Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 297 [297] No more three countries

"Your Majesty, the little princess Haierwei of the Nanxi royal family wants to see you, and the reason is to atone for her father." Jiang Biyan lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingxuan who were sitting above.

"No, if you want to atone for your sins, go straight to death." He Bi dirty his eyes, "Don't report such trivial matters in the future."

"Yes!" Jiang Biyan didn't say much, the fact that the princess forced her to death is obviously not very important, and his coming this trip is enough to give Nanxi royal family face.

"The subordinates found a very secret cell in the royal prison, where a seven-year-old boy was locked up. According to the investigation, it was the only grandson of the former emperor of Nanxi. Because his father participated in the rebellion, he died at the age of two. He was locked in a cell, and his parents died two years ago." Jiang Biyan said again, this was the main reason why he came to see the emperor.

"Let him out and send him back to Da Zhao together with the Nanxi royal family." Zhao Fengji's voice became colder, "If he needs medical treatment, I will find an imperial doctor from Nanxi to see him."


In early December, the third snowfall fell in the southwest region, and the weather became colder and colder.All the countries thought that Great Zhao would temporarily stop the war, but they didn't expect that Zhao Fengji started the war very decisively!

Half a month in advance, Zhao Fengji mobilized [-] troops from the south, together with the [-] troops from Nanxi Country, they set off together, heading straight for Kerlarus Country.

When Kerrus Kingdom received this news, the court was in chaos.

In fact, before that, there were already signs of fleeing from Kerrus Kingdom and Jiashu Kingdom. Among them were princes and nobles, as well as common people. They were obviously not optimistic about their own country.

The army continued to advance. After breaking through the first city belonging to Kerrus Kingdom, the emperor of Kerrus Kingdom, with his family and trusted ministers, abandoned the imperial city and fled further west.

Afterwards, the advancing speed of Da Zhao's army doubled. Wherever they passed, all the garrison troops opened the gates on their own initiative, recruiting the army and taking over half of Kerrus country without a single soldier.

And just when the Zhao army moved into the Kerrus Imperial City, the Jiashu Kingdom also officially sent a letter of surrender!
Originally, the Jiashu Kingdom still wanted to resist one or two. They still have the royal family and the army, so they have a little resistance!
However, countless rumors have destroyed people's hearts. The people of Jiashu Kingdom are extremely afraid of Da Zhao. In addition, Da Zhao did not harm the people of the other two countries who voluntarily surrendered. This makes the people of Jiashu Kingdom prefer to surrender. stable.

After all, for the vast majority of people, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, or even the people of which country they are. Anyway, they are a group of people who are struggling to survive, and they can't eat enough. Still free to take care of those nosy things!
Moreover, the Jiashu Kingdom itself is not a rich and enlightened country, the people have no sense of belonging, and even the soldiers of the army are not very satisfied with the military expenses deducted every year.

The surrender came from the pressure from the bottom up, and of course it was also because of the fear of Zhao and death from the royal family of Jiashu Kingdom and many ministers!

"Roar!" When Bai Xingkuan carried Zhao Fengji on his back and leaped onto the wall of Jiashu Kingdom's imperial city, it also announced the end of Da Zhao's war against the Three Kingdoms in the Southwest!

So far, Nanxi Kingdom, Jiashu Kingdom, and Kerrus Kingdom have permanently become historical marks, and there are no such three kingdoms in the southwest region.

During this period, Bai Xingkuan stayed by Zhao Fengji's side all the time, sometimes in human form, sometimes in animal form, and the existence of the Tiger God of the Great Zhao Kingdom has completely become a well-known legend.

And Bai Xingkuang also searched for a lot of treasures along the way, and filled the ten thatched hut spaces he left behind.

In Zhao Fengji's original words, it will be easier to pretend it is useful than to transport it back thousands of miles.

But in fact, there are still many treasures transported back from thousands of miles away. Zhao Fengji not only searched the treasury of the Three Kingdoms and the private treasury of the royal family, but also the treasury of the princes, nobles, dignitaries, and dignitaries. He did not let go.

It can be said that after experiencing this war, Da Zhao became rich in an instant!
"We can set off back to Dazhao tomorrow!" Standing on the wall of the Jiashu Kingdom's palace, Zhao Fengji held Bai Xingkuang's hand, surrounded by a few kids running around.

"I can still make it in time to go back to celebrate the New Year." Ever since Bai Xingkuan learned about the customs of the New Year, he has never forgotten the Spring Festival. "I can buy a lot of New Year's goods and eat a big meal every day."

"Okay." He is also looking forward to this new year.

On the way back, the nine members of Bai Xingkuang's family flew solo, and the army was left to Commander Jiang Biyan. The two of them flew back to the Imperial City of Dazhao in just one day.

At this time, the Great Zhao Imperial City was already a piece of silver, it was a grand scene covered with snow, and Bai Xingxuan exclaimed endlessly, as if he had the illusion that he had entered another world again.

"The snow scene here is so beautiful!" Bai Xingxuan landed directly on the snow ground with half of her calf missing. She kicked it out, and countless snowflakes were raised.

Zhao Fengji looked at it, kneaded a snowball, and flung it towards Bai Xingkuang lightly.

Bai Xingkuang looked at the snowball curiously, not only didn't dodge, but reached out his hand to grab the snowball, and with a puff, the snowball shattered into snowflakes, falling off Bai Xingkuang's head and face.

Zhao Fengji was helpless, "Why are you so stupid?" He thought she could escape.

Bai Xingkuan blinked, with an innocent face, "Why did you hit me?"

"...I didn't fight, I played with you."

"Oh." Bai Xingkuan's eyes flashed, and then she moved suddenly, she dug a huge piece of snow, and threw it towards Zhao Fengji.

Zhao Fengji knew that Bai Xingkuang would have such a reaction. This person is not a person who likes to suffer. Between running away early and being beaten, he hesitated for a moment, and chose to run away.

"Ah, don't run, what are you doing so fast, let's play together..."

"Bring out the brats and let them play with you. I have a lot of memorials to deal with, so I won't accompany you!" Zhao Fengji shouted as he ran, he would be a fool if he didn't run!

"Hey, playing with them is not as interesting as playing with you!" Bai Xingkuang was not in a hurry, he just chased after him slowly, throwing a snowball from time to time, and he didn't intentionally hit people, just playing with them.

Zhao Fengji was speechless. Seeing that Bai Xingkuan didn't let her go, she ran back suddenly, and under Bai Xingkuan's narrow gaze, she hugged her into her arms, "I won't run away, let's play with you, you Little rascal!"

"You're the big villain!" Bai Xingkui was not convinced, and bumped Zhao Fengji's chin with his head. This man seemed to have grown taller again!

"Hehehe, big villain and little villain, what a match."


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