Chapter 121 Mrs. Chu

Qianjin Pavilion is still some distance away from Fengtai Street, Gu Yuanhang rode a horse and led several servants to guard the courtyard.

Gu Fuyun ordered Qinghong and Qingsi, took the carriage, and went to Qianjin Pavilion in a mighty manner.

It's different to go shopping with my brother's company, the face is full of light.

Gu Yuanhang also took good care of her along the way.

After arriving at Qianjin Pavilion, Gu Fuyun entered Qianjin Pavilion with Shuqing's support.

As soon as the female shopkeeper of Qianjin Pavilion saw Gu Fuyun, she went up to meet Gu Fuyun, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Qianjin Pavilion, please come inside, master and girl." .Gu Fuyun and Gu Yuanhang's clothes and expressions knew it well, and they led them directly to the second floor. The second floor is all specially prepared for ordinary wealthy households. The price is not low, but it is not too high, just suitable for these people Ordinary wealthy people.

When entering the second floor, an old woman with a slightly plump body and silver hair just came down from the upstairs. Although the old woman looked a little old, she was full of energy, and her movements were neat. The ruby ​​forehead is combed with a round bun that is loved by noble ladies nowadays, and it is decorated with various pearls and flowers. Two green peach heart hairpins are inserted with a peacock holding a treasure. Even more graceful and majestic, this is clearly a pampered lady who looks rich and round.

The old lady was also exquisitely dressed, with dark blue cloud sash, off-white embroidered double fish sending auspicious placket, inside a jade white tunic, with a small vertical collar just studded with a longan-sized sapphire inlaid with lace.

This old lady's overall demeanor was simple and majestic, but she did not lose her bearing, and she did not know which noble lady she was from.

Because the other party was about to go downstairs, Gu Fuyun stood at the stairs, ready to wait for the old lady and her entourage to come down before going up the stairs.

The old woman also saw Gu Fuyun by the stairs, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but praise: "What a beautiful little girl."

Gu Fuyun also specially dressed up when she went out today, with white ground embroidered green lotus placket and long placket, sky blue embroidered white plum blossom placket, white plain long skirt with silver thread on the lower body, thin brows with bangs and a pair of watery eyes Her almond-shaped eyes, her skin as white and tender as fine porcelain without blemishes, have both the innocence of a girl and the elegance of a lady, fresh and refined, like a green radish with oily green onion in summer, and a young lotus that is just blooming. , It is extremely clear and moving.

Gu Fuyun heard that the old lady praised him, blessed his body, pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you for the old lady's compliment."

The old lady loves the delicate and cute little girl the most in her life. She is not shy or complacent when she is praised.He asked with a smile, "I don't know which family's girl it is?" His eyes flicked over Gu Fuyun's head, which was so simple that there were only two tiny pearl flowers, and then at the two maids behind her, and the well-mannered and half-worn clothes beside her. Gu Yuanhang directly embellished with muslin.I thought to myself: I think I come from an ordinary family of officials.

Gu Fuyun saw that the old lady was full of dignity and majesty. She must be the old lord of a powerful family, but she was so amiable, so she replied generously: "I am a girl from Yongning Bo Gu's family on Fengtai Street. , five in the family, this is my eldest brother, named Jiashan."

The old woman suddenly exclaimed: "The Gu family in Yongning's residence..." But she swallowed her words in the end, and looked at Gu Fuyun carefully again. Her beautiful apricot eyes were as clear and clean as a pool of clear springs, her nose was red and her lips were red. Zhou Zhengqingli, even though she is still young, is already a rare beauty. Given time, when her body grows up, she will fascinate many men.

Most importantly, this little girl looks clean and delicate, and speaks gracefully.

And she doesn't know herself yet.

The old woman was shocked at first, then it became complicated, and finally she secretly rejoiced that the little girl didn't know her, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing?
Gu Fuyun didn't recognize the old woman, but seeing the shocked expression on the old woman's face, she knew that she must know the good deeds he had done in the past, so he was a little embarrassed.

It's really good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles.

Gu Fuyun smiled embarrassedly: "I'll take a step first, old lady, please do what you want." He blessed the old lady again, and said to Gu Yuanhang, "Brother, let's go upstairs."

Gu Yuanhang bowed to the old woman, and then went upstairs.

The old woman with a confused expression was left behind, staring at Gu Fuyun's back for a long time before leaving in a hurry.

On the second floor, in the huge place, there are a lot of bead ornaments in a dazzling array. These bead ornaments are all put into boxes of different styles and colors. The decorations are getting brighter and brighter, real jewels and dazzling.

Gu Fuyun's eyes straightened when he saw so many bead ornaments.

These beads are all clearly priced, and the price is indeed not cheap.

The highest bid price is six hundred and ninety-nine taels, and the lowest is one hundred and eighty-eight taels.

Gu Yuanhang followed by and looked over the prices, heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, the highest was less than seven hundred taels of silver, the fifth sister chose one set for the third sister, and another set for herself, she was exhausted It was only [-] taels of silver, which was acceptable.

Favors are mutual, and the fifth younger sister is so sensible, so he, the elder brother, can't be stingy.

After knowing it in his mind, Gu Yuanhang said to Gu Fuyun, "Is my sister interested?"

Gu Fuyun said: "There are too many, my eyes are also dazzled. Brother, please allow me to take another look."

Gu Yuanhang smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll sit down for a while and have a sip of tea. You choose slowly, and let me know when you're done."

"Well, brother, let's go drink tea, don't worry about me." Gu Fuyun was also embarrassed.


In this compartment, the old lady got into the carriage, and after sitting down, she lifted the curtain again, looked at the windows on the second floor of Qianjin Pavilion, sighed deeply, and lowered the curtain.

Nanny Lu, the confidant who entered the carriage with the old lady, said softly: "Old lady, that sister just now, isn't it just..."

The old lady sighed, with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She thought that a girl who could plot against her grandson would be full of scheming and domineering at least, but after meeting the deity herself, she turned out to be such a cute and beautiful little girl.

There are also many rumors outside that Gu Wu was rewarded by the empress, and he won a cockfight with Su Liu, using an old hen to win Su Liu. The wives of those aristocratic families had mixed opinions on Gu Wu.

But the old lady still admires Gu Wu a lot.

The old lady couldn't be more clear about how dandy Su Liu is.

Such a desperate situation can turn my sister-in-law back, which proves that this little girl is indeed capable.

Although the Huguo Duke's Mansion is hereditary, it is difficult to rely on Dalang alone to support it.More and more, he needs an excellent and decent wife to take care of the back house and stabilize the backyard for him.

Although today's emperors have a good reputation, they rarely reward honorable daughters in a big way.

The fifth princess is arrogant and domineering, and it is not something ordinary rich girls can afford.

Princess Jiaoyang is known for her talents. Although she has a gentle and dignified temperament, she is always a talented woman in every relationship.

Gu Wu, an ignorant person, can still get the favor of these people, which shows his skill.

Rumor has it that Mrs. Gu, who has always been powerful and violent, dotes on this fifth granddaughter very much.Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Gu Wu should have some abilities like Madam Gu's.


Out of words
Sisters, Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
Don’t let everyone stay up late today, I will update earlier, don’t go away

(End of this chapter)

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