Chapter 143 Are you sad?
The blue sky is dotted with a few sparse stars, and the moon bud on the horizon looks extraordinarily quiet under such night.

The whole Gu family has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the day and has become quiet.Even the cries of the children in the East Kua courtyard of Shuhan courtyard were hidden.

Hanxiang Courtyard is no exception, tonight's General Bai is no longer noisy as before, and went to bed early in his own nest.

Suddenly, Qing'e's voice broke the silence.

"Girl, the beef soup is ready, do you think it tastes like this?" The chubby Qing'e carried a large porcelain basin and rushed to the room excitedly.

Shu Qing, who was doing needlework with Qing Hong in the corner, hurriedly got up, stepped forward in three steps, and blocked Qing'e in front of the door.

"Keep your voice down, what are you calling it?" Shu Qing lowered her voice.

Qing'e had to lower her voice: "Sister Shuqing, is the girl in there? I just followed the steps the girl instructed to make beef soup, and I am about to invite the girl to taste it."

Shuqing lowered her voice: "You are a foodie, you only know how to eat. Give me the soup, and go back to your room quickly, and stop yelling."

Qing'e refused to let go, and said: "Sister Shuqing, this is what the girl told me personally, I have to hand it to the girl myself. Please ask the girl to taste it, so that you can give me your opinion."

Shuqing gritted her teeth and said, "You idiot, just like Qingsi..."

"Sister Shuqing, did you call me?" Qingsi who was dozing off in the other corner when she heard someone calling her name immediately regained her spirits, "Did the girl call me? Did the girl make delicious food again?" of?"

The blue veins on Shu Qing's forehead were exposed, and the blue hairs in his eyes crossed his eyes, cursing in a low voice: "You are also a foodie, you only know how to eat and eat all day long. Have you completed the task that the girl ordered you?"

Qingsi shrank her neck immediately, and said in a low voice: "Not yet...but I think it's more important to serve the girl. Sister Shuqing, if the girl has any orders, you must remember to call me."

"Shut up, learn to read quickly."

Gu Fuyun withdrew her dazed thoughts, and said loudly to Shuqing: "Shuqing, let Qing'e come in."

Qing'e took the beef soup from Shuqing, entered the room, and said with a happy smile: "Girl, tell me that I have cooked the beef soup, can you see if it tastes like this?"

Gu Fuyun's eyes lit up, he lifted the lid of the porcelain bowl, and a strong scent of traditional Chinese medicine wafted out of his nostrils.

"It's delicious."

Not only Gu Fuyun screamed, but Qing'e was already deeply intoxicated, and hurriedly said: "Girl, you don't know, just now when I was cooking beef soup in the big kitchen, the fragrance even seduced Mrs. Zhang, who was already on duty all night. Just tell me what kind of soup it is, it’s so fragrant, and I want to taste it, but I didn’t let her taste it.”

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "You did a good job." Qing'e was quite careful in doing things, and even brought a bowl and a spoon.Gu Fuyun took some soup with a spoon, drank a couple of sips, it was really delicious, not worse than the beef soup she used to eat in modern times.

The stilted beef can be regarded as a famous dish in western Sichuan. A foodie like Yu Jiahui once traveled there. After eating the local stilted beef, he was amazed by heaven. After returning home, he still couldn’t forget it. Eight thousand yuan, I got the recipe of the boss's beef soup, and I have made it a few times according to the recipe. Although the taste is slightly inferior, it can make up for this deficiency.

Now, after becoming the daughter of the Yongningbo Mansion, she still does not forget her true nature as a foodie. With certain financial conditions, she naturally wants to satisfy her appetite.It just so happened that the old lady's Zhuangzi slaughtered a cow and sent it to the big kitchen of the Gu family.But because of this era, there are few people who eat beef, and the method is also simple. Apart from barbecue, stew, and stir-fry, there is no other way to eat it.

But a cow weighs hundreds of catties, and the entire Gu family would have to eat it for two or three days.Gu Fuyun asked for a portion of meat, and tried to cook beef with legs.After writing the recipe, Shuqing asked Shuqing to take the prescription to each pharmacy to buy medicinal materials, and then told Qing'e to make the soup according to the recipe, using beef stick bones and beef spine bones to hang soup.Qing'e is worthy of being the queen chef, she really has a talent for cooking, and she succeeded in one attempt.Although the taste was slightly different than what she had expected, it was also commendable.

"Qing'e, hurry up and bring this soup to the small kitchen, and then go to the big kitchen to bring the beef. Tonight we will eat beef with scalloped feet for supper." Gu Fuyun thought of the hot and delicious stilted feet that he was about to eat. Beef, I only felt saliva coming out one after another.

Gu Fuyun then ordered Qinghong to clear the table and let everyone eat the beef soup pot together.

Shu Qing quietly looked at Gu Fuyun. Under the candlelight, she had a charming face and bright almond eyes, as if she had the joy of delicious food.

The two idiots Qingsi and Qing'e are no longer there.Qingjuan is a little better, but she also doesn't know what sorrow is, she only knows how to tease geese and cats all day long.Qinghong was the only maidservant with a normal mind among the four youths, but when she saw Qinghong put down the girl in her hand and quickly picked up the table, Shuqing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Shu Qing walked away with floating steps, still puzzled: the girl is about to get engaged to Su Liu, the most powerful man in the capital, am I the only one who feels sorry for her?


The bright moon has gradually lifted into the sky, and has turned from a crescent to a semicircle.

When Mrs. Qiao and Gu Xiaoyun came to Hanxiang Courtyard together, before entering the door, they heard a burst of silver bell-like laughter coming from across the courtyard wall.By the candlelight of the lantern in the maid's hand, one can see the melancholy between the brows of Qiao Shi and Gu Xiaoyun's mother and daughter.

"This child, is he bewildered?" Qiao muttered.

But Gu Xiaoyun said: "Mother, you underestimate the fifth sister, this girl, even if the sky falls, she will not worry about it. Let alone a mere Su Liu?"

At this time, the door of Hanxiang Courtyard was closed tightly, and the maid knocked for a long time before someone came to open the door.

A little maid poked her head out from the door, and when she saw Mrs. Qiao, she screamed in fright: "Girl, the third wife is here to see you."

Suddenly seeing Gu Xiaoyun was there again, and called out again: "The third girl is also here to visit you."

As soon as Qiao Shi and Gu Xiaoyun entered the yard, they smelled a strange fragrance from a long distance. It was said to be the smell of medicine, but it didn't seem like it, because the smell of medicine would not have such a fragrant smell; In short, it smelled very delicious, and Joe, who was only [-]% full for dinner, couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

As soon as he heard that his mother and sister had arrived, Gu Fuyun hurriedly put down his chopsticks and came out to greet him, "Mother, sister."

Under the candlelight, Gu Fuyun's white and tender face had a seductive blush. The Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and the autumn air was breezy, and the weather at night was pleasant and cool. People with thin bodies had to wear a robe to resist the bleak autumn atmosphere. .Seeing her daughter running out wearing only a jade-colored singlet, Mrs. Qiao pushed her back into the house for fear of catching a cold.

 There will be another update in a while, everyone, don’t go away, the monthly ticket will continue

(End of this chapter)

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