Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 122 The Suffering Mrs. Chu

Chapter 122 The Suffering Mrs. Chu

Nanny Lu reminded the old lady softly: "Old lady, the gift has been chosen, shouldn't I go to Duke Qing's mansion?"

The old lady had posted a post to Mrs. Qing Guogong some time ago, and today she was going to visit Mrs. Qing Guogong and his wife.

The old lady withdrew her complicated heart and nodded: "OK, let's go."

The carriage drove for a while, and the old lady suddenly exclaimed: "Oh no, where's my coral bracelet?"

Nanny Lu also thumped, looked at the old lady's empty wrist, and quickly looked around, then patted her head and said: "Could it be that the old lady fell on a few bracelets when she was trying the bracelet in Qianjin Pavilion just now?" Bar?"

This coral bracelet was given to the old lady by the old man himself when the old man was alive. Since the old man left, the old lady has been wearing it all the time, which is very meaningful.

The old lady also suddenly remembered and said: "It seems that there is such a thing, hurry to Qianjin Pavilion."


After all sorts of difficult choices, Gu Fuyun finally chose a set of scarlet gold and ruby ​​inlaid heads. Although the Diancui Spreading Wings phoenix hairpin is not very big, the style is novel and beautiful, and the phoenix made of gold silk is thin and lifelike.The most rare thing is that the style of this phoenix hairpin can be changed artificially.

Every time a fastidious family goes out, they will change into different beads and clothes. If they wear heavy clothes, it will make people laugh.But how many real wealthy families are there?
Most people have racked their brains to change tricks, or slapped their faces to pretend to be fat.

But this set of headgear can be artificially made into many styles of phoenix hairpins. Whether it is worn on the side or on the front, it is quite good, and it is not easy to be discovered, which saves a lot of effort.

This set of hair is worth two hundred and ninety taels of silver, and there is a complete set of earrings, forehead wipes, necklaces, and bracelets. Although the weight is not heavy, it is more light and agile.Rubies are also as big as nail shells, and at this price, they are still worthwhile.

Gu Fuyun is not a hesitant person either, since he liked this set, he decided to take it down.

Gu Yuanban drank half a cup of tea before getting up: "But you have chosen?"

Gu Fuyun nodded, and opened the black screw box with sea-bath pattern, and the golden and exquisite bead decorations were shining brightly.

Gu Yuanhang praised: "Your sister really has good eyesight." Then he asked, "Is this for the third younger sister?"

"Well, I hope my sister likes it." Gu Fuyun chuckled lightly.

"Since it's out, choose another set for yourself." Gu Yuanhang said with a smile.

Gu Fuyun knew what Gu Yuanhang meant, it was to give her face, so as to repay yesterday's favor, so she no longer refused.

Some people are thin-skinned and don't want to owe favors to others. It's better to let the elder brother and sister-in-law return the favor, so as not to keep it in their hearts, which is not beautiful.

Therefore, Gu Fuyun chose a set of bead hairpin rings with five-color beads and rubies hanging at one hundred and eighty-nine taels of silver.

The workmanship of this hairpin ring is also very fine. Five pearl flowers of various shapes are made out of sapphire blue, light green, yellow yellow, orange red, and white, and then strung together with pearl chains, which are used to wrap hair. Yes, it can not only decorate the bun, but also fix the hair. There is a string of thin pearl chains hanging from the outermost circle, and a ruby ​​the size of a nail shell hangs from the end. The ruby ​​just hangs on the forehead, which is very beautiful.

This pair of pearl hairpin rings with five-color beads and hanging rubies is only more than one hundred taels of silver, which Gu Yuanhang can still afford.And it is far below my budget, so I am naturally happy.

Gu Fuyun also liked it.

All are happy.

The two brothers and sisters went downstairs and came to the counter to check out. Gu Yuanhang directly took the bank note and handed it to the counter.

Mrs. Chu came in from the outside and just happened to see the pair of brothers and sisters. She was slightly surprised, but she didn't say much, and hurried upstairs again.

After Mrs. Chu found the coral bracelet and went downstairs, the brothers and sisters of the Gu family had disappeared, so she pretended to be casual and asked the female shopkeeper: "What honors did the brothers and sisters choose?"

