Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 132 The Prince Protector is also here...

Chapter 132 The Prince Protector is also here...

Master Jiang hurriedly scolded: "Don't be rude, this is a girl from Uncle Yongning's Gu family."

Jiang Zhan quickly said: "Brother, my injury was no worse than yours at the beginning, it was Miss Gu who spliced ​​my bones. You have to believe in Miss Gu's ability, let Miss Gu take a look at it for you first."

Jiang Qi looked at Gu Fuyun suspiciously, and looked up and down: "Are you really good at it?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "I don't dare to guarantee 100%, but at least it's a hope, right?"

Gu Fuyun rolled up his sleeves and tied them with sleeves, and asked someone to hold Jiang Qi down to prevent him from moving.She sat on the edge of the bed and cut off Jiang Qi's Songjiang Sansuobu's trousers. Although the medicine was applied to her knees, they were still swollen into buns.

She began to touch the bone, and as soon as she touched the broken bone, Jiang Qi screamed in pain.

Gu Fuyun first asked people to prepare red copper, and took fine powder to grind wine for later use.Sitting in front of the bed, he continued to touch the bones, but Jiang Zhan screamed in pain, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, his body collapsed, and he struggled desperately, but because his limbs and body were pinned down, Jiang Qi just sweated profusely , also unable to move.

Mrs. Jiang was afraid that he would bite his tongue, so she held back her tears and stuffed him with a handkerchief.

Gu Fuyun still has some experience and talent in bone-setting, and even the bone-setting formula that is thousands of words long can be memorized by heart.The kneecap is no different than other places. If you don’t pay attention, you will be easily disabled for life. Jiang Qi is a comminuted displaced fracture, and the knee needs to be cut open. The medical conditions in ancient times were backward. It is not as good as it is now, to cut the bone directly, perform surgery, and put steel nails.But in this era, there is no such advanced technology.Everything can only be done in the way of the ancients.

Fortunately, Yu Jiahui is quite talented in medicine, and after absorbing the experience of modern osteosynthesis and ancient people, he hesitated a little and thought of a better way.

Gu Fuyun said to the Jiang family: "I'm 100% sure, but I don't dare to guarantee [-]% that the third master will not be disabled." She can't talk too much, after all, she is a human being, not a god.

His son's kneecap was broken into three pieces, and even invited a few bone setters, they didn't dare to set the bone, they all said that he would be disabled, Gu Fuyun said that he was [-]% sure, which made them happy.Even the famous imperial physicians of the imperial hospital dare not say that they will be so sure.

So Master Jiang said: "Miss Gu just needs to do her best, don't have any pressure."

It is also a blessing for doctors to have such sensible family members of patients, who are afraid of messing around.

Gu Fuyun let go of his hands and feet.

It's just that Jiang Qi has to suffer.

Gu Fuyun said: "For a woman to give birth is equivalent to breaking twelve bones in the whole body at the same time. You only have one fracture, and the pain is like this. After the injury recovers, you will have a good life and honor your family."

Jiang Qi: "..." Is this woman speaking human language?
But Mrs. Jiang was inexplicably moved.

When she gave birth to her third child, she did suffer a lot, but no one understood her pain when she gave birth to a child.Sure enough, only women can understand women's pain.

Seeing that Jiang Qi was trembling in pain and the veins on his forehead were exposed, Gu Fuyun couldn't bear it, so he took a needle and pricked the acupuncture point on his forehead, causing him to fall into a coma.

When his body is relaxed, it is also good for bone setting.

She took out the silver needle again and stabbed it at several important points on his upper thigh to relieve the piercing pain.

Master Jiang watched her put down a few silver needles, and calmed down his son. He was a little relieved, and a little hope arose.

Without three points and three points, how dare you go to Liang San?
Gu Fuyun took a sharp knife, roasted it on the fire and then sterilized it with strong alcohol, and after wiping it with a clean towel, he cut open the flesh on his knee.

Looking at the bloody scene, the Jiang family was so frightened that their hearts tightened, they turned their heads away quickly, and couldn't bear to look closely.

Jiang Zhan stared at Gu Fuyun in surprise.

I didn't expect that such a delicate little girl would have such courage and such skill in bone-setting.

