Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 140 The Serious and Bachelor Gu 5

Chapter 140 The Serious and Bachelor Gu Wu

Gu Fuyun said indifferently: "Well, I believe that Master Su and Mrs. Su Hou have taught well, and the sixth son of Su will definitely not mess around."

Mrs. Su fell down in anger again, because Gu Fuyun also specially elongated and emphasized the word "teach well", in order to remind her son that his moral character is not much better, and it is their responsibility as parents.

Mrs. Su suppressed her anger, and said with a fake smile: "Fifth Miss can speak well."

Gu Fuyun looked at Mrs. Su very seriously, even if this person will be a mountain on her head in the future, she has nothing to be afraid of.Anyway, the other party didn't like her in the first place, so she probably wouldn't get compliments even if she played lowly.

So Gu Fuyun looked directly at Mrs. Su, and said very seriously and very bachelorly: "Madam doesn't like me, but you still want to ask me to marry me for Mr. Su Sixth, it's hard for you, Madam."

Madam Su: "..."

Everyone in the house: "..."

Gu Fuyun solemnly blessed Madam Su with special respect: "Madam doesn't like me, so this junior should leave quickly, so as not to hinder Madam's eyes."

After successfully seeing Mrs. Su's face that was obviously cracked but had to put on a smile, her mood instantly improved.

"You child, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mrs. Su didn't expect that Gu Wu had such a bachelor's side, her heart was broken and she was embarrassed.Quickly organize the words, "If I don't like you, how can I come to the door three times and five times to ask for marriage? Old lady, tell me, what kind of nonsense is Miss Wu talking about?"

Mrs. Gu Suo came to her senses first, and immediately said: "The fifth girl is honest, probably because Mrs. Hou just said something about her marriage with Duke Hushi, Chu Shizi, and she felt wronged."

Mrs. Su's expression froze. The fact is, what's the matter, are you afraid that I won't be able to say it?

Mrs. Gu solemnly said again: "Everyone knows that the marriage between the son of the protector of the country and the fifth girl of my family is nothing more than a man-made conspiracy. It is all caused by the evil intentions of the fake wife Xiao Liu. What does it have to do with my fifth girl?" Mrs. Hou took this matter to relegate, can the fifth girl not be wronged? Isn't it, fifth girl?"

Gu Fuyun said: "Grandmother, you are not wronged. The one who is really wronged should be Mrs. Hou."

Everyone: "..."

Who is the most embarrassing person at this time?

Absolutely Madam Su.

Mrs. Su's breath was stuck in her chest, she couldn't utter it, and she couldn't swallow it, but she still had to put on a loving smile, which was really difficult for her.

She really didn't like Gu Wu, but it was really embarrassing to be hit directly in the heart in front of other people's elders.

"Miss Fifth, did you misunderstand something? How could I not like you? If I didn't like you, I wouldn't have come to propose marriage." Mrs. Su tried her best to maintain a proper smile, and tried her best to deny it.

For someone who always cares about face and takes the initiative, exposing her heart on the spot will definitely make Fang flustered for a while.

Madam Su was like this, it was one thing for her not to like Gu Wu, but it was another thing to be exposed on the spot.Gu Fuyun, who is well versed in the principles of human nature, felt extremely comfortable watching Mrs. Su perform with all her might.

Mrs. Zhou hurriedly smoothed things over, laughed and reprimanded Gu Fuyun for talking nonsense, and explained to Madam Su, "Madam, don't worry about it. The fifth girl was really wronged by the marriage with the son of Duke Huguo. So she thought Madam was not I like her. In fact, it's all just a misunderstanding."

The old lady Gu said: "You can't blame Madam Hou for this. Madam Hou has always valued her reputation, and she can't rub the sand in her eyes. It is reasonable to have some opinions on Wu Yatou. Wu Yatou, you have nothing to be wronged. The moon is cloudy and sunny Incompleteness, let alone people?"

Gu Fu went here to receive education.

Mrs. Gu said with a smile to Mrs. Su: "People nowadays like to add fuel and vinegar, and put on a hat. Su Houye and Mrs. Hou are such sensible people. The Su family has strict tutoring, and the men they teach are all excellent. Su Sixth Master has been rumored so unbearably, Madam Hou must be extremely annoyed."

