Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 293 [293] Victory

The night before arriving at the southwest frontier, when the large army stopped, Bai Xingkuan immediately entered the space of the thatched hut, thinking of taking all the cubs out to let them out.But I saw the cubs piled on top of each other, together with a few small pets, crowded together, sleeping soundly.

Bai Xingkuan smiled, grabbed two of them with one hand, and brought all the little ones out of the space.

"Tomorrow, we will be there."


In the first ten days of November, Zhao Fengji led the army into the southwestern border city, and the common people greeted them along the way, watching the way expectantly and apprehensively.

Bai Xingxuan transformed into a giant white tiger, carrying Zhao Fengji on his back and walking at the forefront of the army, his majesty is worthy of his reputation as a tiger god!

Seeing this scene, the common people and the Southwest Frontier Army held their breaths, looked at their emperor with fear and admiration, and at the same time looked at the white tiger with fear and curiosity.

"Roar!" Bai Xingkuang is a big tiger that doesn't walk normally. When she reached the city gate, she accelerated suddenly and flew up out of thin air. Amidst countless exclamations, she landed firmly on the city wall. Then there was a roar of tigers that resounded throughout the city!

"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live!"

"See the Tiger God, the Tiger God blesses Dazhao, Dazhao will last forever, and the prosperous age will be prosperous!" A general who is especially good at speaking shouted full of anger.

When the common people heard this, they all knelt down and saluted. Although they were a little uneven, their tone was extremely sincere and full of awe.

Zhao Fengji's slender fingers stroked the big tiger's head lightly, and said in a solemn voice: "Pingshen!"

Bai Xingkuan also yelled, and after the yelling, he flew down the city wall with Zhao Fengji, formally entered the city, and went to the general's mansion with the generals defending the city.

After entering the General's Mansion, Bai Xingkuan found an opportunity, changed into a human form and walked out of the carriage, meeting everyone as a queen.

The first step after the army moves into the city is to rest.The same was true for Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkuan. After a simple wash and a delicious meal, Zhao Fengji started to deal with the business.

He summoned all the generals who were stationed in the border town and brought with him all the generals above Rank [-] to discuss the matter together, and the discussion lasted until midnight.

When Zhao Fengji came back, Bai Xingkuang had already embraced the cubs and fell asleep. Feeling a touch on his forehead in a daze, he opened his eyes unwillingly and muttered, "You're back, hurry up sleep."

"En." Zhao Fengji gently climbed onto the bed, and hugged Bai Xingkuang and the cubs in his arms.

After the army stayed in the border town for two days, the three countries in the Southwest had already received the news, and the border town of the Three Kingdoms was even more guarded by heavy troops, which seemed to mean that they could not defend it.

"Since the other party won't come out, then we will attack!" Zhao Fengji just sneered at this, and ordered the three armies to set off in two days!

Ordinary siege battles are wars of attrition, using countless lives to pry open the gates of the city, but when it comes to Zhao Fengji, the siege battle has become a crushing situation.

"Since you're here, I'll give the other party a big gift. Tonight..." Zhao Fengji had no intention of wasting time. On the first night when the soldiers came to the city, they started a sneak attack!
Bai Xingxuan brought Zhao Fengji, and Erbao's big gourd sat on a vanguard of the Jizi Battalion. They sneaked into the city directly from the air from the unguarded side, taking advantage of the darkness, and arrived quietly. At the gate of the city, this massacre known as the beginning of the united war started!
When the city gate was opened, the big cat had not made a sound, and a tiger roar became the signal to attack.The [-] troops that had been prepared for a long time rushed into the border town of Nanxi Kingdom in an instant amidst the howling of tigers!
Probably because of the marriage of a princess, Nanxi Country has been targeted by Zhao Fengji, no matter what he does, he always chooses Nanxi Country as the first one.

"The enemy army has come in, hurry up, fight back!"

"Go and guard the city gate, Da Zhao is attacking!"

"The Tiger God is here, Dazhao really has a Tiger God, we can't win!" The soldiers and people of Nanxi Kingdom, in panic, have changed from resisting hastily at first to fleeing in despair.

"Run, the tiger gods of Dazhao are here. If we don't run away, we will all die here!" Some courageous people wanted to escape outside the city at night, but most of them still huddled at home and shivered. trembling.

The sound of horseshoes, killing, roaring, begging for mercy, all kinds of chaotic sounds gathered in this city, adding countless blood to the night.

After Zhao Fengji's army entered the city, he asked Bai Xingkuang to take him up to the city tower, and cleared out an open space for temporary command.

"Those people who want to flee to Nanxi territory, don't worry about it, let them run."

"There are also those people in the city who dare not flee. We will also drive them out. Don't hurt their lives, and don't allow them to take away their property. No one will be given food for a day, and those who don't want to leave will be thrown out."


Bai Xingkuan tilted her head curiously. Although she couldn't speak, her movements were enough to express her doubts.

"I want those common people to knock on the gate of the next city. If they are in chaos, we can move." Zhao Fengji immediately explained.

Big Maomao was deep in thought, looking as if he had figured it out, but also as if he hadn't figured it out.

"Hooo!" Why is it so annoying, how easy it is to let her go and kill it directly!
Zhao Fengji didn't quite understand these words, he only felt a trace of impatience, he touched the big cat's head, and comforted him: "Don't worry, this battle is almost over."

As long as the city gate is opened, the Nanxi soldiers are no match for Da Zhao.

It has to be said that Nanxi's response this time was very misguided, and he actually wanted to switch from offense to defense. This is obviously giving up the advantage of the three-nation coalition and fighting against the entire Zhao with the power of one country.

Of course, Zhao Fengji also had to guard against sneak attacks from the other two countries, so he had to keep [-] troops to defend the city, otherwise Nanxi's decline would only be accelerated.

The war lasted all night, and it gradually stopped at about three quarters of the hour.

At this time, Zhao Fengji had already led people to occupy the Nanxi Army's garrison, and captured more than [-] captives. These prisoners were all soldiers, and the people had already been driven out of the city by Zhao Fengji's men, rushing towards The other cities in Nanxi fled.

"Your Majesty, in this battle, more than [-] people died in our army, and more than [-] people died in the enemy army..."

No matter in terms of the casualty ratio or the final result, this battle was a big victory.

Zhao Fengji ordered: "Let the whole army rest for two days. After two days, the army will continue to march towards Nanxi Imperial City!"


The border city of Nanxi fell. Apart from the panicked Nanxi people, the other two countries were also thinking about countermeasures.Among them, a minister proposed that he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on Da Zhao, and have a snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's benefit!


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