Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 177 The whole person is bad

Chapter 177 The whole person is bad

Shuqing's voice came from the window: "Qinghong, send off the prince Chu for the girl."

Qinghong put down the water basin, and turned to Chu Ruifu: "Chu Shizi, please."

Chu Rui naturally refused to leave: "I still have something to say to your girl."

Qinghong remained expressionless: "My maid feels that it's okay for the prince of Chu to tell me if he has something to say, and the maid will pass it on to the girl."

"You are a maid, how can you be the master, I want to tell your girl in person."

Seeing this, Shuqing called Qingsi.

"Me?" Qingsi pointed to her nose, and quickly shook her head, "No, this Prince Chu is very good at martial arts, I am no match for him."

"Stupid, don't you know how to use your brain?" Shuqing said angrily.

And Qinghong in the yard pursed her lips, "My lord, are you going to force your slaves to make big moves?"

Zhou Qing, who was out of breath and brought the gift, heard this as soon as he entered the courtyard. He couldn't help being happy, and stepped forward and said, "Little lady, what big move do you want to use? Hurry up. I'll see."

Qinghong's heart fluttered, he suddenly messed with his hair, then tore off the silver-red bijia and the white collar shirt, then opened his throat and said, "Come here, you're indecent."

The girl's voice was already sharp, but it was even harsher when she yelled so loudly. Zhou Qing was so frightened that he ran away, fearing that someone would find out that he would not be able to clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

Not only Zhou Qing was so frightened that he ran away from the door, even Chu Rui also fled subconsciously.After running not far away, the courtyard door behind him was suddenly shut with a "thump".

When the two fleeing for the road heard the sound, they stopped belatedly, belatedly thinking that they had been fooled.

"Ah." Both master and servant sighed at the same time, looking at the closed courtyard door, dejected.

Unexpectedly, Gu Wu's girl looks so delicate, but she turns out to be a ruthless character.

Even Gu Fuyun was impressed by Qinghong's performance.

Shu Qing said: "I didn't expect Qing Hong to be taciturn at ordinary times, but he still has such emergency response skills in critical situations."

Qingsi said: "Girl, if I meet someone like this again in the future, I will also learn from Qinghong."

Shuqing said contemptuously: "You?"

But Gu Fuyun clapped his hands and said: "Yes, with the same contingency method, Qingsi's effect is definitely better than Qinghong's."


In this room, Zhou Qing, who was not very convinced, said angrily: "I am a majestic man, and it is too embarrassing to be scared away by a little girl."

"Master, no, I'm going to get my face back."

Chu Rui raised his hands to support: "Go, maybe you can save money on marrying a daughter-in-law." As long as Zhou Qing takes care of the maids around Gu Wu, isn't he afraid that he won't see Gu Wu?
Zhou Qing thought the same way, not only could he embrace the beauty, but he could also contribute to his master's lifelong plan, which was worth it.

So, I straightened my clothes and went bravely.

Chu Rui, who was standing at the corner, waited for a while, and sure enough, he heard the voice of "indecent" again, and couldn't help laughing.Sure enough, it would be perfect to bring Zhou Qing here. This kid really has the ability to be calm and adaptable in times of crisis.

After a while, I saw Zhou Qing rushing out in a panic, pulling Chu Rui and running away in a panic.

Chu Rui didn't move his body, so what if he said he would make a mistake?
"Dengtuzi, don't run away, you must be responsible to me." The sound of swallowing mountains and rivers startled countless birds in the forest.

this sound...

I saw the person running towards them, with big arms and round waist, with a fleshy face, tall and strong, the flesh on his body shook up and down as he ran, Chu Rui almost couldn't lift it up in one breath, and ran faster than Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing: "..."

Seeing the fleeing master and servant, Qingsi felt awe-inspiring, and continued to chase, shouting while chasing: "Don't run, disciple Deng, stop for me."

At this time, there were already monks walking around on the mountain, and they all came to see the sound.

Qingsi followed Gu Fuyun to run and exercise every day, it was really running for a thousand days, used for a while, and chased to death all the way.

Chu Rui and Zhou Qing didn't expect the strong maid to run so well, so they had to use their breastfeeding strength to run hard all the way to get rid of Qingsi.

