Chapter 175 Sense of Crisis

Back at Master Hongya's meditation room, both Gu Yuanshan and Master Hongya heaved a sigh of relief, and Gu Yuanshan waved to her: "Why do you take so long to read a book?"

Gu Fuyun walked in, glanced at the chessboard, and asked without answering, "How is the game going?"

Gu Yuanshan glanced at Master Hongya without a word.

Master Hongya said: "The poor monk is not good at learning, ashamed, ashamed."

Gu Yuanshan said: "The master devotes all his heart to the Buddha, and the Dharma is profound. If you think about it, you don't have time to play chess. It is also possible that you are unfamiliar with chess skills."

Gu Fuyun looked left and right, suddenly understood, and sneaked a very unkind glance at Hongya.

Hongya was ashamed, but she could only swallow the bitter fruit, and asked Gu Fuyun pretending to be calm: "The benefactor is full of rosy face, and his eyes are clear. If you want to come here to Zangshu Pavilion, you should gain a lot."

Gu Fuyun said seriously: "It's only natural. If it wasn't for the night getting late and the drowsiness coming, I really didn't want to leave."

Gu Yuanshan and Gu Fuyun went back to the yard together, Gu Yuanshan endured and endured, and couldn't help but ask Gu Fuyun: "How is my sister's chess skills?"

Gu Fuyun said honestly: "It's okay, if you play chess with the second brother and let me be the fifth son, I should be able to hold on to a cup of tea."

Gu Yuanshan: "..." After a long time, he murmured, "No wonder Master Hongya wants to play chess with you." No wonder the two stinky chess baskets stink together.

Gu Fuyun couldn't bear it any longer, covered his lips and laughed loudly: "Second elder brother can explain Master Hongya's stinky chess skills so freshly and refinedly, it really gives me a lot of insight."

When Gu Yuanshan was left alone, Gu Yuanshan was still muttering to himself: "Fresh and refined? This word is quite novel, but... is there such a use?"


Gu Fuyun closed the room, waved his hand, let Shuqing who was coming up to him go, and said impatiently to Qinghong: "Hurry up, give me that box."

Silently, Qinghong took out the red sandalwood box from her thick sleeve, which had been covered with heat by her. The phoenix model you want is made of exquisite copper locks.But Gu Fuyun didn't have the time to appreciate it, so he couldn't wait to open the box, and took out all the silver notes, gold notes, and land deeds inside, and counted them one by one.

Qinghong said helplessly: "Girl, just now the maidservant personally ordered, fifty thousand taels of silver notes, two thousand taels of gold notes, and a land deed."

Gu Fuyun said: "You don't understand, you will have a sense of accomplishment after passing my hand." After counting over and over again, he reluctantly put it back into the box, and only then did he have the time to appreciate the beauty of the box Yu Fugui touched the box and said, "This box is too exquisite, it's not safe at first glance, so I'd better change it." Reluctantly, he put the bank notes and the land deed into the box, locked it, He was still in his arms, refusing to let go.

Although Shu Qing was no longer surprised, she couldn't help but stroke her forehead.

Gu Fuyun thought that thanks to being plotted by Chu Rui, she was able to bear the boundless anger and did not tell Chu Rui that she had saved him, and now the rewards are really rich.

The heavy box told her that even if she had a trump card in her hand, she had to throw it out at the right time to get twice the result with half the effort.

After the excitement, Gu Fuyun returned to reality. Although she owns the land deed, what name would she use to transfer it to the government?If thousands of people leaked the news, outsiders would definitely suspect that the Chu family's real estate could be adopted into her name for no reason.If it is publicized by good people, she and Chu Rui can't tell.

Gu Fuyun, who wanted to earn money but didn't want to have anything to do with Chu Rui, ironed the bed sheets all night, and put on a pair of panda eyes the next day.Fortunately, I was young, so I didn't really notice it when I applied it with boiled eggs.

In the early morning, Chu Rui came to Gu Fuyun's courtyard. The courtyard door was closed, but the door next to it was wide open. Gu Yuanshan was boxing with Jiang Yan in the courtyard.After all, the Gu family is also a hereditary earl's mansion that was conferred upon the founding of the dynasty. It has been passed down through three generations, and it still has a lot of background.

