Chapter 151 Regret
Gu Fuyun hurriedly opened the oil-paper curtain, and saw a group of soldiers in red armor, roughly holding heavy iron chains in their hands, like pulling a dog, pulling behind a group of gorgeously dressed women with disheveled hair and hairpins. People, these are all women and children, there are old women with frost on their temples, middle-aged women with blessings, young women with handsome faces, young girls, and young children with long hair, all tied up with iron chains Some of the hands were full of tears, their legs were weak, and some were crying loudly, but without exception, they were all kicked by these red-armored guards mercilessly.From a distance away, Gu Fuyun could feel the pain of the young woman who was kicked.

"Third grandma..." There was a cry, and a maid in Tsing Yi rushed over, but was carried out by the Jin Jiawei. Rudely escorted away.

The third grandma of the Shen family clutched her tucked thigh, fell to the ground and moaned in pain, blood seeped out from under her skirt very quickly.Because the third grandma fell to the ground, which affected other prisoners to walk, a tall man who looked like a leader walked over, swung the whip, and hit the third grandma on the shoulder. In the distance, the sound of flesh beating from the contact of the whip with the human body also made Gu Fuyun's heart shrink subconsciously.

Third Grandma Shen was whipped and let out a stern scream, and the female relatives behind her all accused her of being a wolf-hearted and inhumane person.

Without saying a word, the man swung the whip again without hesitation, and the women who accused him were all covered in tears and howled in pain.

"You are no longer a high-ranking madam, but a prisoner waiting to die. Don't show off your prestige in front of this official." The man's voice was deep and mellow, but the words he said were like ice that would not melt for a thousand years, making people shiver .

The man turned around, his eyes flicked around, and suddenly he saw a familiar blue oil-painted car, and he couldn't help but focus his eyes slightly.

Gu Fuyun saw the other party sweeping towards this side, and quickly lowered the curtain, his heart beating violently.

Mrs. Qiao also saw this scene, and exclaimed, "Isn't that the son of the Protector of the country?" His complexion soon became ugly, and he looked at his daughter's flowery face worriedly, and said happily, "I thought, The rumors from the outside world are actually rumors, and now I have seen it with my own eyes, the vicious name of this prince of Chu is really... worthy of the name."

Gu Fuyun's face was blue and white, and the image of Chu Rui savagely waving his whip at the fallen woman flashed across his mind from time to time.She also thought that in the Great Buddha Temple, although she never yelled at them, she mostly neglected them.

On the street that day, she even instructed Qinghong to count five paulownia boards for him, with the intention of humiliating him... Thinking about it this way, Gu Fuyun's whole body felt as if he had fallen into a cellar of ice.

Qiao said happily again: "Fortunately, they voluntarily divorced the engagement. This kind of poor and vicious person is not my son..."

Suddenly a deep voice came from outside: "Who is in the car!"

The mother and daughter were startled, covering their mouths, looking in horror at the indistinct golden armor outside the green hangings.

Jinjiawei is one of the imperial guards who specialize in guarding the imperial city. It is also the head of the four guards of the imperial guards. It is in charge of the defense of the capital and directly obeys the emperor's orders. It even has the privileges of controlling traffic, arresting important criminals, and conducting raids. And the fourth battalion of Jingwei is responsible for criminal defense affairs, and has always been a detached existence in the imperial capital.Some small hundred households or banner chiefs in the Golden Armor Guard are all majestic, with their nostrils upturned.

As for Chu Rui, he is not only the son of the Protector of the Kingdom, but also the commander of the Northern Camp of Jingwei Palace and the commander of the Knife and Crossbow Battalion.This area happened to be under his jurisdiction.

It is said that just after Chu Rui took over the Jingwei Beiying, he raided a brothel opened by a relative of the emperor, bloodbathed all the houses connected to the brothel, and lost countless officials.One of the imperial guards involved in the case, Qianhu, was treated as his father and his son by Chu Rui for "resisting strictness", and his reputation spread far and wide.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, Chu Rui just stood outside the carriage and asked questions, which also scared the mother and daughter.Gu Fuyun thought that Chu Rui was going to avenge her publicly, his face turned pale with nervousness, and his heart was pounding.

Chu Rui has a very good memory. He had seen Gu Fuyun’s green oil-painted cart before. Today, when he was performing official duties, he suddenly saw the same carriage, and his heart beat uncontrollably. He also had good eyesight, and he just happened to see the carriage Gu Fuyun, who showed half of his face on his face, even though it was just a glimpse, made Chu Rui's heart beat like thunder, and he strode towards this side without thinking.

Seeing this man whipping women and children, and he was full of evil spirits, the coachman was also very frightened, and stammered: "This is the three-room car driver of Yongningbo Mansion, No. [-], Fengtai Street..."

Chu Rui slowed down his tone: "Is the five girls in your house sitting inside?"

The new coachman has never seen Chu Rui, and he stammered: " is..."

The blue curtain was lifted suddenly, revealing two terrified faces. When Chu Rui saw Qiao, his heart tightened, and he quickly put down the curtain, annoyed.He didn't expect that Gu Wu's mother was also in the car.

Chu Rui arched his hands through the curtain, and said in a slow tone: "I don't know Mrs. Gu and Miss Fifth. Just now, Chu was rude. Please Haihan."

Chu Rui's gentle voice made Qiao regain the soul that had been blown away, and hurriedly said: "Chu Shizi is performing official duties, but I am waiting to disturb Chu Shizi's business. We should apologize to Chu Shizi."

Chu Rui pursed his lips, and wanted to say something to Gu Fuyun, but in front of Qiao, he couldn't squeeze out a word, so he could only say: "This place is under martial law, and idlers are not allowed to stay. Third Wife and Fifth Miss please leave quickly to avoid being bumped into."

Qiao steadied her mind, lifted the corner of the curtain, revealed half of her face, smiled sincerely at Chu Rui, and said, "Thank you, Prince Chu, for your reminder, I will leave soon after this."

Chu Rui followed the raised curtain and passed Qiao's, only to see a pair of blue embroidered shoes, and knees hidden under the lake-colored horse-face skirt, but nothing else.

Chu Rui stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

The carriage started slowly with the characteristic clunking sound of the oil wall cart, and passed in front of Chu Rui, wanting to take a look at Gu Fuyun through the curtain.It's a pity that this kind of curtain is very peculiar, the inside can clearly see the outside, but from the outside looking inside, nothing can be seen.The strong wind that was still raging just now was gone now, and he couldn't even catch a glimpse of Gu Wu's hair, which was a pity.


Changhong is in the stock market today, so excited that I forgot to update it, it was only when I was informed by a loyal fan that I suddenly remembered.Sorry, add more today, don't go away
(End of this chapter)

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