Chapter 159 Miss Biao

Another noble lady came, and Princess Jiaoyang went to greet her, while the chief of Jiahe County said to Gu Fuyun: "I have to teach me how to draw in a while."

The world of noble girls is more realistic and snobbish than the usual circle, and those with weaker family backgrounds will not catch the eyes of these people.But when this person has the ability to make friends with people they all look up to, they will look up to this person with admiration, and then take the initiative to approach.

Princess Scorching Sun and the Fifth Princess favored Gu Fuyun a lot, and these noble girls easily accepted Gu Fuyun's weakness in identity.

In fact, noble ladies are also afraid of being bullied by the strong and the weak. Even if they win, they won't win by force, and they are also suspected of bullying others.Lose it, and I can't afford to lose this face.But what didn't match Gu Fuyun's identity was her tough attitude and unrestrained arrogance, which made these noble girls who had always had their eyes above the top dare not neglect her.

The County Heads of Jiahe and Ninghe were very kind and friendly to Gu Fuyun, even Ms. Zhang and Fang Yuan, who didn't think much of Gu Fuyun, put away their contempt and came over to have a chat.Gradually, a circle of attention was formed.

With the arrival and joining of the fifth princess, this circle has attracted even more attention.

Miss Yang Ba, the daughter of Duke Rong's mansion, also joined in later, because she and Gu Fuyun had ridden in a carriage together, so they had a little friendship.

And through Gu Fuyun, Miss Yang Ba also entered the circle of noble girls.

The fifth princess was also very supportive of Gu Fuyun, almost going in and out with her, which made Gu Fuyun retaliate.

Princess Jiaoyang and Ji Lishang, in their capacity as Gu Fuyun, could only be marginalized.Looking at the room full of guests, everyone was higher than her. She was ready to go to the outside to watch the ceremony, but she was dragged to the front by the fifth princess.

The guest of honor for Princess Scorching Sun was a royal concubine, and the five princesses acted as praisers to assist Princess Scorching Sun in saluting.

After the ceremony, everyone dispersed. During the period, Gu Fuyun also met Mrs. Su of Marquis Wu'an, her future mother-in-law.

Mrs. Su was also a little surprised when she saw Gu Fuyun. She looked at her in a light gold satin jacket with orchids painted on the waist and an off-white moon skirt. , exceptionally bright and transparent.The little phoenix hairpin adorned with red gold and inlaid with rubies, and pearls wrapped around the hair chain, looks fresh and refined, pretty and charming.It's just too simple beadwork, which looks quite childish. Compared with other noble girls who look splendid and brilliant wearing jewels and emeralds, they seem too simple.

Mrs. Su said gently: "You are here too, why don't you see the elders?"

Gu Fuyun replied softly: "The elders didn't come together, but I came alone."

Mrs. Su condensed slightly, coming alone, that is the guest personally invited by Princess Scorching Sun, obviously she still has some friendship with Princess Scorching Sun.It's really hard to see that such an inconspicuous, unremarkable girl with a flawed reputation actually has such an ability to make money.

Mrs. Su smiled and said: "I see. Then I won't bother you little sisters to play, go."

Gu Fuyun also smiled, blessed his body and said: "I will pay my respects to Madam another day."

A girl next to Mrs. Su called Gu Fuyun, "Wait, sister Gu,"

Gu Fuyun stopped, looking at the young girl in green clothes. The young girl looked somewhat similar to Mrs. Su, she looked quite like a mother and daughter.Could it be that this is Mrs. Su's daughter?
Mrs. Su then introduced to Gu Fuyun: "This is my niece, surnamed Chen, who is the cousin of Xiaoliu's first cousin. She is currently living in the Su family. If you don't see me, please also call me sister." She said to Cousin Chen , "Yan'er, this is the young lady from Yongningbo's residence. Her surname is Gu, and she is five years old. She is a little older than you."

"So it's Sister Gu, my little sister is being polite." Cousin Chen sweetly blessed Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun also returned a salute, saying: "Sister of the Chen family."

Cousin Chen said innocently to Gu Fuyun: "Sister Gu is so beautiful, no wonder my sixth cousin insisted on arguing to marry you in."

Gu Fuyun put away his smile, and said with a serious face: "Sister Chen, what you said is inappropriate."

Affected by Gu Fuyun's serious face, Cousin Chen put away the smile slightly, tilted her head and said, "Sister Gu, did I say something wrong?"

Gu Fuyun said solemnly: "Sister Chen praised me for being good-looking, of course I am happy, and I am also grateful for the praise from sister Chen. But sister Chen shouldn't say that about Cousin Ling. When you say that, it seems that Cousin Ling Brother is just a lustful person who is greedy for beauty. If you say that, where is Cousin Ling? Where are the elders of the Su family who asked Cousin Ling to marry me?"

Although the place of Prince Cheng's Mansion is spacious, Mrs. Su and Gu Fuyun are in the crowded hall, and there are already many noble ladies around who listened attentively and nodded upon hearing the words.They are all people who have been in the inner house for most of their lives, and the small thoughts of the cousin of the Chen family are not enough to look at.But Gu Fuyun's answer was neither humble nor overbearing, and he stabbed back softly but hard.

"I think that Mrs. Su asked me to marry me on behalf of Sixth Master Su. It should be because I am a decent person and stand upright. It's not just because of my beauty and sex. Miss Chen, if you can't speak, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I thought the sister of the Chen family was hostile to me." Gu Fuyun paused for a moment, then smiled slightly, "I met the sister of the Chen family for the first time, and there was no grievance or enmity, how could the sister of the Chen family be hostile to me? It's time to hit me, it's my villainous heart. Please forgive my sister Chen." He also blessed his cousin Chen with a smile.

Cousin Chen was speechless.

But after she just said a word, Chen Shi didn't even move away, and she was thrown back by others, which made her dizzy, and she couldn't find a word of rebuttal for a long time.

Even Mrs. Su froze, she didn't expect Gu Wu's mouth to be so strong, and the niece's slightly sarcastic words made the other party slam back without mercy.But the niece's words were really inappropriate, so she had to quickly smooth things over and said: "Miss Gu's words are very reasonable. When a man marries a wife, the most important thing is a virtuous word. I proposed to marry a girl from the Gu family for my son because of Miss Gu's integrity. As for beauty, it’s just icing on the cake. Yan’er, what you said is really inappropriate. Don’t say that again in the future, be careful not to make people laugh.”

Cousin Chen's eyes were red with grievance, she looked like a pitiful little girl who was bullied by Gu Fuyun, which made people feel pity.And Cousin Chen is indeed not bad looking, with a pointed chin, big almond eyes, such as wavy autumn water, which makes people full of pity.

"Sister Gu, I was wrong just now. I said something wrong. Sister Gu said it very well. I really shouldn't have said that." Cousin Chen dropped the golden bean again as she spoke, looking very pitiful.

Gu Fuyun, who had a serious face, looked like a mean female tyrannosaurus.

But Gu Fuyun didn't speak, just stared at Cousin Chen.

 It's really bad luck, I helped someone to send SF Express, but I thought the box was too thin, so I changed it for him myself, but I didn't know that I took the pesticide box to load it, and the box was food.In the end, I paid back 200 yuan for helping.I was so angry that I didn't sleep well all night.

(End of this chapter)

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