Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 294 [294] Canyon containment

Because Nanxi Biancheng was very close to Da Zhao, Jiashu Kingdom and Kerrus Kingdom did not act immediately, but chose to wait and see what happened, as if they didn't want to intervene.

This made Nanxi Kingdom very angry, but the other party also said that it was not that they would not help them, but that they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to completely attack Da Zhao, and then attack from three sides to keep Zhao Fengji and the army he brought with him forever. In Nanxi Country!
The emperor of Nanxi Kingdom looked gloomy and cold. Although he knew that those people wanted to consume their national power, he had no choice but to act according to the plan.Because he has no other way, it is impossible for people not to send troops, so he should press his head to get people's consent!

As for Zhao Fengji's side, although he didn't get a specific plan, he had been observing the movements of the Three Kingdoms, and vaguely saw through their intentions.

So at this time, Zhao Fengji had two choices.Does he go back, or continue forward?
"What are you thinking about? Your brows are frowning together?" Bai Xingkuang walked around outside, but because of the chaos of the war, there was no one there, and there were sergeants in armor outside. She felt bored, so she came back again.

Zhao Fengji didn't hide it, so he told the story, and finally said: "I plan to let Jiang Biyan go back, it is easier to defend the city than to attack it."

"Aren't we going back?" Bai Xingkuang felt a little inappropriate, "There are few people in the city, so if it is besieged by two countries, it will be dangerous, right?"

She has always felt that Da Zhao's soldiers are quite weak. If they are besieged by the two countries and they are at a disadvantage in numbers, she doesn't think Da Zhao will definitely win.

Zhao Fengji had thought about this a long time ago, took Bai Xingkuang's hand, and walked in front of Tutu, "I have arrangements here and here, if the two countries want to send troops over, at least one-third of them will be lost Soldiers and horses."

The two places that Zhao Fengji pointed to were the only way for Jiashu Kingdom and Kerrus Kingdom to go to Dazhao.A trough, a cliff, are suitable for ambush.

Bai Xingkuan barely understood, but Zhao Fengji explained it in detail, she nodded, and suddenly had an idea, "How about I help out with the ambush?"

When big cats hunt, it is actually an ambush.Many of the prey were caught before they suddenly realized that they were actually being targeted by ferocious beasts.

"It's very hard to run back and forth." Zhao Fengji disagreed. He had already arranged the ambush, so Bai Xingkuan didn't need to work so hard to help.

"It's okay, I'll just let it go." How could Bai Xingkuo care about such hard work.

"What are you talking about, as if I don't let you go out to play on weekdays." Zhao Fengji pretended to be wronged, "You are the most free queen in our Great Zhao."

He had never heard of any queen who could go out of the palace every day to play, this was his favorite, and he was proud of it.

"It's okay to quarrel, but you can't choose words." Bai Xingkuan gave Zhao Fengji a look. Freedom is real, but you can't suffer from being uneducated!
Zhao Fengji laughed, pulled him over, and coaxed him: "Just kidding, don't quarrel."

"Then I'll help. Tell me the time. I'll go and come back quickly. I won't delay anything." Bai Xingkui was not angry at all, he coaxed her lightly and then smiled.

Zhao Fengji thought for a while, "Then I'll go with you, and all the brats will be packed into thatched huts."

Where they are not there, the cubs will not be left behind.

"Okay, it's a happy decision." Bai Xingkuang was very satisfied, and immediately made the decision.

In mid-November, Jiashu sent [-] soldiers to Dazhao via Chidixia.

Chidixia is composed of two peaks, with a very narrow and long road in the middle. There is a very unique red rock on one side of the mountain, which is also the origin of the name of Chidixia.

When the Jiashu army passed through Chidi Gorge, they also surveyed very carefully. This place is too dangerous, but if there is an ambush at a high place, their entire army may be wiped out.

Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkui hid on the cliff one step ahead, it wasn't at the top of the cliff, but a cave on the cliff, not only the two of them hid here, but also a group of experts from Jizi Battalion.

Bai Xing sat timidly in front of Zhao Fengji, speechless, "Why are you so aggrieved, let me out, and I'll wipe them all out immediately!"

Zhao Fengji patted Bai Xingkuan's head, "Don't worry, we'll start after the army enters the canyon."

When the time comes to encircle them back and forth, even if the Jiashu army wants to escape, they will not be able to escape.

"Come on, I'll eat something to replenish my strength." In fact, I'm bored and don't know what to do, so I can only eat something to pass the time.

Bai Xingkuan first took out a roast duck, and then took out two bags of marinated chicken legs. Seeing that the rest of the people were looking at him, he clicked his tongue twice, and then took out some food, "I'll give you some to eat."

The people in Jiziying didn't dare to eat, so they quickly refused: "Your Majesty, don't worry about your subordinates, your subordinates are not hungry."

Bai Xingkuan threw it over directly, "Eat as much as you want, who said you can only eat when you are hungry!"

The people in Jiziying looked at Zhao Fengji, although they all felt that what the empress said was very reasonable, but there is still an emperor here after all.

"Eat, listen to the queen."

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty." Everyone laughed, and they knew that His Majesty always listened to Your Majesty.

Halfway through the hour, Jiashu Kingdom's scouts returned to the camp, making sure they hadn't found any ambushes.The army of the Jiashu Kingdom moved forward, and the Vanguard Battalion entered Chidixia a moment later.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and just when Qianfeng Battalion was about to walk out of the other end of Chidixia, Zhao Fengji and his party moved!

Bai Xingkuan avoided the people from Jizi Camp, turned into a big tiger, and descended from the sky with Zhao Fengji on his back.At the same time, she is also controlling the supernatural power, sweeping countless stones, blocking the front and back of the Jiashu army one after the other!
"Roar!" The roar of the tiger resounded through the canyon, and the killing began.

The soldiers of the Jizi Camp did not show up, but lurked to the top of the mountain and pushed the hidden boulder to the edge of the cliff.

And as boulders fell one after another, the Jiashu army also let out one after another miserable howls.

"Hide quickly, someone is sneaking up!"

"There are people on the cliff, everyone be careful!"

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately!"

"General, we can't retreat anymore, the back road is blocked by boulders!"

"It's over, we're done!"

Not all of the [-] troops of the Jiashu Kingdom entered the canyon, but there were less than [-] left. Seeing this situation, they wanted to save people and escape for their lives, and they were extremely flustered for a while.

"Roar!" Bai Xingkuan roared again, this time not only the huge boulder fell down in the canyon, but even the people outside the canyon were also attacked.

"Quick, run, the Tiger God is angry!"


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