Chu Rui was hesitating whether to knock on the door, Gu Yuanshan, who had spotted Chu Rui's figure at the corner of his eyes, had stopped punching, and came out to ask: "Brother is wandering here, but looking for someone?"

Only then did Chu Rui find out that it was Gu Yuanshan, Gu Fuyun's second brother, and he was a little embarrassed.

Gu Yuanshan still recognized Chu Rui, his face sank, and he cupped his hands with a smirk and said: "It turns out to be the son of the protector of the country. I don't know why the son is here so early in the morning?"

Jiang Yan behind him also looked at Chu Rui subconsciously. His eyebrows were cut like a knife, slender and tied into a bun, his eyes were like lacquer, piercing, and a young Chinese character face. , to neutralize the stereotype that the general Chinese character face will have.Dressed in a sky-blue long gown after rain, without a crown, her exquisite facial features, such as the demeanor of a pavilion, is completely different from the gentle and elegant but thin figure of the literati nowadays, and has a sunny aura of strength and beauty.

Jiang Yan thought to himself: Most of the children of the rich and powerful nowadays are flamboyant and flamboyant, but this Prince Chu has a sense of unfathomable depth.People subconsciously dare not make mistakes.Fortunately, the fifth cousin divorced him. How could such a person be suitable for the pampered fifth cousin who doesn't like restraint?
Chu Rui was also a little embarrassed when he saw Gu Yuanshan, but compared to last night, he was so ashamed that he couldn't pick it up anymore, and he was not dying, so he quickly returned to normal, cupped his hands and said, "Second Brother Gu."

Gu Yuanshan snorted softly, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "Chu Shizi was born in a duke's family, and all contacts are dignitaries. The Gu family is small, so Chu Shizi can still call Gu by his name."

Chu Rui: "I didn't expect to meet Brother Gu here. It was a coincidence. To be honest, I have something to ask Brother Gu. I also ask Brother Gu to enlighten me."

Gu Yuanshan said: "What kind of virtue and ability does Gu have, how can he afford to teach you. Besides, Gu has little talent and learning, so he dare not teach Chu Shizi. Chu Shizi has found the wrong person."

Chu Rui ignored Gu Yuanshan's cold face, clasped his fists again, and said sincerely: "Brother Gu, only you can really help with this matter."

Gu Yuanshan didn't believe it, and said in a cold voice: "Chu Shizi's literary and military strategy, simplicity is in the emperor's heart, and he can handle the errands well. People who live in the shade of our ancestors, against the backdrop of Chu Shizi, are mediocre and even more ashamed Yu sees people. Something that even Prince Chu finds troublesome, Gu is afraid that he can’t do anything about it. Prince Chu should hire someone else.”

At this time, the courtyard door on Gu Fuyun's side was also opened, Qingsi poked her head out, and said to Gu Yuanshan: "Second Master, Young Master Jiang Biao, the girl's breakfast is ready, the two masters can have dinner now." Thinking of the egg and pickled vegetable vermicelli soup made by my girl today, the hot and sour taste has already stimulated Qingsi to salivate unceasingly.

Gu Yuanshan and Jiang Yan were also shocked, and they made two moves in three steps, and crossed the gate of the courtyard.

When Chu Rui heard that Gu Fuyun actually made breakfast for Gu Yuanshan and Jiang Yan himself, he looked at Jiang Yan with open eyes.

Chu Rui narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the young man in front of him was only dressed in ordinary silk embroidered and ordinary Wensheng scarves, his elegant atmosphere and handsome facial features made him the identity of a scholar. Does the Eight Great Aunts include the ideal wishful husband candidates for everyone?

Chu Rui's heart is full of crises.Before Su Liu could solve it, another scholar's cousin appeared. This cousin's cousin is really annoying.


 Out of words

  After the Song Dynasty, the first criterion for women in ancient times to choose a son-in-law was a scholar.Literati with fame and fame are the first choice of ladies.From Taozi's point of view, Juren in ancient times had a status comparable to that of the present, and could hold a golden job.Scholars are even more extraordinary, graduate students in Zhongbenli, Guangzong Yaozu
(End of this chapter)

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