Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 141 Relying on a man is worse than relying on a son

Chapter 141 Relying on a man is worse than relying on a son
Shuqing looked at Gu Fuyun worriedly.

Gu Fuyun didn't stay silent for too long, and soon came back to his senses, and smiled lightly: "Whether it's a good match or not is still unknown. But I believe in the eyes of grandma and her old man."

Gu Xiaoyun walked over without knowing when.

"Sister." Gu Fuyun called softly.

Gu Xiaoyun held her hand, stood under the wall outside the Shou'an Hall, looked at the vines protruding from the wall, and said: "Your marriage with Su Liu is a certainty."

"I know."

"Don't you even ask why?" Gu Xiaoyun was a little surprised.

"You can't escape the exchange of benefits anyway." Gu Fuyun said indifferently, "Could it be that Marquis Wu'an can still use power to suppress others?"

So what if you use power to overwhelm others?The majestic Marquis, for the sake of his youngest son's marriage, it is already a great sincerity to come to the door with his wife and children in person.No matter how ignorant the Gu family is, they really don't know how to behave.

Gu Youyun covered her lips and said with a smile: "Why do you use power to overwhelm people? They are clearly full of sincerity. The fifth sister is really blessed to have the majestic Lord Hou come to ask for marriage in person."

Gu Xiaoyun couldn't bear it anymore, and gave her a sideways glance: "Fourth sister, if you can't speak, stop talking, no one will think you are dumb."

Gu Youyun: "..."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Fourth sister, I believe you sincerely wish me well. When I get married, Fourth sister remember to add more makeup to me."

Gu Xiuyun: "..."

The two sisters Gu Qingyun and Gu Shuyun scrambled to say: "Fifth sister, don't worry, I will definitely add makeup to you on the day you get married."

Gu Fuyun looked at them strangely at first, and then found that both of them had embarrassment on their faces, and couldn't help but look at Gu Xiaoyun.

Gu Xiaoyun glanced at them out of the corner of his eye, and said softly to Gu Fuyun: "The promotion of uncle is the result of Marquis Wu'an's operation."

Of course, Marquis Wu An would not come to the door directly and tell the Gu family that your promotion is due to me.People only need to come to the door to say congratulations on being promoted to an official. The official who promoted you this time has a little corner relationship with the Su family.The Gu family naturally understood in seconds, as long as they know how to behave, they have to express their gratitude.

Then Marquis Wu An said, "Our ancestors were all founding fathers, and the relationship between the two families is irreversible. That is to say, they have become estranged in recent years. In fact, the Gu and Su families are family friends. How can there be no reason not to help this little favor? It’s nothing more than a little effort.” Let’s talk about the relationship between the ancestors of the two sides who fought with the Emperor Taizu together, and recall the glorious years together.The ancestors of the Gu family were also famous, and after such a conversation, the already unfamiliar relationship was brought closer.

Then Marquis Wu'an mentioned this marriage again, not to mention Gu Gaoyun, even the old lady Gu couldn't refuse.

Gu Fuyun didn't know the inside story, but with Gu Xiaoyun's words, he could understand why grandmother agreed to this marriage.Why are the two sisters, Gu Qingyun and Gu Shuyun, so guilty and embarrassed?

Gu Youyun is a concubine, so of course she cannot get access to the core secrets, but after hearing what Gu Xiaoyun said, she opened her mouth slightly, rolled her eyes, and laughed again: "So there is such an inside story about uncle's promotion? Fifth sister, how about you?" But our family’s great hero.”

The two sisters Gu Qingyun became more and more embarrassed.

Gu Xiaoyun said: "What kind of hero is not a hero? The fifth sister is a member of the Gu family, and it is also her job to contribute to the family. Fourth sister, don't talk if you can't speak. Otherwise, I thought it was the second aunt who didn't treat you Teach me well." Then he squeezed Gu Fuyun's hand tightly.

