Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 150 The Dilemma of the Third House

Chapter 150

Being engaged to the Su family, the Gu family didn't want to make it public, but Su Liu showed off everywhere that he was going to be engaged to Gu Wu, which aroused the collective envy of the dandies.

They had all met Gu Wu in Tiansheng Building. Although they had never seen his real face, they were deeply impressed by his noble ladylike temperament and elegant and dignified demeanor.

Those top brothels that make people's bones crumble, are not even worthy of carrying shoes in front of a real lady like Gu Wu.

It's no wonder that the family doesn't let the prostitutes in the brothel enter the door. In front of such a lady, there is no comparison.Brothel prostitutes are used to play, and ladies are used to support the family's face and family.

Facing the compliments from his dog-meat friends, Su Liu couldn't help but smile even more, thinking that he was really lucky to order Gu Wu, a lady of great beauty who is also the daughter of the uncle's family.Although Chu Rui suffered a lot of fists for no reason, he still couldn't get rid of the smile on his face.

Touching the beaten face, Su Liu was still in a good mood, and said to Chu Rui seriously: "I am really grateful that you and Gu Wu have divorced, and I am even more grateful that you came to me to plot against Gu Wu, otherwise how could you How about embracing a beauty?"

Zhou Qing looked at his master worriedly, and looked at Su Liu helplessly. He didn't know whether Master Su was really careless or did it on purpose.

Facing the elated Su Liu, Chu Rui can be described as "heartbroken", but he can't describe it yet.

Su Liu still sprinkled salt on his wound, and actually warned Chu Rui: "General Gu Wu is my wife, you can't count on her again in the future. Otherwise, I will turn my face."

Chu Rui: "..."

After Su Liu left, Zhou Qingsheng was afraid that his master would be angry, so he quickly appeased Chu Rui: "This dude is short-hearted, and the woman that the son doesn't want is also regarded as a treasure by him. What kind of vision is this?"

Di Long, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, also added a sentence: "That's right, no wonder you can make a pair with Gu Wu, this is really not a family, not a family... ah..."

Chu Rui punched him on the outside, and Di Long covered his face and shouted: "Master, why are you beating me again?" Because he failed to spy out the Gu family's movements in time so that the Su family got engaged to Gu Wu first, Chu Rui ruthlessly beat him afterwards. Not to mention the beatings, Dillon was fined for flushing the toilet and even withdrew a year's worth of silver. He really didn't understand why he would be beaten for flattering.

Chu Rui's face was blue: "Don't mention Gu Wu in front of me in the future!"

Seeing his master striding away, Di Long was still terribly wronged, and complained to Zhou Qing: "My son's temper is getting worse and worse, how can this be good?"

Zhou Qing ignored him and left.

Di Long covered his face and chased after him, and continued to think: "Do you think the son is dissatisfied with his desires? The old lady is also true, why don't you arrange a room for the son? We are not the ones who suffer?"

Zhou Qing: "..."

Di Long continued: "Also, when will the old lady marry the wife of the son? We are almost going to be old bachelors." After the wife of the son came in, they, the old bachelors, had the opportunity to marry the wife of the son. Maid.

Zhou Qing's footsteps stopped, and his expression became serious.Compared with Shi Ziye's worthless and unreasonable unrequited love, the happiness of the second half of our life as guards is also very important.


A grand engagement ceremony was held with the Su family. Although they didn't like Su Liu, the entire Gu family felt relieved that the dust had settled.

Although this Su Liu is a bit of a dandy, he has a big family and a great career, and he is a son of the eldest son.Now he is working in the Ministry of War again. Although he is just a low-ranking low-ranking official and cannot even be ranked high, he is still a civil servant.In the future, relying on the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion will at least guarantee the quality of life.

Also because of her "sacrifice", the entire big room was very polite to her.

For this engagement ceremony, Gu Xiuyun also rushed back specially and gave her a hairpin with emerald emeralds inlaid with pearls and wrapped around flowers.

Uncle Zhou also gave a few rare and famous items, the two sisters, Gu Shuyun and Gu Qingyun, each gave a ruby-encrusted flower bud.

If marrying Su Liu is really unhappy, the big house probably won't leave her alone.

Thinking about it this way, the slightest grievance in Gu Fuyun's heart disappeared.After getting married, he went to make medicine non-stop.Although Jiang Qi's kneecap is connected, it still needs external medicine.

Also because of Jiang Qi's bone setting, he got acquainted with Jiang's family after going back and forth.Mrs. Jiang generously gave the land deed to the [-] mu of fertile land sandwiched between the Yuci Manor, purely as Jiang Qi's medical expenses.

Gu Fuyun was also polite, and generously accepted it, and also gave a prescription for healing bone injuries, as well as post-rehabilitation exercises.

Every Xinglin master, including the imperial doctor in the Taiyuan Hospital, cherishes his secret recipe and never spread it to the outside world easily.Such a bone injury prescription can be regarded as a famous prescription passed down from generation to generation.

Originally, when Gu Fuyun treated Jiang Qi, the Jiang family also prepared generous gifts, but now they have given away another hundred acres of fertile land, which is enough to exchange for medical fees, and Gu Fuyun was vaguely owed a favor.But Gu Fuyun's bone injury prescription made the Jiang family owe a lot of favors.But this prescription was too precious, Mrs. Jiang couldn't bear to refuse, so she had the audacity to accept it.She thought to herself, when Gu Fuyun gets married, at worst I'll add another makeup.

With Mrs. Jiang's [-] mu of fertile land, Gu Fuyun told the old lady, and then went to Jingxiao with his guards and a few farmers.Qiao Shi was worried that her daughter would go to the countryside alone, so she went with her.

By the time Gu Fuyun has finished integrating the Zhuangzi in the countryside, re-drawn up the planting plan, and returned to the capital, it will be the season when golden osmanthus is fragrant and autumn crabs are ripe.

Driving alone on the oil wall car slowly on the busy street, when passing by the market, Gu Fuyun heard the sound of selling hairy crabs.

"...I heard that every year around the Mid-Autumn Festival, hairy crabs are on the market. Mother, will we also eat hairy crabs in our house?" Thinking of the fresh and delicious hairy crabs, Gu Fuyun is already desperate.

Gu Fuyun knew that Mrs. Qiao didn't have many dowry marriages, and the cheap father was just a man who didn't have much to do with production, so thank God if he didn't lose his fortune.The second brother was studying in the front yard, and he had to spend a lot of money on pens, ink, paper and inkstone every year, so he could only live on his allowance.The second sister-in-law's dowry was not very rich, and most of the three households lived on their share money, so naturally they were reluctant to eat crabs.

But this year is different, Gu Fuyun made a few windfalls, hairy crabs are still affordable.

So Qiao asked the driver to turn the car around and drive towards Caishikou.

The carriage didn't go far when the coachman said, "Madam, there is a sudden martial law ahead, the carriage cannot pass."

Qiao asked, "But what happened?"

The guards rode their horses to inquire, and after a while, there were bursts of shouting outside, and the frightened crying of women and children.

(End of this chapter)

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