Chapter 174 Reward
Mrs. Chu suddenly took a red sandalwood box from the maid, and handed it to Gu Fuyun with both hands, with a sincere tone: "This is a little wish from the old man, and I hope the girl will accept it."

Gu Fuyun took it with both hands, without looking at it, and handed it to Qinghong who was at the side.

Qinghong opened the box himself, and there was a pile of bills in it. He took them out and counted them, and said in a calm tone, "There are fifty thousand taels of silver bills, two thousand taels of gold bills, and a [-] mu land in Yuanping. title deed."

Gu Fuyun's tone was calm: "The old lady is too polite."

The old lady Chu kept staring at Gu Fuyun, seeing her calm expression and indifferent tone, as if the house deed for fifty thousand taels of silver, one thousand taels of gold plus three purchases and a garden of two and a half acres wide was nothing more than a piece of land. A piece of beadwork, a dress.There was also some discomfort in his heart, but more of his admiration for Gu Fuyun.The reward she gave was enough for ordinary people to spend their whole life.Especially the Zhuangzi with a land width of [-] mu is not only a good location, but also a fertile land, which ordinary people can't buy.But Gu Wu didn't even raise his eyelids. His calmness alone was enough to be praised.It's not that kind of shallow eyelids.

And Mrs. Chu, who was bleeding profusely, greeted her with a smile: "Girl, please don't be polite to me, you deserve it." Fuyun's compensation for regretting the marriage.

Gu Fuyun nodded: "Thank you, old lady, then I will not be disrespectful." After a pause, Gu Fuyun said, "Chu Shizi's illness is also because he doesn't like to drink water at ordinary times, in addition to holding back urine for a long time, and he likes to eat nuts and other dry things. It is caused by things, and the body is cold, which causes gonorrhea. Remember to get rid of this bad living habit in the future. Drink plenty of water every day, and avoid holding back urine. Stone stranguria, avoid lack of water. And urination Turning yellow is a sign of lack of water in the body. Therefore, you must drink more pure boiled water. I will prescribe another prescription here, add water to decoct it, and take it three times. Take it for ten days in a row, and then drink it with money grass soaked in water ...and then..." At this point, his tone paused, and then he said: "If you are lucky, you can observe carefully when the son of Chu is convenient in the future. During the process of excretion, there will be a feeling of swelling and pain, and there will be fine particles mixed in the urine, Chu Shizi can tell it through careful observation."

Chu Rui responded with a full mouth.After the shame that almost collapsed just now, his feverish skin has become numb, and he has gradually accepted the fact that this helplessness has made him feel ashamed, and he has become a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

After a certain period of time, Gu Fuyun began to narrow the needles. Needle narrowing is also about skill, first from top to bottom, some needles are pulled out slowly, some needles are pulled out while rotating, and some needles are pulled out while stabbing. So again and again, Fang pulled out like a few.

It also took a full cup of tea time for the cash register needle, during which Gu Fuyun maintained a posture, which also allowed Chu Rui to see with his own eyes the nail-sized scar on her forehead. Although the scar was already relatively light, it pricked like a needle Into Chu Rui's chest, inexplicable pain, more and more guilty.

Gu Fuyun withdrew the needle, rubbed his sore neck, and explained a few more things to bless Mrs. Chu, before leaving with Shuqing.

From the beginning to the end, the wind was calm and calm, neither was he angry and wronged by the divorce, nor did he take the opportunity to take revenge by relying on saving Chu Rui, nor did he speak coldly to vent his hatred.Just a cold look, not only won the incomparable admiration of Qinghong, but also made Mrs. Chu, the grandparents and grandchildren, dare not make mistakes. The words that had been rolling in their stomachs countless times, they just couldn't say it, and they were too embarrassed to say it.

After Gu Fuyun left, the room became more and more silent.Mrs. Chu stared at Chu Rui, who had already put on his trousers.After a long time, Mrs. Chu sighed, "This Gu Wu is really not an ordinary lady."

Chu Rui was silent for a while, more than ordinary, the kind of prestige that can kill everything with just eyes, don't be too seductive.He could not express his small thoughts that had been rolling in his stomach thousands of times, and he had no chance to express them, so he could only sigh in silence.

Mrs. Chu glanced at her grandson, wisely she didn't say anything more, she just said: "Even if you still have unreasonable thoughts about Gu Wu, but today's matter must be rotten in your heart, and you must not say anything. If it is reported, I will break your leg."

Chu Rui said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, grandma, grandson is such a person?" In fact, he also thought about it, and wanted to snatch Gu Wu from Su Liu. This method is the most effective, but he can only think in his heart. think.


Besides, the chapter in the morning was deleted and deleted again, and it was still locked in the small black room twice. Later, it was released under the mediation of the editor in charge, so the update was delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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