Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 135 Becoming a Coachman Again

Chapter 135 Becoming a Coachman Again
Looking at the scattered banknotes under his feet, Gu Fuyun said, "..."

Qinghong picked it up, counted it, and said with a tongue: "Miss, there are nine thousand five hundred taels of silver bills in total."

Gu Fuyun said: "Put it away." Chu Rui has done immoral things to her, so she accepts these banknotes with peace of mind.

Originally, she wanted to make a "good karma". Well, this thing is invisible and intangible, and it may not be useful in the future. Money is the real deal.

On the way back, he was blocked by Chu Rui again, Gu Fuyun wanted to ask him kindly, did he have any thoughts about me?But in public, I really can't say it.So I changed the subject: "Chu Shizi, do you want to go back and change?"

She swears, she's really just a suggestion, a suggestion of conscience.

It rained lightly today, and his clothes are wet, and he has urinary stones, which can't be caught cold, once caught cold, it's easy to relapse.

But Chu Rui's complexion changed drastically, he quickly sniffed his sleeves, then his collar, and ran away.

Look at the back of that leaving, how come there is a kind of fleeing?
Zhou Qing started chasing the horse with some anxiety, but the BMW under Chu Rui's crotch was a rare horse, and he chased him all the way back to the Duke's mansion before he managed to catch up with him.

"Master, why do you turn around and leave when you are so good?"


"But, you just changed your laundry this morning." Not only did you take a bath, but your clothes were specially scented with Han Gong's thick plum fragrance all night, and you also wore a sachet of the same type on your waist.

Chu Rui paused, looked at Zhou Qing suspiciously, and smelled the smell on his body. There was indeed a pleasant plum scent, but why did Gu Wu ask him to change his clothes?
Zhou Qing's back molars were about to hurt, but he couldn't hurt his master's self-esteem any more, so he could only say: "I think it's just a suggestion from conscience. The weather is getting colder, and you were caught in the rain just now. What if you catch the wind and cold?" it is good?"

Chu Rui's eyes lit up: "You mean Gu Wu is just caring about me?"

Zhou Qing: "..."

It's over, the master is really stuck.As a subordinate, you can't let your master continue to sink like this.

So Zhou Qing said: "Not necessarily, maybe it's just that I dislike your smell."

Chu Rui kicked over: "Nonsense, I'm not sweating today!"

"But I'm out." The horse galloped all the way, sweating again.

Chu Rui became even more angry, and kicked over again: "It turns out that you, a bastard, are holding you back!"

Zhou Qing: "..."

The more Chu Rui thought about it, the more angry he became, the Muxiu he finally got was wasted like this.If I want to see Gu Wu again, I have to have another holiday.And on the next holiday, Gu Wu might not be able to go out.The more he thought about it, the more angry Chu Rui nodded angrily, "You go wash the toilet too!"

Zhou Qing's complexion changed drastically, "No, my son, I'd better practice boxing with you." Di Lon was often punished for flushing the toilet because he was often careless and did stupid things.If he also becomes a toilet flusher, doesn't it prove that he is also lacking in heart and doing assholes?

It's better to practice boxing with the son of the world and get a beating, it's like getting out of the bucket.


It was three days after Gu Fuyun saw Chu Rui for the third time.

When they went out, the weather wasn't very good. After showing Jiang Zhan's legs, he hurried home.

After sitting for about half an hour, the sky started to rain, and it tended to get bigger and bigger, and finally turned into heavy rain.It is extremely dangerous to travel in such rain.

The driver wearing a bamboo hat said to Gu Fuyun: "Girl, there is a teahouse in the alley ahead, let's go there first to shelter from the rain."

"Okay." Gu Fuyun responded, suddenly holding Qingsi's hand, and whispered, "The coachman has a problem."

Qingsi narrowed her eyes, opened the car door, raised one leg, and kicked hard at the driver who was driving the car.

Unexpectedly, the coachman would be attacked from the rear, so he threw his whole body forward and just landed on the horse's buttocks. The horse was frightened, hissed wildly and ran wildly.

The three masters and servants in the car leaned back. Fortunately, the horse was quickly brought under control.Gu Fuyun didn't care about hitting the back of his head in pain, and hurriedly opened the curtains.I just saw a man standing in the rain, holding the rein in his hand.

"Thank you, Prince Chu, for saving me." Gu Fuyun said gratefully, not caring about his head being drenched in the rain, "Just now someone pretended to be my coachman, trying to plot against me. Thanks to Prince Chu, you are really my great benefactor."

Chu Rui: "..." He kicked at the driver and said, "Since there is something wrong with the driver, I will arrest him first."

The coachman got kicked in the back and fell to the ground again.Fortunately, he was in good shape and was not injured.After finally regaining his composure, he was kicked in the head, and his whole body flew out.

Chu Rui ordered the left and right guards, "Catch this villain! Torture him!"

The guards hesitated for a while, but they still stepped forward neatly and tied up the fake coachman.

The coachman was dumbfounded, but he didn't resist, and was restrained obediently.

"Take it back first, interrogate carefully!" Chu Rui waved his hand.

"It's raining so hard, it's dangerous to drive. There's a teahouse in the alley ahead. I'll take you there to shelter from the rain."

Chu Rui jumped into the carriage and drove the car into the alley himself.

Qinghong held Gu Fuyun's hand nervously: "Girl..."

She dared to gamble with the head on the item, the coachman just now was definitely, definitely arranged by the other party.

Wouldn't the girl go into the mouth of a tiger?

Gu Fuyun said loudly: "Don't say anything. It was Chu Shizi who saved me, and I believe Chu Shizi will send us home safely."

Chu Rui: "Don't worry, I will send you back safely, but the rain is too heavy, go to the teahouse to rest for a while, and when the rain stops, I will personally escort you back."

Gu Fuyun smiled sincerely: "No need, I'm out alone, and I haven't been back for a long time, the elders will definitely be worried. I'd better ask the good man Chu Shizi to do it to the end, and send me home directly."

"But the rain is so heavy..."

"It's okay, it's not far away anyway." Gu Fuyun softened his voice, "I'll leave it to Prince Chu."

The girl's voice was soft, with a look of trust and gratitude, which made Chu Rui, who had [-] crooked thoughts in his stomach, unable to refuse, so he could only grit his teeth and agree: "...Okay!"

"Thank you, Prince Chu." The girl's cheerful voice was relieved.

The corners of Chu Rui's lips were bitter, but he had to pick up the whip again, and became a coachman again.

The guards behind were dumbfounded, didn't they want to drive the carriage to the teahouse in the alley ahead?Why is it inconsistent with the pre-set?

The guards looked at Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing, who still had a bruise on his face, said calmly, "What are you doing in a daze? You still haven't followed."

He now understands that once Gu Wu is involved, no matter how good the plan is, it can't compare to changes.His wise and powerful master, once he meets Gu Wu, his whole head will become a paste.


Since yesterday, I run for half an hour every day, comb my neck with a silver comb dipped in rose essential oil before going to bed, and sleep on a low pillow at night. This is my only way to deal with cervical spine.

(End of this chapter)

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