Amus was brought back by Tang Zhu.

The tips of his fair ears were so red that they were about to bleed, and when he walked under the light, he could see the panic of the pure god more and more.

She originally asked the system to stock it, and planned to read Little Yellow Mosquito to him as a bedtime reading tonight.

But she imagined it.

How shy must he be...

After all, he symbolizes holiness and light, and he is extremely pure.

So when he returned to the room that day, he didn't even want to sleep in the same bed with her.

Tang Zhu said that there would not be a new bed in this room.

He curled up on the bay window sill with a serious expression, just like what she saw in the attic.

She laughed.

With a glance, he suddenly saw an extra note on the dark wooden desk.

There are only two words that are extremely concise and flamboyant.

— come quickly.

There is no signature either.

But Tang Zhu's name inexplicably popped up in Tang Zhu's mind.


She silently crumpled up the note and stuffed it into her sleeve.

Then he approached Amus with a faint smile, and gently rubbed against his face intimately.

"I have something to do. I'll explain it to you later when I come back."


Amus blinked his pale golden eyelashes blankly.

He moved his lips, trying to say something.

The blood girl had already disappeared in front of him, and the room suddenly fell into silence, only the sound of the door being closed.

When Xi En came back with the medicine, Tang Zhu was not in the room.

He also went out to find her.

Found the other party on an abandoned path near the old castle.

In front of her stood a straight and slender young man.

The hood couldn't fully cover his pale blonde locks, and Sean thought it was Otilos' long-lost sibling.

But soon he smelled the bright breath from that person, which he was familiar with and hated.

She really took him with her.

How her ridiculous kindness is always used where it shouldn't be used.

Sean lowered his eyes, his large black robe hung down, and the fingers protruding from the cuffs were slender and white.

...what's that guy's name?

Can't remember, but it doesn't matter either.

It seemed that he had to find time to touch that person.

He now only hopes that his nominal sister will not be so stupid.

There is nothing wrong with trying him as a pet.

But if he was seduced by that person, took away the first embrace, and untied the shackles...

The silver-haired boy paused, and thoughtfully knocked on the cold armrest of the chair.

Or find a time to kill him.


He could have just dropped the medicine in Otilos' room, but he insanely didn't.

Therefore, when the vampire queen knocked on his door, he paused nervously.

Before going to open the door, he subconsciously brushed his long silver hair.

He opened the door--

The blond girl folded her arms and looked at him with a frown, looking very impatient.

"what's up?"

Sean: "..."

He paused for a moment, unable to lift the corners of his lips that were about to rise.

He snorted softly, poked his head out to see if there was anyone in the corridor.

Then, without any explanation, he lightly grasped the girl's slender wrist, gently led her into the door of the room, and then closed the door.

Tang Zhu's complexion was not very good, and Xi En's face also turned cold.

He perfunctorily lifted his chin towards Tangzhu, and then went to find the medicine in the drawer.

"You sit there."

Tang Zhu: "?"

You have a big tone.

She is rebellious, she is not.

She looked around his room for a week, and then chose a place farthest from him to sit down.

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