Chapter 149 Unwilling
The old lady Chu kept feeding Chu Rui his favorite roast goose, braised beef tendon, and fermented duck tongue, while saying: "Don't just take care of your errands, you should take care of your family first. Grandma's age It's too big, the huge Duke's Mansion is really a bit powerless."

Chu Rui said: "Isn't there still four aunts?"

The old lady said: "Your fourth aunt is not in good health, and you don't know it. Now she is still helping to manage the kitchen and sewing room. She is the aunt in the next room, how can you manage your yard well. It is best to have A proper hostess is good."

The old lady Chu's method of urging marriage is also more tricky.

Chu Rui can't deny it, he really doesn't want to get married now.But he also knew that, as the grandson of Chu's patriarch, in order to inherit the title of Lord Protector, he must have a legitimate son, and the legitimate son must be born of his wife.

Marrying a wife is indeed an imminent event.

Another pretty face appeared in his mind, and Chu Rui felt depressed again.

If there is regret medicine in this world, he must take a ox cart.

According to the usual practice, Mrs. Chu introduced several young ladies to Chu Rui, including noble daughters of princes and princes, as well as the jewels in the palm of official families.But without exception, Chu Rui found some mistakes and rejected them.

"...Miss Wu Jiasan, I can't see how powerful she is, but it's amazing to talk about people's length on her back. What if such a loose-mouthed person enters the gate of my Chu family, and the trouble comes out of his mouth? I married a Wife, not a gossip."

"Zhang Shilang's granddaughter is not bad. She just lost her mother in her early years. How can such a person be worthy of the mistress of the Duke's Mansion?"

"Although the family background of Zhongdinghou's mansion is worthy, but the appearance is really hard to describe."

"Princess Anyang's first daughter is not bad, but I heard that she has an arrogant temper and is the princess' first daughter. What if she disrespects her grandmother?"

After all, none of the girls Mrs. Chu found for him were satisfactory.

The old lady Chu also mentioned a few girls with lower family background but good looks, all of whom were rejected by Chu Rui.

The old lady Chu was also a little angry, and said: "This one doesn't like that one, so maybe you still want to marry that Gu Wu?"

Although Chu Rui didn't speak, silence is the best answer.

The old lady Chu felt pain in her heart, mixed with remorse and annoyance, and finally all turned into melancholy like the wind.

"You'd better forget about Gu Wu, he's already engaged."

There was a bang, and Yuan Ruoping had a spring thunder, which made Chu Rui dizzy and dizzy.He raised his head suddenly, staring at the old lady with a pair of black eyes: "Grandma, what did you say?"

The grandson's reaction made the old lady Chu's voice dry, but she still said every word: "Just today, Gu Wu and Su Liu have officially exchanged Geng stickers and tokens, and they will officially get married soon..." The grandson's sluggish eyes made the old lady Chu feel unbearable, and she became more and more sad, "You and Gu Wu are not destined after all, you should forget about her. Grandma will definitely find you someone who looks better than her..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Rui got up suddenly, and because of his eagerness, he brought down the big carved chair behind him.The old lady Chu was still talking, but Chu Rui had already rushed out like the wind.

"Dalang, where are you going? Come back to me." The old lady Chu also went to the battlefield when she was young. Although her grandson is so old, her movements are still quite nimble. No matter how fast the movement is, it is still a step slow.Chu Rui was no longer seen in the courtyard paved with quaint bluestone floors.From the gate, you can only see the flash of rain and azure robes passing quickly over the threshold.

The old lady Chu greeted the servants in the yard, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and chase after him. You must chase Dalang back." ,The consequences could be disastrous.

Di Long looked at Chu Rui who was rushing out like a gust of wind, and couldn't help complaining to Zhou Qing: "Look, my son is still..."

The one who answered him was also Zhou Qing who was blowing away like the wind.

Di Lon ran wildly behind him: "What are you doing?"

"Chasing people!" Thanks to Zhou Qing's preparations, the horse did not enter the shed, but was still waiting under the osmanthus tree in the outer courtyard.


