Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 288 [288] Food Competition

Xigeng Kingdom is located in Tianya Continent, a country famous for its gourmet food. There are seven master chefs, hundreds of senior chefs, and thousands of intermediate chefs in this country!
For the Xigeng Kingdom, every food competition is a grand event like the New Year.Countless chefs flock from all over the world.Some are for fame, some are for profit, and some are for the aging of the three altars of sun and moon.

The specific formula of Sun Moon Aging is unknown to the general public, but they do know that the two main ingredients are Sun Glory and Moon Glory.

The Sun Moon Aged Brewery, which combines the sun and moon, has two very special functions.One is to delay all traces of time on a person, and the other is to have a chance to feel the law of time and space.

Bai Xingkuan activated the badge for beating workers a quarter of an hour earlier, and under Zhao Fengji's resentful gaze, he happily went to Xigeng Kingdom.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you some good wine, and we won't go home until the time comes!"

Zhao Fengji was speechless, this person would give up everything just to eat, hum!
At this time, the imperial city of Xigeng Kingdom was very lively. The streets, alleys, restaurants and teahouses were full of people, and judging by their attire, they all came from different regions.

As soon as Bai Xingkuan appeared, someone shouted to her: "There's another taster here, hurry up and change at my place, the competition will start soon!"

Bai Xingkuan walked over and took a light yellow robe and commoner clothes, which looked a little strange.

"There's a special place for changing clothes, go there quickly." The person in charge of distributing clothes pointed to a small room not far away, and Bai Xingkuang walked over there.

After she changed her clothes and came out, she saw a lot of people who were dressed in the same clothes, gathering together in twos and threes. Judging by the posture, it was obvious that they were exchanging things.

"Alas!" Bai Xingxuan sighed, the pain in her pocket was probably what she was like now.

But even though she sighed, she still actively walked up to the group of people and carefully looked at the things that group of people exchanged.

"I won't brag to you. This stone of mine was dug out from the outer core of the earth. It was dug by a super boss in our world. No one else has even seen it. It is very suitable for refining weapons. Are you interested? yes?"

"You are just an ordinary earth center stone. You can exchange at most two mid-level spirit grasses, and it won't be worthwhile to change any more."

Bai Xingkuan listened, then shook his head and changed his place. Those with spirit characters almost had nothing to do with her.

"I have more than a thousand kinds of honey here, each of which has a different effect, which one do you want?"

Bai Xingkuang suddenly heard the word honey, and she walked over without hesitation, and then saw a woman with a rather strange appearance, with pointed ears like some kind of little monster.

"I want honey, what do you want?" When Bai Xingkuan spoke, he also saw the other person's eyes, which turned out to be sky blue, transparent and pure.

"I have a blue gem here, which is very similar to your eyes. Can I exchange it?" Bai Xingkuang also made a lot of preparations for this trip, from the state treasury and Zhao Fengji's private treasury, After exchanging a lot of gold, silver and jade, Da Zhao is more valuable for these things.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." The girl exclaimed, and Dang Li nodded and said, "I like this stone very much, can I exchange it with five jars of honey?"

Bai Xingkuan shook his head solemnly, "This gemstone is very rare, I want to exchange it for ten jars of honey."

Bai Xingkuan is not usually a person who likes to bargain, but the problem is that she is poor, and she cannot succeed without bargaining.

"Okay!" The girl was very straightforward, "I have thousands of kinds of honey here, what kind do you want to exchange?"

"...Choose ten kinds for me, I believe in you." Don't make things difficult for her, a deep honey lover, she wants all kinds!
"Okay!" The girl immediately chose ten kinds and handed them over. "Here are ancient tree honey, snow honey, bee flower honey, white spirit honey...all of which are my favorite!"

"Thank you." Bai Xingkuan put away the honey, blinked his eyes, and took out another jade hairpin, "You are so beautiful, I think this jade hairpin is also very suitable for you, do you want to try it?"

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, he took another look at the girl's clothes, and said with a hint of disgust, "You are so beautiful, it really doesn't suit you to wear such clothes. I still have nice clothes here, do you want them?"

This girl is dressed in the same uniform as her, which is naturally inappropriate.

"Is it the kind of clothes with special functions?" The girl asked with some concern.

"No." Bai Xingkuan shook his head, "It's just ordinary but very beautiful clothes."

The girl immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I can't afford to change the ones that are too expensive, I only have these honey and fruits."

As soon as Bai Xingkuan heard it, he felt a sense of sympathy for each other, they were all equally poor.

"Look at these clothes, they are all embroidered by the best embroiderers, and these jewelry..."

"Wow, it's really beautiful!"

The two girls happily made one transaction after another, one liked food, the other liked beauty, and the transaction was very pleasant.

In the end, Bai Xingkuan exchanged sixty cans of honey, plus twenty fruits, and she was also very generous. In addition to the items traded, she also gave the girl two boxes of small snacks made by the imperial chef, and exchanged each other's sweets with the girl. name.

"I am an elf, and my name is La Belle."

"Hi La Belle, I am from the White Tiger Clan, and my name is Bai Xingkuan."

After the transaction is over, it's time to start tasting. Although they don't need to try in the early stage, they need to observe the chef's cooking techniques.

"Although most of you are laymen, you all have aesthetics. As the saying goes, the color and fragrance are complete, and this color also includes cooking techniques."

Bai Xingkuan wrinkled her nose, countless scents mixed together, she couldn't help rubbing her belly.

"I really want to eat it." In order to try more delicacies, Bai Xingkuan only ate a little for breakfast, he was not full at all!

"Hey, you are here." At this moment, a somewhat familiar voice sounded, Bai Xingkuan turned his head and saw an acquaintance, "Liu Langyue, are you here to work too?"

"Yes, I guess you will come too, and I specially prepared some good things to trade with you." Liu Langyue said mysteriously and a little proudly.

"Is it delicious?" She has eaten a lot of snacks in the past few days, and the taste is really amazing.

"Not just food, but also two books. Let's see, are they useful?" Liu Langyue took out two books as he spoke. The books were very thick, as thick as a thumb.


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