Chapter 134

Jiang's house is not close to Gu's house, and the road is congested, the carriage that Jiang's family found was just hired from outside.It's nothing compared to a powerful family, you only need to hang the family logo on the car, and when driving on the road, other cars will be able to avoid it on their own.

Although the "coach driver" has enough status this time, who would pay attention to a coachman?Therefore, Chu Rui, who was a driver for the first time, also encountered many problems.

Fight for the road with others, but the other party refuses to give in, and even threw the whip over, cursing: "You are blind, and the cars of the Zhongyihou's mansion will also stop you." Then he drove three BMWs hissing past , still cursing in his mouth, "What the hell, something with no eyes."

Chu Rui: "..." Forget it, it is not my style to bully others, so I will bear with you for a while today.

After running for an hour, they arrived at Gu's house.But for Chu Rui, this is also a enjoyment.

Chu Rui jumped out of the carriage and said to Gu Fuyun: "Here we are." His eyes greedily stared at Gu Fuyun's face who got off the carriage, it was still as clear and beautiful as he remembered, and his watery almond eyes were like black pearls Pure and clear, unpainted but black eyebrows, small bridge of the nose, bright red lips like peonies that are about to drop, you can't wait to shine.

The graceful and small chin is raised slightly haughtily, the indifference of rejecting others thousands of miles away is of course making people afraid to get close, but it seduces half of his soul, and he feels that half of his body is crisp, and he can't wait to rub her into his arms. In the middle of the show, breaking the indifference on her face and dyeing it with a layer of bright red after anger and annoyance, it must be more beautiful that way.

Gu Fuyun got out of the carriage, Qing Hong took out his purse, counted out five copper coins and handed it to Chu Rui: "Here is your carriage fee."

Chu Rui: "..."

Chu Rui felt that this girl was really an eyesore, so he winked at Di Long.

Di Long hesitated for a while, but he still gritted his teeth and stepped forward, dragged Qinghong aside, and said with a wicked smile: "Little beauty, my son wants to talk to your girl, you are really an eyesore standing here."

But Qinghong pushed him away, covered his nose and said: "Stay away from me, it stinks to death."

Dillon: "..."

In this room, Gu Fuyun frowned, and said coldly: "We really have nothing to talk about."

Pass him by.

Chu Rui stepped forward to stop her again.

"Get out of the way." Gu Fuyun yelled in a cold voice, her pretty face was gloomy, her face was covered with frost, her lips were tightly pursed, her brows were slightly erect, and she had an inviolable momentum and sharpness.It was as if two sharp arrows shot out from the pair of water-cutting autumn pupils, piercing Chu Rui's heart, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Gu Fuyun walked away.

In the air, there was Gudu streaked by the black hair she threw out by twisting her neck, and one strand of the black hair brushed against his cheek, itching and crisping.

Chu Rui stared at Gu Fuyun's back as he was striding away, anxious, and quickly stepped forward to stop her: "Gu Wu, I just want to apologize to you."

"Then you can tell."


"Didn't you say you wanted to apologize to me?" Gu Fuyun said patiently, "Then apologize quickly."

"...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I always thought..."

"I accept your apology."


Gu Fuyun said: "I said, I accept your apology."

Chu Rui was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that she would forgive him so easily, he thought she would scold him, kick him, bite him, point to his nose and yell, and then he would use the typed manuscript...

Gu Fuyun saw that he was stupidly standing there again, so he endured the movement of kicking people, and slowed down his tone: "A person is not a sage, he is familiar with everything, let him get over the past."

Chu Rui ate and said: "I did such a wrong thing, you really don't hate me?"

Gu Fuyun smiled more and more gently, "I was indeed very angry before, but thinking that Prince Chu is also a victim, I understand Prince Chu's feelings at that time. Really, I don't blame Prince Chu anymore."

If you didn't have a bad reputation and were afraid of being retaliated by you, do you think I would forgive you so easily?

Gu Wu's reaction was bigger than he expected, and Chu Rui lost his mind for a while, so he could only stammer: "But I really want to make it up to you."

Gu Fuyun waited for this sentence, and hurriedly said: "I know that Chu Shizi has always been upright, since Chu Shizi is so sincere and unwilling to owe favors, then that's fine, just pay me some money, that's okay Prince Anchu feels guilty."

Chu Rui: "..."

Gu Fuyun was very understanding and said: "Did Chu Shizi not bring any money? It doesn't matter, next time someone will send it to Gu's family."

Chu Rui: "..."

Gu Fuyun said again: "It's time for the little girl to go in, Prince Chu can leave so I won't see you off!"

Chu Rui wanted to stop him subconsciously, but was hugged by Di Long: "Master, it's getting late, we really should go back." Then he whispered in his ear, "Master, you smell so bad, don't be afraid Fumigate people."

Gu Fuyun almost staggered, and couldn't help but glance back at the speaker.

Seeing the other party's master and servant looking at him, Di Long quickly smiled.

Alas, the master is unreliable, so I have to let my subordinate do the trick.

Look, how happy the master and servant are laughing. At first it was just a chuckle, then a big laugh, and then a muffled laugh...

The master didn't treat him like this.

At this time, Chu Rui had no intention of stopping the beauty anymore, thinking that Gu Wu was laughing at himself, he became more and more embarrassed, and quickly sniffed his sleeves, there was no smell.

"Collar collar..." Dillon was still enthusiastically pointing to the collar of his small vertical collar jacket. Although the weather is turning cold, he has been riding a horse for a long time today. Can he not smell bad?
Chu Rui's body froze again, and he didn't hug him. Now his vest is really wet with sweat...

Chu Rui didn't bother to stop Gu Wu anymore, he kicked over and scolded: "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he had already lost face in front of Gu Wu more than once, and when he thought that Gu Wu might hold his breath to talk to him just now, he felt weak all over his body and became more and more annoyed, "You bastard, go back and flush the toilet. go!"

Dillon: "..." retorted a little unconvinced, "I wanted to remind you too, but I just never had the chance."

"Shut up!" Chu Rui's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he thought that Gu Wu was still smiling at this bastard just now, and couldn't help but kick him again, "Don't laugh in front of Gu Wu in the future!"

"Ah! Huh?"


After that, every three days, Gu Fuyun would receive a post from Jiang Shumei and be invited to Jiang's house as a guest.In fact, it was for Jiang Zhan's leg.

And every time she goes out, she always meets Chu Rui.

Going out three times in a row, you can meet Chu Rui who is also on the street.As a result, Gu Fuyun had no choice but to start dreaming.

For the first time, she was sitting on the oil-green single-drive car, and it was only seven or eight miles away from the house. Chu Rui rushed over on the horse, took out a stack of bank notes from his arms, and threw them in from outside the curtain of the car. .

"The compensation for you, do you think it is enough?"

The coachman of the Gu family whipped his whip over and shouted: "You bastard, Yongning Bo's mansion is driving here, so get out of here if you're young!" So what if you're riding a tall horse?Those who ride BMWs these days are either dandies or dandies.

As the coachman of the Gu family, the whole family depended on the Gu family, the only thing he could do was to drive the other party back with his righteousness.

Although the dandy is lawless, he only lacks the slap in the face of the embodiment of justice!
Facing the righteous coachman of the Gu family, Chu Rui fled in despair.


Out of words
I can't read everyone's comments until now, it's really heart-wrenching

There will be another update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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