Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 296 [296] A lot of pressure

At the end of November, the first snow fell in the southwest, and the weather suddenly became much colder.

And in this first snowfall, Zhao Fengji led the army and stood imposingly under the imperial city of Nanxi Kingdom!

The gates of the imperial city of Nanxi Kingdom were wide open, and the Lord of Nanxi Kingdom brought the royal children and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty out of the city to welcome them, and personally presented the letter of surrender and the jade seal of Nanxi Kingdom.

The Nanxi Kingdom officially announced its surrender to the outside world. So far, there is no Nanxi among the kingdoms.

Zhao Fengji kept his promise, as long as Nanxi Kingdom surrendered unconditionally, he would give the Nanxi royal family a way out.However, when Nanxi was not yet safe, these members of the royal family and the nobles of the palace would still be detained for a period of time.

Zhao Fengji led the army to stay in the Nanxi Palace that day, but he did not live in the emperor's bedroom, but found a bedroom for foreign guests to stay temporarily.

While Zhao Fengji was dealing with political affairs, Bai Xingkuang took a few youngsters for a walk in the palace.

"Be careful when you go out, the palace may not be safe." Zhao Fengji warned worriedly, although he has been searched twice, but there may not be no danger.

"I know, don't worry." Bai Xingkuang held Qibao in his arms, and the other six ran all over the ground. It was Dabao who had two little monkeys on his head. Ever since Dabao made a contract with Taita, Bai Xingkuan's little golden monkeys especially liked to be with her. Play with.

Erbao doesn't run away by herself now, just lies on her big gourd, and floats with her sisters and sisters, that's called a leisurely life.

Sanbao was still staring at the little yellow flower, with a withdrawn look on his face, which was particularly conspicuous among the group of little white tigers.

Only the Four Treasures haven't changed much. The time ginseng she contracted with often disappears, and she doesn't know if she is invisible or hiding somewhere.

Wubao's unicorn has also grown up a little bit, but as a herbivore, among a group of tiger cubs, it looks like food in captivity.

As for Liubao's Thunder Dragon, it will probably take a while longer to raise it. Looking at it at this stage, it looks like a small snake with no sense of existence. It is wrapped around the neck by Liubao, like a small necklace, which is only for pets. kind of.

Looking at the group of youngsters in front of him, Bai Xingkuan had the illusion that his own family formed a small tribe.And when the cubs grow up and form small families one after another, the small tribe may become a big tribe by then.

"Roar!" Sibao, who was running at the forefront, suddenly yelled in a certain direction.

Bai Xingkuan looked over, and there was a thin layer of snow in the grass not far away, and there was a small tripod lying in the snow, shining golden, like a gold ornament.

"Roar!" Sibao ran over, bit it, ran back to Bai Xingkuang happily, and gave the small tripod to Bai Xingkuan.

"Tsk, you little bastard, you are lucky." You actually picked up such a big piece of gold casually.

Although the small tripod was only the size of a palm, it was very heavy, at least two or three catties.

"Roar!" The little boy jumped up and down twice, looking very proud, then turned his head and ran over, as if he wanted to find more treasures.

Bai Xingkuan followed along with the rest of the cubs, not to mention, they saw another jade pendant not far away, which also looked very valuable.

Bai Xingkuan thought, this might be someone who fled with his belongings and fell here halfway.

Thinking of the property, Bai Xingkui's eyes lit up instantly. The big Nanxi Country is theirs, so can she also get a little money?
She originally thought that her silver was enough to pay for the group buying expenses, but since she got the worker module, she felt that she was too poor!
And this kind of poverty is still a kind of unsolvable poverty. It is not that she can become rich through hard work, but a kind of poverty that seems to have been defined!
In the world where Da Zhao lives, it seems that there are no resources that can be exchanged with the outside world. Even the gold, silver and jade that Liu Langyue exchanged are actually the other party's second best choice.

Bai Xingkuan was very aggrieved, she didn't like to take advantage of others, and she didn't like them to take advantage of her, but in fact, her deal with Liu Langyue took both.

Don't ask, it's depressing to ask.

"I have to think of a way..." Bai Xingkuang thought seriously while walking with the baby, but she didn't come up with any good ideas until the baby walking was over.

Back at the temporary residence, Bai Xingkuan put his head on Zhao Fengji's shoulder in a slightly dejected manner, "Tell me, why are we so poor?"

She originally thought that she had transmigrated to a very wealthy place, but in fact, she was only richer than their orc world, and it was simply incomparable with other worlds.

Zhao Fengji turned his head, and lightly bumped Bai Xingxuan with his head, "I have already asked people to study such a book, Da Zhao will become rich."

"It's useless, and I still can't get good things in exchange." In the food chain of migrant workers, not to mention her, even Liu Langyue, who gave her books, is also the bottom few.

Zhao Fengji was silent, and he had no choice but to say apologetically, "Sorry."

Bai Xingkuan bumped Zhao Fengji again with his head, "What are you saying sorry for, it's not your fault."

"Roar!" Sibao opened his shiny tiger eyes and looked at his father and mother curiously, as if saying, "My father and mother are bumping, and Huhu wants it too!"
"Go, go, let the kids play by themselves." Bai Xingkui immediately drove them away, and when she was communicating with the male, the cubs all backed away.

Zhao Fengji snickered, that smile seemed to be saying, look, look, your mother still likes your father and me the most, especially showing off!
"When I asked people to count the treasury of the Nanxi Kingdom, I found a lot of good things, and I gave half of them to you." Zhao Fengji pulled him to him, saying that fighting costs money, but a victory may change the situation. The pattern of a country.

Bai Xingkuang was happy for a moment, then shook his head hesitantly, "It's better not to, those ministers of yours complained every day that the national treasury is empty, now that you have money, let's put it in the national treasury."

"Besides silver, there are also some rare treasures. Go and pick some. They may be useful in trading." Alas, the lady despises her poor family, and he, as an emperor, is also very stressed.

The other two countries seem to have to make arrangements as soon as possible.

"Don't we need the treasury?" Bai Xingkuan didn't know how empty the treasury was, but if she was really poor, she should save some money.

"Those treasures can't be done with the treasury, they're not worth the money." Zhao Fengji also told the truth.

"Okay then, let's go and have a look together. I don't want those for nothing. When I earn money, I'll give it to you."


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