Madam Su: "..."

The old lady Gu said again: "But Mrs. Hou, don't worry about it. We can't block their mouths when our mouths grow on other people, can't we? As long as we don't take it seriously. The old lady believes that Su Liu is a man who stands up to heaven and earth, like him Same as daddy."

In the face of Mrs. Gu's soft and thorny words, what can Mrs. Su do?Just trying to keep a smile on my face.

If her husband hadn't liked Gu Wu and personally came to propose marriage, she wouldn't have been so idle.

Fortunately, Su Liu was brought into the Shou'an Hall, which relieved Mrs. Su's embarrassment.

Except for Zhou's three sisters-in-law, Gu Fuyun was the only one left.Gu Xiaoyun's four sisters have all avoided.

When Su Liu saw Gu Fuyun, the gleam in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Old Madam Gu twitched her eyebrows slightly, her expression relaxed.Although this Mrs. Su is a bit high-ranking, but as the wife of a powerful and honorable family, it is not surprising.Although the Gu family is the earl's mansion, in front of the Su family, it was indeed thrown away.Compared with the wives of other aristocratic families, this Mrs. Su can be regarded as the tallest among the dwarfs.Moreover, the Su family's reputation among nobles is quite good.

The old lady Gu looked at Su Liu again. Although she had a reputation as a dude, she saw that Su Liu was sincere and had a job in the Ministry of War. She just had to work hard.With the power of the Su family, as long as Su Liu follows the steps, his future will not be bad.Moreover, the Su family has been run by several generations and has strong strength. Even if the family is separated in the future, Su Liu, as the eldest son, will get a lot of the family business.The fifth girl is married, and she can only enjoy a happy life.

The scales in the old lady's heart shifted to Su Liu again, so she said kindly, "Master Su Liu..."

Su Liu hurriedly said respectfully: "The old lady is well. The younger generation's name is Jinning, and the old lady just calls the younger generation Jinning."

Mrs. Gu nodded slightly, and called "Jinning" politely.

Sixth Master Su saluted Zhou's third sister-in-law again, knowing that Qiao was Gu Fuyun's mother, his voice could not help being louder: "Jinning has seen the third wife, and the third wife is well."

Qiao's expression was complicated, which was different from the last time.At this moment, Su Liu was not only handsome, but also humble and polite, with a sincere attitude.Most of the unhappiness Mrs. Su brought to her disappeared.

Su Liu looked at Gu Fuyun again, his eyes were shining brightly, he smiled and said, "Fifth Sister."

Gu Fuyun got up and saluted calmly: "Sixth Master Su!"

The old lady Gu said with a smile: "Fifth girl, you go to the kitchen again, let them move faster."

This is to distract her deliberately, in the eyes of outsiders, so as not to embarrass the girl.

Gu Fuyun saluted and retreated in a polite manner.


Gu Fuyun, who came out of the Shou'an Hall, did not go to the kitchen, but came to the west side of the Shou'an Hall, there was a small flower pot with tables and chairs in the middle, and the sisters usually came here for a small gathering when they were free.

There are already people sitting in Xiaohua Puli, namely Gu Xiaoyun's four sisters.

Seeing Gu Fuyun, Gu Qingyun stood up first, and called out loudly: "Fifth Sister."

Gu Fuyun said "Yes", "Seventh Sister, Third Sister, Fourth Sister, and Sixth Sister, you are all here."

The other three sisters also stood up and came to Gu Fuyun.Gu Xiaoyun opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

On the contrary, Gu Youyun smiled and said: "Congratulations to the fifth sister, a happy marriage!"

She is really happy for Gu Fuyun, so what about the Marquis of Wu'an's Su family?Su Liu was well-known, Mrs. Su blatantly expressed her dislike for the fifth younger sister, and the dignified daughter-in-law still did not get married as well as her concubine daughter.

Gu Youyun said that she, the only concubine of the Gu family, was considered complete.


Out of words
In ancient times, the mother-in-law was really bigger than the sky.Under the pressure of filial piety, it is really difficult for a daughter-in-law to stand up.Big families are even better, so you have to take your face into consideration.So crossing must be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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