The female shopkeeper smiled and said: "A whole set of red gold beads with rubies, and a pair of pearl hairpin rings with five-color beads and rubies."

"Oh, it will cost a lot of money, right?" the old lady smiled faintly.

"My brother paid for it, but this little girl didn't buy the most expensive one, and the total is less than four hundred taels of silver." The female shopkeeper said.

The old lady was slightly surprised: "Brother pays?"

"Yes, it can be seen that the brother and sister have a very good relationship. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the elder brother to accompany him and pay the money together."

The old lady echoed a few words, but sighed inwardly.

Arrogant and willful girls are usually spoiled by their parents, but they definitely don't get along well with their brothers and sisters.

If this Gu Wu was really arrogant and willful, how could the elder brother favor her so much?
After getting into the carriage, it suddenly occurred to me that there was a strong wind and heavy rain a few days ago, which damaged a lot of potted plants in the yard, so the old lady said, "Go to Flower and Bird Street and look at the flowers and plants."

The Chu family is not as noble as other aristocratic families. In order to grow flowers, they even built a flower house and asked someone to take care of it.The Chu family started as a general, but they didn't pay much attention to it. In the early years, the old lady didn't like planting flowers and plants very much. After she got older, she started to grow flowers and plants.There were dozens of potted flowers in Yan'an Hall, but the Chu family didn't have a flower house, and it was damaged by the rain, so they had to go to the flower market to buy.

However, Nanny Lu suggested: "The flower market is on Fengtai Street, it's still far from here. Why should the old lady go there in person, or else, the servant and the steward will tell the steward, and send the flowers directly to the Duke Hu's mansion."

The old lady said: "No, since I'm here, it's good to go to the flower market. It's really deserted at home." She sighed again.

The Huguogong Mansion is really deserted. The population of the Huguogong Mansion is too simple. Since Xiao Liu's disappearance, the fourth girl and the fifth master don't like to join the old lady very much.Although the eldest son is filial, he leaves early and returns late every day, and he can't see anyone on weekdays.

Since the fourth master was released, not to mention the deserted Duke's mansion, even the old lady has become more and more lonely.

Nanny Lu also suggested that the old lady go out for a walk, but the old lady said that she is a widow and it is not easy to walk around.

Now that I have finally come out for a trip, I really should walk around and relax.

Surprisingly, in the alley of Huahua Street on Fengtai Avenue, Mrs. Chu ran into Gu Fuyun again, so she couldn't help but look more.

Nanny Lu also saw it, and said softly, "That's not..."

"Shut up," the old lady said suddenly, and then she shook Nanny Lu's hand, "Follow me."

Nanny Lu was a little reluctant, because it was getting late, and if she delayed, it would be very late to go back.

Besides, this Miss Gu Wu has divorced the Shi Ziye, so why should the old lady pay attention?

Gu Fuyun didn't know that there was an old lady behind her, and she was Chu Rui's grandmother, the first-rank imperial lady.Gu Yuanhang and his elder brother explained: "I want to plant some cacti in my yard, but I have pulled out all the cacti in the back garden, and it is still not enough. I might as well go out and buy some more."

Gu Yuanhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Others buy flowers and plants to go back and decorate, but you are good. You buy all kinds of cacti, and you are not afraid of being laughed at."

Gu Fuyun said: "Flowers and plants must be bought too, but we have to buy cacti first."

Before passing by a stall, he was attracted by a pot of golden chrysanthemums. Gu Yuanhang said, "Fifth sister, look, this is a first-grade golden chrysanthemum, which is most suitable for you little girls to care for. Why don't you buy a pot and go back to raise it?" ?”

Gu Fuyun also quite liked this pot of golden chrysanthemums, but when he asked about the price, he said, "It's too expensive, forget it."

A pot of golden chrysanthemums is worth eight hundred taels of silver, and it's not that she has too much money to spend.

Gu Yuanhang didn't say anything anymore, the Gu family has always been diligent and thrifty, and put an end to extravagance and waste. A pot of golden chrysanthemums worth [-] taels of silver is really not worth it.Their Gu family is not a wealthy family.

In the end, Gu Fuyun chose a dozen or so pots of jasmine, cinnamon, oleander, tuberose, cypress, and Guanyin lotus that were easy to grow, and the prices were not expensive. There were so many potted plants, and they only cost less than ten taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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