Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 142 Men Are Like Nuclear Weapons

Chapter 142 Men Are Like Nuclear Weapons

Gu Fuyun opened his almond eyes and looked at the old lady: "Grandmother, I understand, don't trust a man's mouth. Because men are always unreliable?"

Old Madam Gu was startled: "Why do you have such negative thoughts at such a young age?" Men are really unreliable, and it took Old Madam Gu most of her life to realize this.But at such a young age, my granddaughter has such a concept, isn't it too negative?

Gu Fuyun smiled helplessly: "Our family has always been diligent and thrifty in running the house. But didn't my grandfather take in two aunts? There is also the eldest uncle and the second uncle. Don't you need money to raise a concubine?" Then he started counting the concubines with his fingers. Cost, "Each aunt has a wife and two maids to wait on. Guangyue pays the silver, plus the aunt's monthly silver, eight taels of silver a month is gone. In addition to the monthly silver, you also have to take care of eating and drinking. This aunt also needs to cut clothes for four seasons every year, rouge and water powder, ice in summer, and charcoal in winter. When I helped my aunt, I also secretly calculated. Aunt Ding in my grandfather’s house was alone, and all expenses were counted. The monthly cost is about 8 taels of silver. After a year, it is two hundred taels of silver. This does not include the occasional sickness and the doctor. Aunt Wei has never given birth. Big. As for Aunt Zhang, the new favorite in my uncle’s house, the cost of flowers in the public house is close to three hundred taels, not including the private subsidy from my uncle... And in our family, there are a total of six Auntie Guang, counting a year Come down, the money from the adoptive aunt can buy hundreds of acres of high-quality fertile land." Gu Fuyun's heart ached more and more, the man's lower body felt so comfortable, not only a knife stuck in his wife's chest, but also a heap of white money. came out.Gu Fuyun, who was getting more and more heartbroken, couldn't help complaining, "My God, if you have the money to raise your aunt, why don't you buy hundreds of acres of high-quality fertile land and collect some land rent or grain every year, wouldn't it be nice?"

Old lady Gu: "..."

The more Gu Fuyun thought about it, the more his heart ached, and he could hardly sit still. He quickly shook his grandmother's hand, and said angrily, "It's really costing money to raise my aunt. Grandma, how about managing the house as promised?"

Mrs. Gu couldn't laugh or cry when she saw her granddaughter's heartbroken face.

"You are right. Our family is not rich, so there is really no need to raise an aunt. However, our family is also the Earl's Mansion. The house is too clean, and it is really not beautiful."

Gu Fuyun asked back puzzledly: "Isn't it good that the house is clean? Could it be that raising two aunts can show that our family is rich?"

Mrs. Gu said helplessly: "You are still a girl, you don't understand, women always have a few days of inconvenience every month." The granddaughter is still a big girl, and some things are hard to say too bluntly, so Mrs. Gu said , "You'll know when you get married. Even if you don't make arrangements for the men, the elders in the family will arrange it. If you let the elders block people, you will be passive. It's better to arrange it yourself first, otherwise put an end to the elders. Being able to take the initiative and win a good reputation, your aunt is like this, and so is your sister-in-law."

Gu Fuyun raised her pink lips dissatisfied: "It's just a few days a month, can't you help it? I'm obviously used to it."

Mrs. Gu: "..."

After Gu Fuyun left, Mrs. Gu suddenly remembered that she was misled by this girl again, causing me to forget to talk about serious matters.


The next day, Gu's family and Su's family exchanged their birthday cards, and took the horoscopes of both parties' birthdays, and went to the Great Buddha Temple to make a marriage horoscope.

The members of the Gu family reacted differently, and the eldest wife, Mrs. Zhou, sighed slightly: "This time we owe the favor of the third bedroom."

Gu Shuyun said: "Fortunately, Fifth Sister did not object to this marriage."

Mrs. Zhou said: "If the fifth girl didn't do that stupid thing back then, she would just have to dig a little bit, and the sons of the Lord Duke's family will let her choose. How can it be cheap for Nana Suliu."

Gu Xiuyun, who returned to her natal family, said: "On the bright side, although Su Liu is a bit of a dandy, the Su family is a well-known family with strict family rules. The children of the Su family are quite promising. If the fifth younger sister marries, she will be able to enjoy the prosperity in peace. What's more, Fifth Younger Sister is not a piece of dough, maybe she can really calm that Sixth Su."

Gu Xiuyun felt indescribably embarrassed when he thought of the day when Gu Fuyun put the Bu Yao she gave her directly on his head to compete with his two younger sisters.Intuitively, this girl in the next room is not as harmless as she appears.

Mrs. Jiang also said to her husband in private: "Fifth sister also has a hard life, why did she marry someone like Su Liu."

The most direct beneficiary of Gu Gaoyun's promotion is Gu Yuanhang, the grandson of Gu's eldest son.Gu Yuanhang also felt a little sorry for Gao Sheng who was exchanged for Gu Fuyun, and said: "When Fifth Younger Sister gets married, let's add more makeup." It was a compensation for Fifth Younger Sister.

As the elder brother, Gu Yuanshan frowned when he heard that Su Liu was about to become his fifth brother-in-law.

