely understand her.

She is a female, not a small pet in a greenhouse. It is her responsibility to work hard to support a family, and her hobby is to love adventures. She cannot give up these things because of the worries of males.

Zhao Fengji closed his eyes, hugged Bai Xingkui tightly, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "No matter how powerful you are, you must pay attention to safety, otherwise I will be worried!"

After Zhao Fengji finished speaking, he still felt that it was not enough, and his tone was a little arrogant and threatening: "If you get injured, you will never be allowed to go again!"

Bai Xingkuang wanted to laugh a little, and asked with a bitter face on purpose, "Is it considered an injury if you're full?"



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