Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 139 5 steps to laugh 1 step

Chapter 139
Gu Fuyun said to Qingjuan: "You tell Qing'e to go to the big kitchen to have a look, if there is anything to eat, ask her to bring it to me quickly. I'm really hungry." Qing'e is born to be a cook, She just showed her the steps of making fresh meat buns and the seasonings needed, and Qing'e made it right.

Now Qing'e is already a celebrity in the eyes of all masters.

After setting Jiang Qi's bone, I was sweating and hungry.But taking a bath in ancient times was a big project. You need to notify the big kitchen to boil hot water, and then carry it to Hanxiangyuan after boiling the hot water.There will be a lot of delay during the period.So Gu Fuyun could only wash his face, change his clothes, comb his hair under Shuqing's clothes, and randomly ate the Linglong pagoda crisps that Qing'e brought from the kitchen to fill his belly.

Xianglan from the old lady's yard came again, blessed Gu Fuyun, and said respectfully: "Fifth Miss, the old lady sent her servants here, please move quickly, Fifth Miss, and don't let the guests wait."

Gu Fuyun sighed, and asked Qinghong to give Xianglan a few copper coins, saying that he would be there soon.

Dressed up a bit, took Shuqing and Qingsi, went to Shou'an Hall, and greeted the old lady.

"Greetings to grandma." Gu Fuyun briskly entered the room, the three sisters-in-law of the Gu family, and the girls all arrived, each sitting on one side.Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Mrs. Su who was sitting sideways with the old lady, but she didn't look sideways, and saluted the old lady first.

Looking at the flower-like granddaughter, the old lady had a complicated expression.Among the several granddaughters, Wu Yatou is the only one who likes to be coquettish and foolish with her the most, and she also wants to try her best to find a good marriage for her granddaughter in all aspects.

Unfortunately, the situation is stronger than people...

The old lady Gu sighed in her heart, and said with a smile: "Finally back, this is Mrs. Suhou. Mrs. Suhou has been waiting for you for a long time. Hurry up and say hello to Mrs. Suhou." The old lady looked at her granddaughter who was half worn The light blue small stand-up collar is plain painted with violets and rolled in silver with a long beige skirt, the lower body is an off-white long skirt, her hair is combed in a bun, and she is only decorated with five-color pearls and flowers. The small pearl earrings are inconspicuous, and she looks like she is dressed at home. .She didn't dress up luxuriously just because there was a distinguished guest at home, and she was satisfied with it, as expected, she could hold her breath.

Gu Fuyun saluted Mrs. Su Hou with kindness, "I have seen Mrs. Hou, and if I keep Mrs. Hou waiting for a long time, this junior will be quite frightened."

Mrs. Su said with a smile: "Don't be too polite, our family came here uninvited and disturbed your residence, it should be because of our panic."

The old lady smiled and said: "Mrs. Hou's words are really polite. The presence of Su Hou and Mrs. Hou is enough to make the humble house shine. We can only be happy."

Gu Fuyun bowed to his eldest aunt Zhou, second aunt Jin, and Qiao, and then sat down at Gu Xiaoyun's lower seat.

Today's Mrs. Su is not as elegant and elegant as last time, but has a slightly homely charm, and even the servants and maids have been reduced by half.

Mrs. Su also looked at Gu Fuyun calmly, and she didn't blame her son for being so persistent in marrying this girl.The little girl's big almond eyes are like a pool of clear mountain spring, bubbling with delicious spring water, soaking people's hearts.Just sitting there quietly, she really has the demeanor of a lady.

But in this world, there are many girls who are innocent on the outside and full of scheming on the inside. Thinking of their son's love like a demon,

Madam Su's heart was blocked again.She didn't think she was the kind of vicious mother-in-law who would take a girl her son liked just to snatch her son away.But she really couldn't like Gu Wu.

Mrs. Su looked at Gu Fuyun coldly, then frowned slightly, combined with the little girl's dress and behavior, she became even more uncomfortable.

The old lady said, "Fifth girl, the kitchen is making twice-cooked pork tonight, you go to the kitchen and tell the cook to put more ginger and garlic."

Gu Fuyun got up obediently, and blessed the old lady, "Grandmother, granddaughter, please leave." Then he blessed the old lady with Mrs. Su.

After leaving the Shou'an Hall, looking at the gradually darkening sky, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

In the end, he still has to spend his whole life with a dude like Su Liu.

By the way, a rich mother-in-law as high as a mountain is attached.

She can even imagine the life of her husband's family in the future, either coaxing her husband and son-in-law to live, or being a lowly child in front of the high-ranking mother-in-law.

"Girl," Shuqing looked at Gu Fuyun worriedly.

Gu Fuyun recovered his smile and said, "Let's go, go to the kitchen."

Twist up the skirt and step through the courtyard gate, yes, there is no obstacle in this world that cannot be overcome.

It's no big deal for an inconspicuous dude's husband, he can be coaxed if he can, and he can live his own life if he can't.

What about the well-behaved mother-in-law?Make me anxious, I can't kill you!
When Gu Fuyun came back from the kitchen, the Shou'an Hall was already full of laughter.

The old lady just smiled at Mrs. Su and said: "Your family is very sincere, and Mrs. Hou is not a wicked mother-in-law who waits to tease a daughter-in-law. The Su family is full of nobles, and Master Su is a good-looking talent. But I fell into the nest of blessings. I didn't expect the fifth girl in our family to have such blessings."

Mrs. Su smiled and said: "What are you talking about, Madam? The Gu family is a dignified earl's mansion, and it is hereditary. How many men are proud to marry a girl from the Gu family. Even though the fifth girl... and the son of the protector of the country..." Looking at Gu Fuyun at the door, his smile remained unchanged, and he turned his head and said to the old lady: "No one is perfect, We are not the kind of ignorant people, the fifth girl is so good, what is a little flaw? Our Su family is not a picky person, as long as the character is good, there is nothing else. "

The old lady Gu held the Buddhist beads and lowered her eyes faintly.

Gu Fuyun's face was shy, but he sneered in his heart. If he really wanted to marry him, how could he bring up the matter between me and Chu Rui?It was clearly beating me, asking me to recognize the reality.

Qiao's heart was not feeling well either. To be honest, Marquis Wu An brought his wife and children to the door to ask for a marriage. His sincerity was enough.Coupled with the various benefits attached to the Su family, Ah Fu has to marry if she doesn't marry, she has already accepted her fate in her heart.But Madam Su's words still made her uncomfortable.

Gu Xiaoyun really felt sorry for her sister. Seeing that Madam Su was still clinging to the past, she felt displeased. After thinking about it, she smiled and waved to Gu Fuyun, and said loudly: "Fifth sister, Su Liu Although the young master is well-known in the capital, he is still the son of the Su family, so he must abide by the rules and will not mess around. Don't worry."

Mrs. Su was slightly stagnant. She was originally a delicate person. The third girl of the Gu family deliberately amplified and lengthened the words "loud", "respectful" and "reckless", in order to remind her that her son's reputation is not that good either. of.Don't laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps here.


(End of this chapter)

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