Mrs. Zhu was puzzled, and comforted her: "I know you love Fifth Sister, but Su Liu is actually not useless. At least he is wholehearted and sincere to Fifth Sister."

Gu Yuanshan sighed: "My fifth sister is married, so I won't be able to eat her fresh meat buns."

Zhu Shi: "..."

Gu Yuanshan sighed again, and said: "Then Su Liu's reputation is really bad, although Fifth Sister... well, that's all, maybe this is her fate."

He also knew that the eldest uncle's promotion was at the expense of the fifth sister's marriage, and it was the responsibility of every child to contribute to the family. The fifth sister was not a sacrifice, but she was just fulfilling an obligation for the family.

But Mrs. Zhu said in her heart, your sister is someone who can enjoy life at first glance, and you, a brother, are worrying for nothing.


After dinner, Gu Fuyun first went to Shuhan Courtyard to greet Mrs. Qiao, Mrs. Qiao brought Gu Xiaoyun, Gu Fuyun, Gu Yuanshan, Gu Yuanshan and his wife, Brother Yuan, and Gu Yuanfan to Shou'an Hall to greet the old lady.

Now the entire Gu family knows that Gu Fuyun is about to get engaged to Su Liu. In Shou'an Hall, everyone looks at Gu Fuyun with complicated and strange eyes.

Jiang Yan is also secretly looking at Gu Fuyun, his picturesque eyebrows, calm eyes, and pretty face are not as pessimistic as marrying Su Liu, and he is not as full of ambition as he is about to marry into a noble family.These days, Jiang Yan has been inquiring about Su Liu's character and reputation, and he looks at Gu Fuyun with a trace of sympathy and complexity.

The Wen family also came, and naturally heard about Gu Fuyun's marriage, and laughed so hard that the pearl earrings on her ears swayed from side to side: "Congratulations to Fifth Sister, you are married to a noble family. Although I am lonely and ignorant, I also listen I have mentioned the prestige of the Marquis of Wu'an. That is a real famous family, a family of lords. Su Liu is also a good-looking talent. "

Although Wen said envious words on the surface, he didn't think so in his heart.A son of an aristocratic family who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, and is also the youngest son who is much loved. Gu Wu married, and she felt good.Tell her to look down on my Jiang family, tell him to look down on my brother Yan, she deserves it.

Gu Fuyun ignored Wen's, and just listened quietly to Mrs. Gu's words: "...Mr. Yan's mother will leave the Gu family tomorrow and set off to return to her hometown. A family banquet will be held tomorrow night, and a farewell party will be held for Brother Yan's mother. All Everyone must be present, you hear me?"

Everyone said yes.

After everyone paid their respects, Mrs. Gu waved everyone away, leaving only Gu Fuyun, and said: "The Su family has begged you wholeheartedly, and has given our family great benefits. It is really hard for grandma to refuse, otherwise it will be a feud." Grandma thought about it carefully. Although Su Liu is a bit of a dandy, as long as the prodigal son turns back, it is not too late. As long as he can change his past and stop messing up, it is a good marriage. Although Mrs. Su is a little Be happy, anyway, you need face, so you won't use the money of the wicked mother-in-law to torture you. As long as you don't make big mistakes, the Su family won't be harsh on you. Take ten thousand steps back, even if Su Liu is an asshole, They also dare not spoil concubines and kill wives."

Gu Fuyun nodded, put his head in the old lady's arms, and said: "Grandmother, I know all this. Please rest assured, grandma, your granddaughter is not the kind of person who accepts everything. She won't let herself suffer. Sorry."

Mrs. Gu said happily: "This is my grandma's excellent granddaughter. Grandma believes that you will live a good life. People like Su Liu are probably unreliable. If you get married, you should hurry up and have a child. It is best to have more children." Well, the child is your ultimate support. A man is just a partner, you just treat him as a partner. And don’t have the idea of ​​being a couple for life, otherwise you will not be the one who suffers. Those love affairs Oh dear, it’s just a storybook fabrication, whoever believes it will be in bad luck.”

Gu Fuyun looked up at the old lady's understated face, feeling a little sour in his heart.The old lady is no longer young, and the new year is the year of sixty, her forehead and the corners of her eyes are covered with wrinkles, and her weather-beaten eyes have been stained with the calmness and indifference after seeing through the world.

The Gu family was in turmoil in the early years, and the grandmother tried her best to turn the tide from the predicament, but the grandfather who was the pillar of the family did not seem to be half a man.Hearing the old lady's words, I knew that the old man did not put her hopes on the person next to her pillow at all.

But it's no wonder, in this era, how many men are reliable for women?The risk of relying on a man is too great, and it is more realistic to rely on yourself and your mother's family.

But the old lady also made sense: "A man, if you say he is useful, he can't help you with anything. But if you say he is useless, in many cases, without a man, he really can't do anything. A man is like a door The knife on it is useless at ordinary times, and it has to be maintained from time to time. But if this knife is gone, all kinds of ghosts and monsters will appear."

Gu Fuyun deeply thinks that men are like nuclear weapons, they cost money and occupy land, and they are usually useless.But without this thing, it really wouldn't work.


Update today in advance, and will not update tonight!You don't have to wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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