Gu Fuyun's heart was warm, and he gave her a strong backhand grip, and said to the sisters with a smile: "Third sister is right, our third room usually relies on the shadow of our uncle, and it is my responsibility to contribute a little to the family. It’s an honor. How can there be a saying about being a hero. Four sisters and three sisters are right, if you can’t speak, don’t talk nonsense. Otherwise, I thought you were instigating the sisterhood between me and my sisters.”


Perhaps she has seen the protection of the Gu family, and Gu Fuyun is a two hundred and five who does not follow the rules. During dinner, Mrs. Su put away her airs and became approachable.The host and guest enjoyed the dinner.

After dinner, the Gu family opened the middle door, and the Gu Gaoyun and Zhou family took the lead to send off the Marquis Wu'an and his wife enthusiastically.Su and Gu's family have exchanged tokens, but both parties are silent until the marriage contract is written.The main reason is to prevent the two parties from disagreeing.

When Gu Fuyun returned to Shou'an Hall, Mrs. Gu waved to her: "Fifth girl, come here."

Gu Fuyun obediently sat beside the old lady.

Mrs. Gu carefully looked at her granddaughter. She had a pink oval face, exquisite facial features, unpainted but dark eyebrows, unpainted but vermilion lips, a slender figure, creamy skin, fresh and tender like green onions.Among all the granddaughters, Wu Yatou has the best appearance, no wonder Su Liu is so fascinated.

But after all, beauty is easy to grow old.As a first wife, it is impossible to tie the hearts of men purely by her color.

Seeing the old lady's complex expression, Gu Fuyun took the initiative to ask, "Grandma, do you really want to marry your granddaughter to Su Liu?"

"They have visited the door three times, and their sincerity is enough. Your uncle's promotion this time is also the result of Wu'an Hou's efforts. Grandmother really can't find a reason to refuse." Mrs. Gu said slowly: "Fifth girl, grandma knows You don't like Su Liu. But you should understand that you are a girl from the Gu family. After enjoying the honor brought to you by the Gu family, you are obliged to repay the family. So grandma broke the promise she made to you before, will you Blame grandma?"

Gu Fuyun shook his head: "How could it be? The granddaughter also knows that grandma has done her best. As a member of the Gu family, it is my honor to be able to contribute to the Gu family."

What kind of person is Marquis Wu'an, who can drive his uncle into the dust with a single sentence.The uncle is the pillar of the Gu family. If the pillar falls, what good will those people who are attached to the uncle get?
She doesn't blame anyone, and she can't blame the tricks of fate. She has to pay the corresponding price for enjoying the carefree food and clothing of a rich daughter.

So what about Su Liu's dude?So what if Mrs. Su might become a wicked mother-in-law?In the face of family honor and disgrace, these are nothing.Taking a step back, no matter how badly Yu Jiahui was doing with her, she wouldn't be married to the Su family and never see the light of day.

Mrs. Su is a person who talks about her reputation, and a person who talks about her reputation has her strengths as well as her weaknesses.

The old lady Gu said again: "Although Su Liu is a dude, fortunately, he was born in the Marquis of Wu'an, and the Su family is quite well-behaved. You are not the eldest son and daughter-in-law, so Mrs. Su must not have too high demands on you. In the future, you will enter Let’s work hard to urge the men to make progress, serve the aunts and uncles, unite with the sisters-in-law and sister-in-law, and give birth to a son-in-law as soon as possible. Once you have a firm foothold, whether the men’s heart is on you or not is not so important.”

How could Mrs. Gu not know the bad nature of men?No matter how good the color is, it can't stop a man from hugging left and right. Instead of suffering, it's better to rely on yourself and your son to be safe.


Out of words
In ancient times, in a woman's marriage, filial piety to her parents-in-law was the first priority, followed by having a son.As for men, if you can protect me, I will treat you better. If you don't protect me, I will take you as a partner.Only those who understand can live long.

one more soon

(End of this chapter)

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