The rushing sound of horseshoes sounded on the quiet road. Although it was not yet the curfew time, there was no one on the street, only the occasional sound of horseshoes passing by, and groups of guards from various city defense battalions wearing imperial guards passed by.

Chu Rui rode forward while staring at the road ahead, and endless anxiety flashed through his chest.

He didn't expect that in just one day, Gu Wu and Su Liu got engaged and even exchanged documents.At this moment, his mind was full of Gu Wu's figure, and when he thought that Gu Wu would end up being a stranger to him, and fell into Su Liu's arms, his internal organs were all twisted together, causing his whole body to convulse in pain.

When the BMW under the crotch raised its front hooves high and followed a sharp hiss, the owner of the BMW had abandoned the horse and flew towards the black-painted gate of the Gu family.

The hasty knock on the door made the gatekeeper of Gu's family jump in heart. He thought something serious happened, so he hurriedly opened the door in his clothes. When he saw a tall and handsome young man, he asked, "Your Excellency, are you looking for me?" Who?"

Looking at the porter in clothes, Chu Rui didn't know how to speak, and his reason finally returned to his mind.

Can he say that he is looking for Gu Wu?I'm afraid they will be beaten out with a broom.

Gu Wu was already engaged, and when he came to look for her at this time, the Gu family probably wouldn't let him in.Besides, in what capacity did he see her?
How could he see her again?
Seeing Chu Rui's dumbfounded look, the porter asked again: "My lord, who are you looking for?"

Chu Rui lost his mind and said: "Sorry, I went wrong." He turned around and went down the stairs.

The unceremonious sound of closing the door behind him made Chu Rui's heart tremble. This sound, like a knife out of its sheath, not only cut off everything between him and Gu Wu, but also blocked him from Gu Wu's side forever.

Zhou Qing chased after him, just in time to see Chu Rui who was in a state of melancholy, for some reason, he felt his nose sore.The man in front of him who is only one year younger than himself, although he is a high-ranking eldest son, is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire Chu family.When I was a child, Xiao Liu's mother and son made calculations and suppressed him everywhere, and even couldn't marry the woman he liked.Shi Ziye is actually a poor man.


Su Liu and Gu Fuyun's official engagement, although it was not widely spread, but it caused a storm in the world of dandies.Although there is no Gu Fuyun's participation in the dandy world, legends about Gu Wu are everywhere.As the news of the marriage contract with Su Liu gradually became known to outsiders, there was another wave of sisters betting on cockfights in the capital.

It means that the dudes all bet on their sisters or younger children in their cockfights, and the loser will use the girls at home as gambling capital.

But these girls were not as lucky as Gu Fuyun, and many tragedies happened.

However, the far-sighted people in the court soon discovered that this unhealthy trend could not be encouraged, and immediately wrote to the court that cockfighting was strictly prohibited, let alone using female family members as gambling funds, and offenders would be punished severely.

This man of insight is Zhu Dahu, the uncle of Shou En, and Zhu Gan is the one who leads the team to confiscate the cockfighting of the dudes.

As the top spot in the dandy world, if the imperial court confiscated the fighting cock easily, then there is no need to be in the dandy world.So Su Liu openly resisted.Then he was beaten half to death by Zhu Gan and sent back to Su's house.Then Marquis Wu'an beat him half to death and ordered him not to go out for half a year.

The courtyard walls of Marquis Wu'an's Mansion were indeed tall, but they couldn't stop Su Liu who yearned for a free life.Su Liu sneaked out from the back door, met Chu Rui on the way, and said very happily: "Hengshan, take me for a ride, I'm locked up by my father, I'm going to see Gu Wu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched to the ground, followed by countless fists.

After Chu Rui was tired from fighting, he said: "Seeing that Gu Wu is a fake, it is true to go to a cockfight, right? As your friend, how can you make such a mistake?" Then turned him back to Wu'an Houdi.

Those who waited for Su Liu would naturally suffer a lot of flesh and blood.

After beating Su Liu, Chu Rui's extremely suppressed mood was released a little.He didn't have the time to grieve the spring and the autumn, but cheered up and dealt with the errand entrusted to him by the emperor.It can also be regarded as borrowing the busy official duties to forget the unwillingness that always pops up from time to time.

 There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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