After getting rid of the person, the master and the servant came to a place where no one was there, looked at each other, and finally smiled wryly.

"Who are the people around Gu Wu?" Wu Wu thumped the stone table, it was so annoying.

Chu Rui also sighed, and suddenly his face became serious: "You called Gu Wu?"

Zhou Qing hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it should be Miss Gu Wu."


Looking at the scene of Zhou Qing who was originally high-spirited and fled in fright, the scene was so seductive and funny that Gu Fuyun laughed until his stomach ached.

The other two Qing also laughed, laughing until tears came out.

Gu Fuyun laughed so much that he could hardly stand up straight, but suddenly saw that Shuqing was not smiling, but was only looking at him with a serious face, he couldn't help but thump, then put away his smile, and slowly sat upright.

Qinghong also thought of something, and quickly bound her hands, lowered her head, waiting for Shuqing's question.

Qing'e and Qingjuan were puzzled, looked at Gu Fuyun, and then at Shuqing.

Seeing this, Shuqing knew that the two youths were not involved, so she let them out and closed the door.

Although Qingjuan and Qingsi didn't know why, they went out obediently and closed the door.

Only Gu Fuyun, Shu Qing, and Qinghong were left in the room, so Shuqing asked Qinghong with a serious face: "Speak! What did Prince Chu mean just now?"

Qinghong secretly looked at Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun sighed, and said: "Shuqing, don't force Qinghong anymore, can't I confess?"

Shuqing glared at her: "Girl, I'm a servant girl, so I shouldn't be asking about my master's private affairs. But the girl is too out of line. I know that the girl is good at medicine, but no matter how good her medical skills are, she can't compare to the reputation of her daughter's family? If someone surnamed Chu spreads it everywhere, does the girl still want to be famous?"

Gu Fuyun said: "He dare not."

"He is the son of the protector of the country, and he is also a celebrity in front of the emperor, so why not dare?" If you really spread it everywhere, can you bite him?

Gu Fuyun said: "He didn't dare. If he dared to spread the word, I dared to expose his illness." Even hemorrhoids are hidden, let alone his lifeblood.Gu Fuyun bet that Chu Rui would not dare to publicize.

Shuqing sneered and said, "What if someone kills someone and silences them?"

Gu Fuyun was taken aback, and said again: "You are too good at thinking, what about it?"

But Shu Qing said with a serious face: "Miss, don't you believe it? You can go outside to inquire about it. Before, the slaves were around the old lady, and they heard a lot. How did Dr. Li, who is opposite us, die? Miss Do you know?"

Gu Fuyun looked at Shuqing.

Shu Qing said: "Doctor Li's father, his medical skills are indeed well-known, but one day, he was killed at home, and the case has not been solved yet."

Gu Fuyun said: "That doesn't prove that the murderer is the old doctor Li's patient?"

"It's true that it can't be proved. But I heard from the old lady's analysis that Mr. Li went to Anguo Gong's mansion to see a doctor. After An Guogong recovered from his illness, this old doctor Li was killed at home. Old lady Then I suspected that it might be the hands of Duke An's family, because after the death of Old Doctor Li, Duke An's medical records disappeared."

Generally, when a doctor sees a wealthy family, there will be a medical record.But this does not prove that old doctor Li was killed by the Duke's mansion.

Shu Qing said again: "At that time, the Shuntian Mansion took over the case, but the Li family hurriedly buried Mrs. Li, the people did not raise the case, the officials did not investigate, and the death of Mrs. Li was nothing like this. But since then, Li When people see a doctor, there is a rule that they only see common minor diseases, and do not care about privacy problems."

Gu Fuyun was thoughtful.

Shu Qing continued: "Although there is no evidence to show that the death of old doctor Li is related to the government of Anguo, once the privacy is involved in the doctor's treatment of the rich and powerful, in order not to expose the privacy, it is very likely to kill people. Girl, you are quite skilled in medicine. Talent, but for the grasp of human nature, it is still necessary to pay more attention."

Gu Fuyun: "..." All of a sudden, the money he earned from the Chu family was no longer good, and his whole body was also bad.

(End of this chapter)

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