Last time, it didn't seem so complicated for her to set her own bone, right?
After Gu Fuyun cut the meat, he rubbed the red copper shavings soaked in wine on the broken bone, and started to join the bone.

Connect the broken bones one by one, and bring needles and threads to sew up the cut flesh one by one,

After applying the bone paste, the splint started.

After finishing it properly, Gu Fuyun also broke out in sweat.

She cleaned her hands, took a white handkerchief from the servant girl's hands, wiped her hands and the sweat from her face, took the silver needle, sat down in front of the bed again, and took Jiang Qi's pulse for a while.

After a long time, Fang said: "The bone has been spliced. In the next ten days, the injured leg should not touch water. The bandage should not be too tight. After five days, Miss Jiang will post to me again."

"In addition, I will prescribe a few more oral medicines for anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and blood circulation. Take one dose three times a day. Avoid spicy and greasy food, and eat more broth and beef made from bones, because bones need a lot of nutrition Replenish."

Master Jiang burst into tears: "I didn't expect Miss Gu to have such medical skills at such a young age."

Gu Fuyun said embarrassingly: "I usually just read medical books to pass the time when I have nothing to do, uh, plus I'm more courageous."

Mrs. Jiang said: "Miss Gu not only saved my Dalang, but now she is Saburo's lifesaver. There is no way to repay such a great kindness. Please ask Mrs. Jiang to bow down."

Gu Fuyun turned sideways quickly, and said: "Although the bones have been connected, I still need to take medicine, acupuncture, and rehabilitation exercises in the future. I will not recover in half a year. I will go back first and prepare some bone paste. People come to pick it up, and wipe it on twice a day, morning and evening.”

Generally, after a bone fracture, it will be fixed, and then adhesions will occur around the joint, myositis ossificans, or in other words, joint ankylosis.It needs to be loosened by manipulation, or acupuncture and massage therapy to regulate a period of time, and combined with the patient's exercise will have a better effect.

If Jiang Qi wanted to recover completely, he had to run to Jiang's house from time to time.

But she has no friendship with the Jiang family,

It's not a problem to run to Jiang's house often.

Gu Fuyun thought and thought, and had no choice but to say to Miss Jiang: "In two days, Miss Jiang will post to me. Or come to my house to play with me." She and Miss Jiang have a very good personal relationship, and they go to the house to play with each other. reasonable.

Miss Jiang hurriedly said, "As long as Sister Gu doesn't dislike her."

Jiang Zhan once again bowed to Gu Fuyun: "Thank you, Miss Gu Wu, for helping my brother-in-law. In the future, please tell Miss Gu if you have anything to do."

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly: "Uncle Jiang, you don't need to say thank you. Your younger brother is blessed with great blessings, so he has such good luck. I just got cured by chance."

Master Jiang, Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Zhan, and Miss Jiang all personally sent Gu Fuyun out.

Gu Fuyun didn't want to make such a high profile.Most of the people living in Yushu Hutong are officials' families, and there are many people coming and going. If people see her as a boudoir girl, she will be sent off by the Jiang family to Zhongmen. I can't hide it.

Medicine is her personal skill, but she doesn't want to make it known to everyone.

In the modern environment where the law is relatively complete, doctors are walking on thin ice, trembling, and there are endless incidents of medical troubles, not to mention the ancient times when the nobles could not be treated well, and their heads might be lost.

Under Gu Fuyun's repeated insistence, Master Jiang only sent Gu Fuyun to the second entrance.

Then Mrs. Jiang and Miss Jiang will send them off in person.

As soon as you enter the door, bypass the screen wall, and walk a few steps forward, you will be the gate of the Jiang family.

But at this moment, the gate of Jiang's house was opened, and the servant who rushed in to Jiang's house almost collided with Mrs. Jiang who came out from behind the screen wall.

The little servant was startled, he quickly took two steps back, and then said excitedly: "Madam, the son of the protector of the country has brought a doctor here, and said to give the third master a bone."

As soon as the words were finished, a young man in black clothes and an old man carrying a medicine box had already stepped into the gate.

Mrs. Jiang's heart skipped a beat, and she was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

 The last update, I tried my best, I'm going to rest, my neck can't take it anymore

(End of this chapter)

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