Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 160 Is To Bomb You Into Scum

Chapter 160 Is To Bomb You Into Scum
Cousin Chen originally wanted to cry to win sympathy, but the other party just stared at her blindly, and Cousin Chen stared at her so embarrassingly that she cried.

Gu Fuyun said slowly: "Sister Chen, although what you said annoyed me. But because you are Mrs. Su's niece, you and I will become relatives in the future. If you try to displease your wife, I will say no." It sounds good. Your behavior of dropping golden beans at every turn is quite inappropriate."

Cousin Chen opened her mouth slightly, not even daring to cry.

Gu Fuyun said seriously: "Although a woman who loves to cry makes people sympathize, she also makes people feel at a loss. No one likes sad things. In comparison, the world prefers women who are brighter, more confident, and stronger. The most beautiful expressions of my daughter's family are their smiles. Sister-in-law Chen is so sentimental and tears at every turn. I don't think anyone will like it. You know, the attractiveness of a girl should be her optimism and strength. Have an upward and positive attitude, instead of crying when encountering something."

"I just said something to you, and you cried for me. Excuse me, are you made of porcelain?"

"My grandmother once said that a woman's tears are precious, but they have to be used in the right place and on the right person. I think it's unreasonable and wasteful for you to use your tears on me. .Besides, on an occasion like today, I don't think it's suitable for you to shed tears. Because it will look cheap."

"My grandmother also said that a woman's greatest weapon is tears, because tears can often achieve unexpected goals. And a woman's greatest enemy is also tears. Because a woman who cries frequently is a sign of weakness."

"Sister Chen, it's inappropriate and unreasonable for you to cry today. Don't do this again in the future." Gu Fuyun said seriously.

Ms. Chen: "..." She couldn't cry anymore, not only couldn't cry, she didn't dare to cry, and she didn't even know what to do.

"Sister Chen, if you continue to drop golden beans like this in the future, I dare not talk to you again." Gu Fuyun said seriously again.

Ms. Chen's white lotus flower, which smells of tea, has existed in ancient and modern times, and everyone who heard it hated it, let alone the person involved.Once a green tea whore like Chen used the weapon of crying, the person concerned would not only feel aggrieved, but also be enraged and say ugly things.This is right in the arms of the white lotus.Gu Fuyun did the opposite, directly pointing out that her crying had ulterior motives, which was not only bad luck, but also quite disgusting.It is also necessary for outsiders to understand that the crying of this kind of person is just a weapon used to coerce others.

The listeners nodded their heads in praise. Although Gu Wu's reputation was slightly flawed, his words were convincing.He neither apologized in a panic because the other party was crying, nor blamed him angrily for the other party's crying.On the contrary, educating the other party in an orderly manner not only occupies the moral high ground, but also kills the other party's conspiracy to blackmail the opponent by crying.

As expected of the daughter of the uncle's family, it can be seen that the Gu family also put their heart into teaching the girl.And this Mrs. Su's niece is really disgusting.Not only can't speak, but she sheds tears at every turn, and gets upset when she sees it.

Because there are not a few people like Cousin Chen.People who have no adaptability are really caught by the other party.Gu Fuyun's upright and stern words just happened to make everyone wake up and get enlightened.

A straight-tempered lady immediately said to the maid beside her, "Write down what Miss Gu Wu said just now, and tell the master when I get back."

The servant girl understood instantly, and said with a smile: "What's the use of telling the master? It should be told to Aunt Lan and Fourth Miss."

The woman said: "That's right. I only know how to cry all day long. I cry when I say something serious, and I cry when my voice is loud. No wonder it's getting more and more unlucky recently. I dare say that this mother and daughter are crying."

This remark touched the hearts of these old women, who doesn't have a little goblin who loves to cry?So everyone talked about the usual tricks of the goblins in the family.

Cousin of the Chen family: "..." After being said by Gu Fuyun, and then being so connoted by everyone, how could she dare to cry? She could only look at Mrs. Su with helpless eyes, begging for help.

Some noble ladies who have been poisoned by the concubine's tears all give their thumbs up secretly. We have lived most of our lives in vain. If I can speak at Gu Wu's level, I won't be so angry with the little goblin at home.

Mrs. Su didn't hesitate in her heart, and said with a smile: "Miss Gu is really one way when she teaches others. My niece is naturally timid, and she is indeed a bit delicate after being raised. She will cry when she is slightly wronged. It's really not appropriate. I will teach him well when I go back, so I won't bother you to teach him."

Gu Fuyun still has the ability to observe faces and looks, so she preached to cousin Chen in public.As an aunt, Mrs. Su's face is naturally dull, and she must be angry.But Gu Fuyun was not afraid, Madam Su didn't like her anyway, if she kept her low profile and swallowed her anger, not only would she not be liked by the other party, but she would even worsen and demean herself even more.All she has to do is to fight back with a needle in her face, to let the other party know that she is not easy to mess with.

A white lotus like Chen's should not give her face, but tear off her face in public, so that she will not dare to repeat the old tricks in the future.

As for Madam Su, I don't care if you want to eat me raw or peel me alive as long as you can live with it.

Although in this day and age, it is considered unfilial and disobedient for a daughter-in-law to even contradict her mother-in-law, it is really suffocating.But Gu Fuyun is not a three-year-old child, and there are ways to deal with this kind of old woman who always likes to show off her mother-in-law's money.

So Gu Fuyun blessed her body calmly, and said with a smile: "Madam taught me that. I really shouldn't treat Ms. Chen as my younger sister, and should be beaten." Then he blessed her body to Ms. Chen, with a tone of voice Solemnly and loudly, "Miss Chen, Madam is right, you are so timid and coquettish, you can't bear to be wronged. As an outsider, I really shouldn't say that about you. Madam has taught me just now, and I also understand I realized my mistake, and I solemnly apologize to you. I hope Miss Chen will not worry about it."

Mrs. Su's nose is crooked with anger, what do you mean by being timid, delicate and unbearable?If she said that, does my niece still want to be famous?Also, what do you mean I taught you a lesson?Those who didn't know thought I didn't know right from wrong.

But Gu Fuyun didn't give Mrs. Su a chance to get angry, and calmly blessed Mrs. Su: "Madam, all the sisters are waiting for me to play, so I will take my leave first, and I will come to greet you at another day." Then he left calmly .


The county magistrate Ninghe, who saw all the confrontation between Gu Fuyun and Chen's cousin, suddenly took Gu Fuyun's hand: "Gu Wu, it will be my birthday in two days, I will post a post for you, you Must come."

Gu Fuyun wailed in her heart, she would be really poor if she received a few more posts, but she said on the face: "The county lord invited me, this is a compliment to me, so I will come naturally." Forget it, if the other party is sincere Make friends with yourself, and you will not care about the price of the gift.

The County Lord Jiahe took a look at the County Leader Ninghe, and said, "Gu Wu, since you have accepted Ninghe's invitation, you can't favor one over the other. Next month is my birthday."

Gu Fuyun was stunned, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's my honor to have the honor to participate in the county lord's birthday."

Seeing this, the other three ladies were surprised, but also thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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