Tang Zhu's sleeve was torn.

It's not good for her to say that the Western Fantasy Plane is gorgeous. The clothes are gorgeous, but they are really complicated.

Sean asked her to hold out her hand at first.

She didn't know why, but subconsciously stretched out.

Then I saw the other party staring at her sleeve and lost in thought.

He actually wanted to pull it up, but obviously couldn't.

So he teethed.

The sleeve on the right arm was bitten open by him, and then pulled off by him the next moment.


She raised her hand to give him a hard blow on the head.

It was blocked by his hand holding the wrist easily.

The red-eyed young man curled his lips, raised his eyebrows casually at her, and motioned her to look at her own right arm.

This is incredible.

Originally, it was just a scrape at noon, but now a large and terrifying bruise has extended.

The original owner's complexion was fair and delicate, but in contrast, the injury appeared to be more serious.

He reached out to her again.

Tang Zhu glanced over and coughed: "What are you doing?"

"Give you some medicine."

The young man looked calm and said softly.

Her hand lay quietly in the palm of the young man, and above it was a white wrist with exquisitely shaped wrist bones.

The girl sat on the edge of the bed, her slender arms could almost be encircled by the other party.

It was rumored that the cruel and ruthless Crown Prince half knelt down in front of her.

She blinked slowly, wondering if Sean had gone a little too far.

When Sean's palm fell on the girl's tender skin, the temperature was slightly hot. She subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but was glanced at lightly by the other party.

Tang Zhu: As expected of a villain, those eyes almost caught up with her just now.

She sighed lightly, her eyes wandering unconsciously.

Finally landed on the windowsill.

The little jasmine plant seemed to be well taken care of by him, with luxuriant branches and vigorous growth.

Tang Zhu asked sincerely: "Is it basking in the moon?"

Sean lowered his eyes patiently: "No, sunbathing, I'll bring it in later."

Tang Zhu: "How did you take him out?"

Sean: "..."

Sean paused for breath: "Can you ask something nutritious, such as why I knew you were injured."

Instead of asking stupid questions.

It looked as if her brainstem had been dug out.

But is he impatient?


He even looked forward to Tang Zhu's next sentence.

It's just because this is the first time someone has been talking nonsense with him, he is a little at a loss and doesn't know how to respond.

He was even more afraid that if he said something wrong, Tang Zhu would not treat him well in the future.

Although in his eyes those are useless nonsense.

It is undeniable that...

very warm.

His senses are dull, and his guard has never let go since the snowy night when he was abandoned a long time ago.

Tang Zhu was silent for a while.

In fact, she doesn't care about the answer to this question.

Compared to this, Sean's sudden change surprised her even more.

Because in her view, she really didn't do anything.

Sean felt close just because of a little charity for her?

She had never seen anyone so easily satisfied.

It turns out that there are really such easy-to-satisfy people in the world.

She was silent and lost in thought, completely oblivious to Sean's sudden pause.

Not only that, he even held his breath.

Extremely cautious, and feel that there is no flaw——

He slightly raised his eyes to speculate on her expression.

He lowered his eyelashes to cover his shattered eyes, and sighed softly: "... Forget it."

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