Chapter 131 Is This The Doctor?
Mrs. Jiang also felt that Gu Wu had no medical skills, and it was just a mistake to set his son's bone back then.But the eldest son is also right, one hit by mistake, and the two also hit by mistake?Xiao Qianyun's shoulder bones were all broken, and Gu Wu was also picked up.It proves that Gu Wu should still have some tricks.

The most important thing is that Xiao Qianyun and Jiang Zhan's bone paste after the incident was also prepared by Gu Wu. The effect is quite good, and it heals faster than other colleagues with broken hands.Later, after their bone injuries were almost healed, they gave the remaining medicine to others.After the man took the medicine, he also said that the effect was good.

Regardless of whether this Gu Wu can connect the younger son's bone well, it is a fact that the bone-renewing medicine he prepared is more effective than the one from the Tai Hospital.

So Mrs. Jiang said again: "I also know that Miss Wu is a dignified boudoir. I made it difficult for the old lady and Miss Wu. However, the old lady also said just now that the son is sick and the pain is in the mother's heart. Seeing Sanlang lying on the bed He looked like he was lying on the bed, my heart was fried, and I wished to suffer for him. Please also ask the old lady to love my family Saburo, and ask the fifth girl to go and have a look. No matter what happens to Saburo, we will all get it The relationship between the old lady and the fifth girl."

Everyone has talked about this, and it’s okay not to go.

The old lady looked at Gu Fuyun helplessly: "Fifth girl, this is the first time grandma has heard that you can set bones. Do you really know how to set bones?"

The old lady said this specifically to Mrs. Jiang.

As a grandmother, she has never heard of the fact that her granddaughter can set bones, so Mrs. Jiang must not hold her hope.

Gu Fuyun said: "I've read a few medical books, but they are all on paper. It's just that Mrs. Jiang loves her mother, and my granddaughter really can't bear to let it go, so let's go and have a look. If the granddaughter can't do anything, please ask Mrs. Jiang to hire someone else."

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly said: "That's natural. No matter whether Miss Wu can be cured or not, we must take care of this."

The old lady was still worried, but it was hard to say anything at this time, so she had to let her go.

Gu Fuyun brought Qinghong and Qingsi there.

After Gu Fuyun left, the old lady called Shuqing over again.

Regarding the old lady's question, Shu Qing dared not hide anything, and told what she knew.

"It's not very clear whether the girl knows how to heal. But when the servant is sent to the girl, the girl really likes to read medical books." Shuqing hesitated, and then whispered, "But the girl made burns with a few paulownia boards. Ointment, but sold for hundreds of taels of silver is a fact."

The old lady was stunned: "The fifth girl can still treat burns?" These burns are the most difficult to treat in this era. Even if they survive, they will leave scars on the skin.

Shuqing has been serving the old lady since she was seven years old, and she knew very well that the old lady's temper could not be concealed, so she had to tell the truth.

"Yes, the materials were found by the servants themselves, and the cost was only a few paulownia boards, but the girl insisted on selling them at a sky-high price of twenty taels of silver. That Dr. Li from Huichuntang has already bought it from the girl several times. Buying one time means buying a few bottles. In addition, Ms. Zhu from the Shouenbo Mansion used to be fat and had acne all over her face. The girl prescribed a few medicines, and Ms. Zhu not only lost weight , the pimples on the face have also disappeared a lot... Oh, and the old lady also knows about Qingsi and Qing'e, right? Didn't the old lady notice that they all lost weight? "

In the old lady's mind, two faces that were so fat that the flesh on her face would shake when she walked, said: "These two girls, one is strong and the other is fat, can you not be impressed?"

Shuqing said: "Girls will give them acupuncture every few days, let them go for a run in the garden, and prescribe medicine for them, which is said to be used to lose weight. Qingsi doesn't lose much weight, she has grown up Strong. But Qing'e has become very thin these days, and the clothes she used to wear are all empty on her body."

