Chapter 144 Do as the Romans do
"It's cold outside, so I don't know how to add more clothes." Mrs. Qiao complained to the maids behind Gu Fuyun, "Are they all dead? They don't know how to add clothes to the girl. If the girl catches a cold, I won't take it off." Your skin." Qiao scolded the maids, but fortunately her daughter's hands were clean and warm, and her face was warm, so she felt relieved, but she still walked into the room quickly.

As soon as she entered the room, the pot of dark brown soup pot and cups, plates and chopsticks on the table made Qiao's eyes round.

General Bai’s clucking and yelling came again from outside, Qingjuan hurried out again, hugged General Bai, stroked its angry wings, and said, “General Bai, what happened to you tonight? Give you something to eat."

General Bai was still yelling at the wall, his wings spread wide, as if he was about to fight someone.

Qingjuan raised her head, looked at the six-foot-high wall, and said, "You bastard, do you want to go out to play again? I took you to the back garden for a walk during the day. Let's go tomorrow."

General Bai still spread his wings fiercely, and even screamed more violently.

"General Bai?" Qiao suddenly thought of the goose raised by her daughter, and became more and more powerless.What's wrong with my daughter, she actually keeps geese as pets.This girl is really extravagant, for a goose, she even assigned a maid to take care of it.Fortunately, there are not many people who know about this matter. If the Jin family finds out, I don't know how to act like a monster.

Gu Fuyun took Qiao's arm affectionately and said: "Mother, sister, you came at a good time. Today I invented a kind of beef soup. It tastes good. Come and try it."

Seeing her daughter's picturesque eyebrows and cheerful tone, Qiao silently swallowed a mouthful of old blood.Thinking that her daughter was probably a broken pot and bowl after the great grief, she also swallowed her words and sat down silently.

If there is delicious food, it is natural to share it with relatives. Gu Fuyun happily serves Qiao's beef, and introduces Gu Xiaoyun to the origin of beef soup and how to eat it.

Gu Xiaoyun observed Gu Fuyun's expression carefully, swallowed his words, and ate in silence.

It doesn't matter whether you eat or not, based on the principle of health preservation, Qiao's, who never eats late-night snacks, fills his stomach full for the first time.After the stomach couldn't hold it anymore, I belatedly thought about the business.

"...Ah Fu, mother knows that you are not satisfied with the Su family's marriage, but there is no need to expose yourself like this." Qiao stopped her chopsticks, looked at her daughter who was also full of food, and spoke with difficulty.

Gu Fuyun swallowed the Xiaoshi tea handed over by Shuqing with difficulty, but he didn't react when he heard the words, he just looked at Qiao Shi in confusion.He looked at Gu Xiaoyun again, blinking his big almond eyes, as if he was asking, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Looking at the girl's innocent and cute appearance, Gu Xiaoyun was angry and distressed. She couldn't help but tap her forehead with her green index finger: "As the daughter of a boudoir, how can you be so stubborn and bloated, and you are not afraid of becoming a pig."

As a doctor, Gu Fuyun also knew the reason to only eat seven or eight percent full, but this time it was just an accident.Then he explained: "I promise there will be no next time." She was also afraid that she would overeat and stretch her stomach so that she would turn into balls and become fat like a pig.One fat ruins everything, she still understands.

Gu Xiaoyun said: "That's about the same."

Joe also said: "Your beef soup is indeed delicious, but it is really not suitable to eat more at night. Otherwise, it will be bad if you have accumulated food. You should drink some accumulated food tea to digest food later."

Gu Fuyun nodded, and said: "This is the first time I have asked Qing'e to make this beef soup, and it tastes pretty good. I will ask Qing'e to make another pot tomorrow and send it to each house and courtyard. Everyone, try it out."

Mrs. Qiao nodded with satisfaction: "That's fine, if you have something good, you should share it with everyone. But, I want a family banquet tomorrow, so let's send it to each house and courtyard in two days." She really hated that Wen Shi, I really don't want Wen's to eat her precious daughter's beef soup.

Gu Fuyun nodded obediently.

Gu Xiaoyun told her: "The food can be shared with everyone, but you have to keep the recipe carefully. Bring it to your in-law's house in the future, it will also be the dowry at the bottom of the box."

In this era, a recipe, a prescription for curing diseases, are all precious secret recipes, which are not easy to show to others.Some well-established families even take the prescription as a dowry and let the girl take it to her in-law's house.

Gu Fuyun nodded, she is not a fool.

Looking at the well-behaved and lovely little daughter, when Qiao Shi thought of Su Liu, her anger was stuck in her chest again, and she couldn't vomit or get out.

"That Su Liu..." Qiao's tone was difficult, and she asked in a deep voice, "The old lady has already given your Geng post to Mrs. Su Hou, and there is no room for reversal of this matter. Have you really thought it through?"

I was so full that I couldn't even swallow the digestion tea. Gu Fuyun stood aside, holding the teacup, and said with a smile: "Mother, look at what you said, it doesn't matter who you marry. Then Su Liu is an asshole." , after all, it will not shorten my food and clothing expenses. No matter how rich the Su family is, they will not let me have enough to eat. Don’t worry about me. Anyway, it’s all about getting married, so there’s no good or bad After all, you have to live." In fact, taking a step back, marrying Su Liu is not useless, as long as she is not a bad person at the root, she has the confidence to live a good life.If Su Liu was really bad to the core, she would find a way to get out of the sea of ​​suffering.Anyway, I figured out how to do it.As long as it is not broken to the point of desperation, why bother to worry about it?

Su Liu's promise to the old lady let her know that this person would never be her lover. A person who was proposing marriage to her actually promised the old lady that he would only accept good concubines if he took concubines in the future.And the man who takes a good concubine is an excellent man in this era, what else can Gu Fuyun say?After all, she didn't have the ability, and said bluntly: My man just can't take concubines.Although she is a modern person with a sense of independence, she can't guarantee that a modern man will never steal or cheat in his life.She couldn't change the deep-rooted thinking of three wives and four concubines in this era, so she had no choice but to enter the country and do as the Romans did.

It's impossible for her to be like Yu Jiahui. If she can't get married, it won't affect anything.And women in this era are not allowed to stay at home.Since her in-law's family is her home for the rest of her life, it's not a bad thing to treat Su Liu as her life partner and Su's family as her lifelong shelter.

Furthermore, given the power and deep roots of the Su family, does she have the right to refuse?

Looking at the innocent daughter, it seems that she has no idea what it means for a girl to be married.Joe's unspeakable worry.

Compared to her mother's deep worry, Gu Xiaoyun was more confident, and instead comforted Mrs. Qiao.

"Mother, don't worry, Fifth Younger Sister is not the kind of person who will only swallow it in her stomach after suffering."


These chapters are relatively depressing, but the climax will come soon, and everyone will not be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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