Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 298 [298] Trouble

Zhao Fengji's return changed the atmosphere of the entire imperial city, and with the New Year's Eve approaching, there was a sense of joy everywhere.

In the court hall, in order to celebrate the victory, Zhao Fengji issued several imperial decrees, from tax reduction and exemption to annual festival benefits, all of which are good policies that benefit the people and the country.

Zhao Fengji thought, since Xingkuo is looking forward to the New Year so much, let everyone have a good New Year!

Besides the victory of the great war, there were also many good news, and most of them were related to Bai Xingkuang.

"Your Majesty, there are already three edible plants in the seeds. It is confirmed that they can be planted in winter, and the first batch has been harvested. Two of them are vegetables, and one is rice grains. These plants..."

"Your Majesty, the two books you sent back have been studied day and night, and finally some results have been obtained. Look at this piece of paper, it was made with the formula in the book, and the art of building roads and walls, my minister and others I tried it too, and it's amazing..."

When Zhao Fengji was dealing with political affairs, Bai Xingkuan had already left the palace, this time she left the palace alone, Bai Qing took the little boy to Ning'an Palace, and showed it to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager didn't see her grandchildren for several months, and she missed them very much, so she sent someone to pick them up early in the morning.

Originally, Bai Xingkuang was supposed to go too, but Guang Zhaoming sent a letter in a few days ago, saying that she had encountered some troubles, she had long wanted to go and have a look, she didn't know what happened, and hoped that there would be no major problems.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Holy White Tiger Gang was indeed very gloomy.Just five days ago, the yamen servants suddenly came and arrested five brothers from the gang, two of whom were originally from Xiaohe Village.

Guang Zhaoming was still a little dazed at the time. Although they belonged to a gang, they had never done anything illegal.Even if the protection fee is collected, the merchants and residents pay it voluntarily. There is absolutely no such thing as forced buying and selling. How did the brothers get arrested?
Guang Zhaoming followed to the yamen. Although Jing Zhaoyin didn't know Guang Zhaoming, the Holy White Tiger Gang did.

Jing Zhaoyin's attitude is good, but the plaintiff has evidence and witnesses, and his status is not low.It is also impossible for him to face the members of the Holy White Tiger Gang, he can only do business, and then in unimportant places, he will give the Holy White Tiger Gang a little face and give himself some leeway.

Those who can be Jing Zhaoyin in the imperial city will not end well if they don't know how to behave in the world.

It's just that although Jing Zhaoyin gave face, this matter is still very difficult.

When Bai Xing arrived, everyone was discussing the solution.

"I went to investigate, and before the young master died, he was indeed beaten by our brother." A strong man said with a tangled tone, "But I also asked our brother, the beating was not serious, The ones who don’t deserve to die are.”

"That's right, and our brothers also act bravely for righteousness. That young master bullied others, and our brothers are here to help others, so why arrest us!" Reason!
Guang Zhaoming also thought so in his heart, but he knew that things would not be so simple, "People in Zhang's house said that we killed someone, but I think there is something wrong with this matter, they must be hiding something."

They investigated these five or six days, and managed to find some useful things.

When Bai Xingkuan heard this, he showed his face, walked in and said, "Since we think the Zhang family is hiding something, let's go to the door and ask, don't we know?"

"Boss, you are back!" Guang Zhaoming and his younger brothers all stood up to say hello.

Bai Xingkuan didn't sit down anymore, "Let's go, let's go to Zhang's residence together."


A group of people went to Zhang's mansion in a mighty way. Some people recognized their identities and probably knew about Zhang's mansion and the Shengbaihu gang, so they followed curiously to watch the excitement.

There were also a lot of people who saw Bai Xingkuang, knew that it was Bai Xingxuan who came back, and they didn't even know what happened, so they followed him excitedly.

"Your Majesty, it's you who came back, you've worked hard this time!" There was that courageous commoner who started talking to Bai Xingkuang from a long distance away.

"It's not hard work, it's your emperor's hard work." She just went to the battlefield occasionally, so there was really nothing hard work.

"Yes, yes, yes, His Majesty the Emperor has worked hard, and your empress has worked hard too."

Some people also asked: "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

"Go to Zhang's mansion, Zhang's mansion said that the brothers in our gang killed their young master, I'll go and ask about the situation." Bai Xingkuang was very calm.If it was really killed by someone from their gang, then it's up to them how to deal with it, but if not, she has to ask.

"Ah?" Some people who heard the news for the first time were stunned.

A few days earlier, Zhang's house had hung a white cloth, but the case was not closed, and the corpse could not be buried in the ground for the time being, so it was maintained with ice, but there were already signs of decay.

"Old man, it's too bad, my lady is here!" A man who looked like a servant ran in with a panicked expression.

"Come back? Really come back?"

"Here, master, the empress is back, what should we do!" the old lady asked with a haggard and worried face.

A younger woman at the side interjected with a gloomy expression: "I said a long time ago, it's better to forget it, the backer of the Holy White Tiger Hall is the Empress Empress, how can we merchants be able to provoke it!"

"Shut up, my son was beaten to death, I absolutely can't let my son die in vain, even the empress, you have to give me an explanation!"

Master Zhang roared in grief, and Bai Xingkuan, who had just walked to the gate, moved her ears, just in time to hear these words, which made her look a little ugly.

Could this be true?
"Let's go, our whole family is going out to greet the empress, I want to see..." Mr. Zhang walked away tremblingly, although his back was a little bent, but he showed his last stubbornness!

The gate of the Zhang Mansion opened, and a group of old, weak, sick and disabled came out, their steps were slow and irregular, but they showed a very solemn and solemn momentum.

Bai Xingkuan was a little speechless, and her aura of finding fault was two points weaker, not to mention that she didn't intend to find fault in the first place.

"Come on, tell me the whole thing, as long as you tell the truth, whoever is at fault will be responsible." Bai Xingkuo waved his hand, and said before the other party saluted.

Master Zhang was shaken, and his expression eased a bit, "Madam, we don't want to cause trouble, but my son died a miserable death, I, I..."

"Let's talk about things, don't need to talk about anything else." Bai Xingkuan didn't want to hear these things, she just wanted to know how this Young Master Zhang died.


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