The fifth granddaughter knows medical skills, which is even more shocking than the sun coming out of the west.The old lady was shocked for a while, and then murmured: "So, Mrs. Jiang's invitation to the fifth girl is not considered a rush to the doctor?"

The old lady still didn't want to believe the fact that her delicate granddaughter could actually be good at medicine, so she asked Shuqing again: "Do you really know how to set bones?"

Shuqing hesitated for a while before answering: "Among the maidservants, Miss Wu treated Qingsi quite differently. Before Qingsi picked up a stray dog, the puppy's hind legs were broken, and Qingsi hugged the dog Please treat the girl. The girl rubbed the dog's broken leg with both hands, and then tied two splints. After a few days, the dog was alive and kicking. The slaves didn't take it seriously before, but today I heard the old man Madam said so..."


Shuangyu Hutong is not too far from Gu's house, and it takes half an hour to arrive.

Mrs. Jiang personally helped Gu Fuyun to get off the carriage. She was worried about her son's injury, and her face was anxious. She wished she could take Gu Fuyun to his son's bed immediately.

The girl from the Jiang family was already waiting at the door. When she saw Gu Fuyun, she hurried forward to salute, and said embarrassingly: "Sister Gu family, I'm really sorry, I asked you to come by yourself."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "The patient's injury is important, Jiang's sister quickly take me to see the patient."

Seeing her being so forthright, Miss Jiang was overjoyed, and quickly made a gesture of invitation.

The Jiang family is a four-entry house, and the Jiang family has a simple population, so Jiang Qi lives in the second house.Mrs. Jiang's mother and daughter led Gu Fuyun to Jiang Qi's house, and Jiang's family, including Jiang Zhan, rushed over in a swarm.

When Jiang Zhan saw Gu Fuyun, joy flashed across his face, and he strode forward: "Miss Gu, I finally have you here." Suddenly he bowed to Gu Fuyun guiltily, "I don't think so much for saving my life!" At the beginning, I promised the girl to keep it a secret. But now my younger brother is seriously injured, and it’s hard to find a doctor, so I have to give up my original promise and brazenly ask Miss Gu. I also ask Miss Gu to be a good person to the end and treat my younger brother.”

Gu Fuyun returned the salute, and said, "Forget it, everyone is here, there is no point in talking about anything else. Let me see Brother Ling first." Seeing the middle-aged man in black clothes standing beside Jiang Zhan The man knew that this was Mr. Tongzheng Jiang, so he lightly blessed his body.

Master Jiang hurriedly returned the gift, even though he was puzzled by Gu Fuyun's beauty and age, he had already been invited, so he had to let her try.

Gu Fuyun came to Jiang Qi's room, there was a fourteen or fifteen year old boy lying on the bed, this was Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi's wax color was sallow. Because of the injury to the kneecap and the failure to fix the bone, she dared not move. Every time she moved, she felt pain in her heart. She had suffered enough all day long.But after a day and night of hard work, he was tossed until he lost a lot of weight, unable to live or die.Seeing Gu Fuyun now, his eyes lit up, but seeing such a young girl, probably not as old as himself, how good is her medical skill?Feeling sad again, he said angrily, "Are you going to hire me such a doctor?"

 It has been a little heavy and dizzy since yesterday. It should be caused by cervical spondylosis. This afternoon, I pulled out the cupping pot and combed my hair with a silver comb, and it got better.Occupational diseases have been out for a long time, but it is a pity that they still haven't been able to make a name for themselves.He was almost shot to death by the little girl on the sand booth.Let me be ashamed for three minutes first.

  By the way, the recent chapters are a bit dull, but the enthusiasm of the readers is undiminished, and the subscription is stable, thank you everyone.

  It is precisely because the plot is plain that Taozi has been refining the plot of the content behind it, striving to be perfect, so that every word of everyone's subscription is worthwhile.

  As for the climax... Uh, the climax is indeed coming, but it's not ready yet, so please wait patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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